Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 50

Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 50
48 however, not necessarily continuous. It is the vegetation of the slanting slope, but is interrupted wherever the cliffs are too steep to hold this type of vegetation. Its lower mar- gin is at high tidemark and the upper border is contiguous to the puffin colony. This zone varies in width, reach- ing a higher level on the southern side, which is exposed to the Atlantic, where the surf is more intense, than on the side facing the mainland. This vegetation does not form a continuous mat. It is an open community with plants growing in small patches in depressions and crevices, where some soil or anchorage is to be found on the other- wise bare rock. Estimated ground-coverage is one to five percent of the total area. The predominating species are Puccinella maritima and Coclilearia officinalis with Ar- meria vulgaris, Atriplex patula and Plantago maritima as associated species. IV. The Angelica cluster is situated on slopes or rocky shelves on the northern sides of some of the islands. It is described by Johnsen (1939). The dominant species is Archangelica officinalis with Matricaria maritima and Stellaria media as associated species. On the margins of the cluster these are sometimes also accompanied by Festuca rubra. An account will now be given of the plant communi- ties of the outer islands, beginning with the largest island and ending with the smallest, the communities being grouped in the four associations (Tables IV and V). Plant distribution of individual islands Surtsey The new volcanic island, Surtsey, is the southernmost of the outer islands. It was built up by volcanic activi- ties which started on November 14th 1963 and were still continuing on June 4th 1967. The area of this new island is approximately 2.5 sq. km, half of which is covered with lava, the remainder being mostly covered with volcanic ash and cinder which will presumably later harden into
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Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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