Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 80

Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 80
VÍSINDAFÉLAG ÍSLENDINGA (SOCIETAS SCIENTIARUM ISLANDICA) RIT OCCASIONAL PUBLICATIONS 1. GuSmundnr G. BárSarson: Fornar sjávarminjar við Borgarfjörð og Hvalfjörð. Old Sea Deposits in Borgarfjörður and Hvalfjörður. With an English Summary of the Contents. Akureyri 1923 .......................................................Out of print 2. Bjarni Sæmundsson: Synopsis of tlie Fishes of Iceland. Rvk. 1927 .............Out of print 3. Thorkell Thorkelsson: On the Thermal Activity in Reykjanes. Iceland. Rvk. 1928 Out of print 4. Alexander Jóliannesson: Die Komposita im Islandischen. Rvk. 1928 ............ Out of print 5. Thorkell Thorkelsson: Some Additional Notes on Thermal Activity in Iceland. Rvk. 1930 Out of print 6. Vulkan-Ausbruche in Island. I. Guðmundur G. Bárðarson: Vulkan-Ausbriiche in der Gegend der Hekla im Jahre 1913. Rvk. 1930 ................................ Out of print 7. Steindór Steindórsson: Vegetation Researches in Þjórsárdalur, South-Iceland. Rvk. 1930 ............................................................................ Kr. 25.00 8. Ingimar óskarsson: The Vegetation of the Islet Hrísey in Eyjafjörður, North-Ice- land. Rvk. 1930 ................................................................... — 25.00 9. Thorkell Thorkelsson: Frequency Curves Determined by Semi-Invariants. Rvk. 1931 — 50.00 10. J. Eythorsson: On the Present Position of the Giaciers in Iceland. Rvk. 1931 ..... — 50.00 11. Steinn Emilsson: Lössbildung auf Island. Rvk. 1931 ............................... — 25.00 12. H. H. Eiríksson: Observations and Measurements of some Glaciers in Austur-Skafta- fellssýsla. Rvk. 1932 ............................................................. — 50.00 13. Ingimar Óskarsson: Some Observations of the Vegetation of Eyjafjörður and Akur- eyri. Rvk. 1932 ................................................................... — 50.00 14. Steindór Steindórsson: t)ber die Vegetation des Safamýri (Safamoores) in Siidisland. Rvk. 1932 ......................................................................... — 25.00 15. Thorltell Thorkelsson: Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse nach gedruckten islandischen Quellen bis zum Jahre 1934. Rvk. 1933 ............................................. — 50.00 16. Guðmundur G. Bárðarson: Islands Gletscher. Rvk. 1934 ............................. — 50.00 17. Thorkell Thorkelsson: Divergent Povver Series. Rvk. 1934 ......................... — 50.00 18. Jóhannes Askelsson: On the iast Eruptions in Vatnajökull. Rvk. 1936 .............. — 75.00 19. Geir Gígja: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Kafer-Fauna in Siidost-Island. Rvk. 1937 .... — 50.00 20. Bjarni Sæmundsson: Icelandic Malacostraca in the Museum of Reykjavik. Rvk. 1937 — 25.00 21. Giinter Timmermann: Die Vögel Islands. Erster Teil, 1. Halfte. Rvk. 1938 ......... — 150.00 22. Baldur Johnsen: Observations on the Vegetation of the Westman Islands. Rvk. 1939 — 50.00 23. S. L. Tuxen: Bemerkungen úber die erneuerte Aktivitat des grossen Geysir in Hauka- dalur. Rvk. 1938 .................................................................. — 25.00 34. Giinter Timmermann: Die Vögel Islands. Erster Teil, 2. Hálfte (Folge 1). Rvk. 1939 Out of print 25. Thorkell Tliorkelsson: On Thermal Activity in Iceland and Geyser Action. Rvk. 1940 ......................................................................Out of print 26. Truusti Einarssou: t)ber das Wesen der heissen Quellen Islands. Akurevri 1942 .... Kr. 100.00 27. Thorkell Thorkelsson: Asymptotic Solutions of Differential Equations. Serial Rela- tions V. Rvk. 1946 ................................................................ — 50.00 28. Gunter Timmcrmann: Die Vögel Islands. Erster Teil, 2. Halfte und Zweiter Teil. Rvk. 1949 ......................................................................... -- 150.00 29. Thorkell Thorkeisson: Serial Relations and Symbolic Calculus. Rvk. 1951 .......... — 150.00 30. Trausti Einarsson: A Surv’ey of Gravity in Iceland. Rvk. 1954..................... — 50.00 31. Ingimar Óskarsson: Descriptions of New Hieracium Species from Iceland. Rvk. 1957 — 150.00 32. Transti Einarsson: A Survey of the Geology of the Area Tjömes—Bárðardalur in Northern Iceland. Including Paleomagnetic Studies. Rvk. 1958 ..................... — 100.00 33. Trausti Einarsson: Studies of the Pleistocene in Eyjafjörður, Middle Northern Ice- land, Rvk. 1959 ................................................................... — 50.00 34. Ingimar Óskarsson: Supplement to the Hieracium Fiora of Iceland. Rvk. 1961 ....... — 25.00 35. Steindór Steindórsson: On the Age and Immigration of the Icelandic Flora. Rvk. 1961 — 150.00 36. Trausti Einarsson: Upper Tertiary and Pleistocene Rocks in Iceland. A stratigraphic- paleomagnetic-morphologic-tectonic Analysis. Rvk. 1962 ............................ — 200.00 37. Ingimar öskarsson: Synopsis and Revision of Icelandic Hieracia. Rvk. 1966 ........ — 200.00 38. S. Bjömsson (Ed.): Iceland and Mid-Ocean Ridges. Report of a Symposium. Rvk. 1967 .............................................................................. — 250.00 Available from: Snaebjorn Jonsson & Co. H.F. The English Bookshop Ilafnarstraeti 9 — Reykjavík — lceland or through your bookseller
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Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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