Editiones Arnamagnæanæ. Series B - 01.10.1968, Síða 368
78, 120-24, 126-28, 139-
40, 152-54.
Davíðstjörn 33, 75, 77, 126-
27, 129, 139-40, 154.
Dauðasjór 29-30.
Debora, daughter of Adam
Dismas, thief 57.
Ebron, Hebron 1-2, 8, 19,
27, 30, 53, 60, 62, 71, 86,
96, 99, 114-15, 117, 137,
147-48, 152, 156.
Eden 19, 44, 101-2, 104, 149-
Egiptaland 8, 29, 31—33, 44,
71, 152.
Eliseus, prophet 153.
Enoc (wrongly for Enos), son
of Seth 27.
Enoch, son of Cain 21.
Enoch, town in India 21.
Enok, son of Jared 27.
Ethiopia 9.
Euphrates 4, 24, 28, 65, 108,
Europa 28.
Eva 1, 19-20, 44-45, 59-60,
96-97, 102, 148, 150.
Gad, son of Jacob 47.
Ganges 28.
Gehenna 43.
Genesis 45.
Geon 4, 24, 29, 65, 108, 150.
Gesmas, thief 57.
Gesta Salvatoris 84.
Golgatah 49.
Gomorra 29.
Gyðingaland 34, 43-44, 48,
57, 78, 155.
Hannas 45.
Hebron, see Ebron.
Heldvaderus, Nicolaus 43.
Herodes I 43-44, 46.
Hieronymus 30.
Hideckel 28.
Holgeirs saga danska 77.
Horeb 153.
Indíaland 21, 97, 149.
Isaskar, son of Jacob 47.
ísland 93, 137, 147.
Israel, Irael 9, 33, 51, 53-54,
71, 117, 125, 138, 152-53.
Jabel, son of Lamech 21.
Jafet 28.
Jared, son of Mahalalel 27.
Jaspis, serpent 59.
Jerusalem, Jórsalaborg 18,
28-29, 36, 38, 42-44, 47,
51, 53, 74-75, 80, 82, 121,
153, 155.
Jesus, see Christus.
Johannes, apostle 49, 85.
Joka, thief 51.
Jordan 125, 139, 153.
Jórsalaland 1, 11, 37, 132,
Joseph, son of Jaeob 50.
Joseph, husband of Maria 44.
Joseph, in the Gospel of Ni-
codemus 85.
Josephus Flavius 34, 43.
Jubal, son of Lamech 21.
Juda, son of Jacob 45.
Judas, apostle 45.
Kain, see Cain.
Kaífas 45.
Kalldea 29.
Kam, see Cam.
Kanan, son of Enos 27.