Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 40

Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 40
38 topography of the islands is relatively stable the vegetation has reached the stability of climax communities. In contrast with this, pioneer plants have just started colonizing the coast of the recent island of Surtsey. It is hoped that future studies of its vegetation will reveal the means of dispersal and evolution of seral communi- ties of the Westman Islands. Introduction Colonization of terrestrial plants on the new volcanic island Surtsey in the Westman Islands group is affected by the available source of species on the adjacent land masses as well as means of dispersal and environment conditions on Surtsey. As a background for evaluating the colonization of plants on the new island a good knowledge of the flora of these land masses is necessary. In the manual of vas- cular plants of Iceland (Stefánsson 1924 and Löve 1945) records are made of some species of vascular plants grow- ing in the Westman Islands as well as the various loca- tions on the adjacent mainland. A thorough study of higher plant life on Heimaey, the only inhabited island of the Westman Islands group, was carried out by Baldur Johnsen (1939) who also made some studies on Bjarnar- ey. A few additional observations have been made on the vegetation of the outer islands, although no floral lists were available. In order to establish better knowledge of the flora in this area, it was thus considered necessary to carry out an investigation of the vegetation of the outer islands. The work was sponsored by the Surtsey Research Society with a grant from the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Topographical Features According to present knowledge, geologists believe the Westman Islands to have been created by volcanic activi- ties towards the end of and after the last Glaciation. The formation of Surtsey has clarified facts concerning the
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Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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