Editiones Arnamagnæanæ. Series B - 01.10.1968, Page 119
huor F) standandi j munni Adamz. rso stödu þeir þar
(þesser vender stodu þar F) EF, ulne unius longitudinem
habentes. Steteruntque in ore Ade L.
h ok stodv æthid medh bloma D, ok stoðu með grönu
blómí bæði vetr ok siunar A, ~-EF, L.
i fraa, Adam og thil Noam. fra Noa og thil Abraham.
fra Abraham og til þess at D, ~A, rfra Adam (allt fra
dogum Adams F) til Noa. fra Noa til Abrahamz. fra
Abraham rallt (-i-F) til Moyses EF (with this E ends),
usque ad tempus Noe, a Noe usque ad Abraham, ab
Abraham usque ad Moisen L.
j ~-D, A, aldrej vaxande. nie þverrande. med sama græn-
leik og stodu þar med jafnade F, numquam crescentes
nec decressentes nec viriditatem amittentes L.
h Moyses leidde Jsraels lyd yfir hafed Rauda vndan anavd
Pharao kongs D, enn sua segiz. at þa er guð bauð Moisi
at fara til Egipta lanz at frelsa þaðan folk sitt A, enn
sem Moises hafdj íítleidt Jsraels lyd af Egyfftalandj. og
frá þuj Rauda hafe F, Cumque Moises propheta precepto
domini populum Israéliticum ex Egipto de servitute
Pharaonis trans mare rubrum educeret L.
It appears from the survey that the EP version
follows L accurately, while D on two occasions
(c and h) has variants in agreement with A and
elsewhere (e, i, k) agrees rather with EF. D 8-26
and P 108-23 are renderings of the same passage in
L 99-119 but no comjaarison can be made between
them as hoth D and P are independently abbreviated
versions. L 112-19 is rendered in D 17-26 but not
in F, and L 104-6 is rendered in F 113-16 but not
in D. The two texts can be compared where they
render the same passage from L. Thus L 106-12
corresponds to D 12-17 and F 116-23. These passages
show clearly that D and F represent two independent
Then the possibility may be taken into account
that D 1-34 represents a survival of an unabbreviated
text of the A version. When compared with A,
D has on the one hand an addition (b) and on the