Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 26

Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 26
24 Innri-Veðrará, ísafjarðarsýsla, NW-Iceland; in 1955 at Hnífsdalur and Staður in Súgandafjörður, Isafjarðar- sýsla, NW-Iceland, and in 1960 in Keflavík, Gullbringu- sýsla, SW-Iceland, and Vestmannaeyjar (the city), S- Iceland. In the period 1960—66 it was noted in addition at Isafjörður (the city), Þingeyri, Patreksfjörður and Hvítanes, all localities in ísafjarðarsýsla, NW-Iceland; Húsavík and Siglufjörður, N-Iceland; Skorrastaðir and Búðir, Suður-Múlasýsla, E-Iceland; Eyrarbakki, Selfoss, Hveragerði, Laugarvatn, Villingaholt (the school), and Búrfell, all in Árnessýsla, S-Iceland. The species probably grows in a number of additional localities and it has im- doubtedly become permanently established. It has spread very quickly and reached most parts of Iceland in only 25 years (1940—1965). 7. Matricaria matricarioides (gulbrá) (figs. 7 and 8). This species was collected for the first time in Iceland at Reykjavík in 1902 by Bjarni Sæmundsson and others. In that year M. matricarioides was already very abundant in Reykjavík, where out of the way places were comple- tely grown with it and it was also found growing here and there on little-frequented streets and squares (see Stef- ánsson, 1919). This indicates that the plant had been growing in Reykjavík for some time in 1902 and Sæmunds- son (personal communication, in 1936) thought that he had first noticed the species in 1895. By 1920 it was pro- bably still mostly confined to Reykjavík (Stefánsson, 1924). In 1928 it was discovered in a vegetable garden in Akureyri, N-Iceland (Ingimar Óskarsson) and in 1932 Áskell Löve found a few specimens at the newly erected lighthouse Hornbjargsviti, Isafjarðarsýsla, NW-Iceland. Around 1930 Steindór Steindórsson found it growing abun- dantly at Stokkseyri and Gaulverjabær, Árnessýsla, S- Iceland, and in 1935 he found it at Svalbarðseyri and Möðruvellir, Eyjafjarðarsýsla, N-Iceland, and Bjarnanes, Austur-Skaftafellssýsla, SE-Iceland. In 1940 I found it in Neskaupstaður, E-Iceland, and Bakkagerði and Borg in
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Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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