Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1999, Side 264
Part Two
otherwise would have only two syllables.21 But in so far as the emen-
dation is not independent of considerations of alliteration, it does not
stand up to our principle of textual criticism. Bugge pointed to the
faet that Rindr alliterates in r- in Grogaldr, but this argument is natu-
rally immaterial in our context, where we are concemed with the phe-
nomenon used as a chronological test.
On the basis of this examination the following conclusions can be
1) In Gripisspa and Atlamål alliteration in r- has been established be-
yond reasonable doubt, and also Helgakvida Hjprvardssonar, Alviss-
mål and Grogaldr are relatively strong cases. Weak cases are Helga-
kvida Hundingsbana II, where alliteration in r- is found only in rog,
which may be an old form, and Gnmnismal, where the etymology of
Ratatoskr is uncertain, and finally Rigspula, where the metrical
evaluation is inconclusive.
2) In Vajprudnismal, Fdfnismål and Sigrdrifumål alliteration in vr- is
well established, but in the latter two alliteration in vr- is chiefly
found in the formula vreidr vega. (The case of Fåfnismdl is some-
what stronger than that of Sigrdrifumål, because vr- in vreidr would
seem to entail vr- also in vrpng.) Another strong case is Baldrs
draumar, where the form in vr- can be disposed of only on the basis
of textual emendation. Weak cases are Prymskvida, Fjplsvinnsmdl
(and Solarljod), where the metrical reasons for restoring forms in vr-
are far from compelling.
3) Mixed cases are Atlakvida, Lokasenna and Håvamdl. The cases of
Atlakvida and Lokasenna are rather similar in so far as both have safe
occurrences of vr- in vreidr (in Lokasenna in the formula vreidr
vega), and at the same time safe occurrences of r- in rog, rægja. Atla-
kvida has in addition a less certain occurrence of vr- in vreka. This
evidence can be explained in different ways:
21 Verses in two syllables are are extremely rare in fornyrdislag. Sievers recognizes 3 oc-
currences (Type G; Sievers 1893: 66), two of which are in Rigspula. But there is in Baldrs
draumar a tendency to short verses; at least 4 lines have only three syllables (2.2,4.4,6.8,
11.5? and 13.4).