Le Nord : revue internationale des Pays de Nord - 01.06.1940, Side 139

Le Nord : revue internationale des Pays de Nord - 01.06.1940, Side 139
THE VINLAND VOYAGES x33 that it may have preserved certain details omitted, or forgotten, by the Saga, and among them may be counted the information about the length of the day in Vinland during the winter, and the mention of the white beaches in Markland. I may be permitted to say a few words here about the na- tionality of these explorers, since there seems at times to be certain misunderstanding with regard to it. Erik the Red, the dis- coverer and founder of the Icelandic colony in Greenland, was a Norwegian by birth who as an exile from this native country settled in Iceland where he married and had children. Undoubted- ly Leif and Thorstein, his sons by his Icelandic wife, were born in Iceland and probably had reached the age of maturity when they went with their father to Greenland. There seems to be some doubt about the legitimacy of his two other children, Thor- vald and Freydis, yet they doubtless were also born in Iceland. All other persons mentioned in the sources in connection with the voyages were Icelanders; we may disregard Tyrker the German who probably is a fictitious character, unless he re- presents the missionary, or priest, sent by King Olaf to christian- ize the Greenlanders. And here an occasion offers itself to cor- rect another misconception. One sees it often stated that King Olaf Tryggvason sent Leif to Greenland and on that voyage Leif accidentally discovered Vinland, hence the king is given part of the credit for the discovery. This is not correct. It was customary in those days that merchant-sailors left their home for abroad one summer and returned home the following summer. And this we may assume was what Leif did. He left Greenland in the summer of 999, spent the next winter in Norway, and intended to return next year to Greenland. Hence the king did not send him thither, but seized the opportunity of his return to send with him a message and a priest to the Greenlanders. Whether, however, the king’s good wishes or the priest’s presence aboard had any influence upon the discovery of Vinland, lies beyond human power to ascertain. II. For an imaginative person it is very tempting to seek a solution of the geographical problem presented by the Vinland voyages. It is, as stated above, a most difficult problem to deal v^ith because of the meagreness of the sources and the absence
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Le Nord : revue internationale des Pays de Nord

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