Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1980, Page 73

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1980, Page 73
55 [Ev. sec. Mathæum, 28, 1-7. Vespere autem sabbati que lucescit...] ubi positus erat dominus... et ecce precedet uos in galileam. .. ecce predixi uobis. [Seer. ] Suscipe quesumus domine preces populi tui eum oblationibus hostiarum... [Pref. VD] equum et salutare. Te quidem omni tempore sed in hac potis- simum nocte gloriosius predicare... [Infra actionem] Communicantes et noctem sacratissimam celebrantes resurrectionis... Hane igitur oblacionem seruitutis nostre. . . quesumus domine ut placatus accipias. [Postcom. ] Spiritum nobis domine tue karitatis infunde... per dominum nostrum in unitate eiusdem. The missal obviously ended here, and the verso, which was the back cover of the manuscript, was left blank. It seems to have belonged to the first part of a missal per annum, containing the liturgy from Advent to Holy Saturday. Missals consisting of a first part, from Advent to Holy Saturday, and of a second one, from the Resurrection to Advent, are often mentioned in the Icelandic church charters, sometimes also with addition of a commonsbok, a volume containing the Common of the saints. Sæmundr Ormsson of Svinafell (Skapt.) was chieftain {godi) in the South-East from 1241 to 1252, when he was killed, together with his younger brother, by their brother-in-law in a family feud related in the Sturlunga Saga. Their obits are entered on 13 April in the calendar AM 249c fol. (see below, pp. 125-26). His decree, copied on the verso of our missal fragment, concems the right to jetsam and whales in the districts surrounding the HomafjorSur and the SkarSsfjoråur (Skapt.). The last third of the text is missing. The leaf was intact in 1631, when a copy was made in Skålholt, witnessed by four members of the clergy, who had ‘seen and read an old writ in an ancient vellum quire (kver)’; this copy was again copied by Åmi Magnusson in Skålholt in 1710 (from which copy the missing last third of the decree was edited). After the Skålholt interlude, the leaf was mutilated. It ended up as binding material, glued to the outward cover of a law-book, the present MS AM 345 fol., containing Jonsbok, i.a. It was seen by Årni Magnusson and acquired by him. Church charters are sometimes found entered on the vacant spaces of liturgical books. Here, the entry of a legal doeument, promulgated
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