Editiones Arnamagnæanæ. Series B - 01.10.1968, Side 87
made use of the second Icelandic Bible, Þorláksbiblía
from 1644. C 218 relates that the Flood began on
27th July, 1656 years after the Creation and 2305
years before the birth of Christ. The same piece of
information is found in Þorláksbiblía in a marginal
note to Genesis 7, whereas the first Bible, Guðbrands-
biblía from 1584, which also contains this marginal
note, gives the number of years before the birth of
Christ as 2306. Later editions of the Bible (Steins-
biblía 1728, etc.) do not have marginal notes. Cf.
the discussion of 346-51 and 353-55.
The information that the length of the Ark was
3000 cubits (212-14) does not derive from the Bible;
cf. Petrus Comestor, Historia Scholastica, col. 1082,
where the Ark is stated to be “longitudine trecen-
torum cubitorum” (at the corresponding point in
Stjórn (p. 56), it is said that the length of the Ark
was “.ccc. alna”).
223-85 This section is an excerpt from the German
Heinrich Biinting’s Itinerarium Sacræ Scripturæ8.
The same source is employed at 373-85, 583-93, 617,
634-40, 710-17, 833-38. Bunting’s work appeared in
German in Helmstedt in 1581. It was translated into
Danish and published in Copenhagen in 1608 under
the title: “En Reisebog Offuer den hellige Schrifft”,
reissued in 1615 and 1627. For Icelandic translations
see p. xcviii f.
The language in C’s Itinerarium excerpts clearly
shows Danish influence; e.g. the verb hlaupa, Danish
lebe (“run”) is used of the rivers (227, 231, 235, 237,
240), and the river Tigris hefur syna utsprungu,
Danish haffuer sin vdspring (“has its source”). In
the present edition C is compared with the Danish
translation from 1608. It is possible, however, that
8. Neue deutsche Biographie II, 1955, p. 741.