Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 14

Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 14
12 Thus altogether 183 species of foreign plants had been found growing in a wild state in the period 1900—1966, not counting those foreign plants already permanently established before 1900. Of these 26 may be said to have become well established, while an additional 7—10 spe- cies are probably just about to become so. The remainder are of more irregular occurrence. (Some foreign Taraxa- cum “species” seem to have become permanently esta- blished but this remains to be studied closer). This is com- parable with the number of species thought to have become established in the country from the beginning of the settle- ment (about 874) up to about 1960 (Steindórsson 1962). Of these 183 species, 26 belong to Cruciferae, 28 to Graminae, 25 to Compositae, 18 to Leguminosae, while fewer species belong to other families. The 26 permanently established species are the fol- lowing: Alopecurus pratensis Avena pubescens Bromus inermis Dactylis glomerata Holcus lanatus Lolium perenne Sieglingia decumbens Allium oleracium Rumex crispus Cerastium glomeratum Stéllaria graminea Barbarea vulgaris Rorippa silvestris Trifolium pratensis Aegopodium podagraria Anthriscus silvestris Myrrhis odorata Myosotis pálustris Lamium amplexicaule L. purpureum L. album Veronica chamaedrys Achillea ptarmica Tussilago farfara Chrysanthemum leucanthemum Matricaria matricarioides Records of foreign species at some selected localities. By far the greatest number of foreign species are found in SW-Iceland, and especially in and around Reykjavík. But many species are also found outside this areas, especially in towns and noteably in or near the second largest town, Akureyri, N-Iceland. In the accompanying tables the foreign species recorded from 20 localities are
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Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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