Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 79

Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 79
VÍSINDAFÉLAG ÍSLENDINGA (SOCIETAS SCIENTIARUM ISLANDICA) GREINAR COLLECTION OF MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS 1,1. Giinter Tlmmermann: Drel Aufsátze zur isiandischen Omithologie. — Gelr Gigja: Coleoptera auf islándischem Hochiand. — Thorkeil Thorkelsson; Erequency Distributlon of Macroseisms at Reykjavik since 1800. — Steindór Steindórsson: Con- tributions to the Plantgeography and Fiora of Iceland. — •Thorkell Thorkelsson: Old Shore-lines in Iceiand and Isostasy. — Thorkell Thorkeisson: A Fossiliferous Jnterglacial Layer at Elliðaárvogur, Reykjavík. Rvk 1935 .................... kr. 100.00 1. t Thorkell Thorkelsson: Serial Relations of Functions. — Thorkeil Thorkelsson: On Operational Calculus. — Thorkell Thorkelsson: Islandische Eyktmarken und Vierteljahreseinteiiung. — Steindór Steindórsson: Contributions to the Plant Geo- graphy and Floristic Conditions of Iceland. — Trausti Einarsson: Uber eine Be- ziehung zwischen heiszen Quellen und Gángen in der islándischen Basaltformation. — Trausti Einarsson: Magnetische Störungen an Basaltgangen. — Trausti Einarss- son: Uber die neuen Eruptionen des Geysir im Haukadalur. — Thorkeli Thorkels- son: Geschichtete Basaltsaulen. Rvk. 1937 ................................... — 100.00 I. 3. Thorkell Thorkelsson: Serial Relations II. — Thorkell Thorkelsson: The Earth- quake of April 29, 1927. — Thorkell Thorkelsson: A Group of Asymptotic Series (Serial Relations III). — Trausti Einarsson: Antwort auf S. L. Tuxens Kritik. — Thorkell Thorkelsson: Differential Series of Eulerian Type (Serial Relations IV). Rvk. 1940 ...................................................................— 100.00 II. 1. Steindór Steindórsson: Contributions to the Plant-Geography and Flora of Ice- land III. The Vegetation and Flora of the Island Æðey in Isafjarðardjúp, i\w-lce land, Rvk. 1942. — Björn L. Jónsson: Kernmessungen in Island ................— 50.00 11. 2. Afmælisrit. (On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Societyn Agúst H. Bjarnason: Orsakasamhengið. — Th. B. Lindal: Um þjóðhöfðingjavald nokkurra lýðræðisríkja. — Steingr. Jónsson: Um almenningsrafveitur. — Alex. Jóhannesson: Neuisiándisehes Sprachgut. — Jón Steffensen und Theodór Slcúlason: Das weisse Blutbild der Islánder. — Magnús Jónsson: Hallgrimur Pétursson. — Árni Friðriks- son: Remarks on the Age and Growth of the Squid. — Trausti Einarsson: Uber dio Geologie der YVestmánnerinseln. — Árni Friðriksson: Contributions to the Know- ledge of the Icelandic Capeiin. — Sigurðut Petursson: Kalcium und Phosphor Futter islándischer Miichkiihe. Rvk. 1943 ................................... — 150.00 II. 3. G. Timmermann: Beitráge zur Kennlnis der Ektoparasitenfauna islandischer Sáugetiere und Vögel. 1. Mitteiiung. — Kolf Muller: Altnordische Eyktmarken und die Entdeckung Amerikrr;. — G. Timmermann: Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ektopara- sitenfauna islándischer Sáugetiere und Vögel. 2. Mitteilung. Rvk. 1949 ......— 100.00 III. 1. Wolfdietrich Elchler: Mallophagen-Synopsis. XVI. Genus Saemundssonia. — T. Einarsson, Th. Sigurgeirsson and G. Bödvarsson: A Report on the French-Ice- lanolc Gravity Measurements in Southern Iceland in 1950. Rvk. 1951 .......... — 75.00 IV. 1. Trausti Einarsson: The ring-mountains Hverfjall, Lúdent, and Hrossaborg in Northem Iceland. — Submarine voicanic breccia in the area south of Tjörnes. — On the geology of Stapafell-Súlur and the surrounding area...................— 100.00 IV, 2. I. L. Gibson, D. J. J. Kinsman & G. P. L. Walker: Geology of the Fáskrúds- fjördur Area, Eastern Iceland. — Haraldur Sigurðsson: Geology of the Setberg Area, Snæfellsnes, Western Iceland ................................................ — 150.00 IV, 3. Ingólfur Davíðsson: The immigration and naturalization of flowering plants in Iceland since 1900. — Sturla Fridriksson and Björn Johnsen: The vascular Flora of the outer Westman Islands. Rvk. 1967 ........................................— 100.00 Available from: Snaebjorn Jonsson & Co. H.F. The English Bookshop Ilafnarstraeti 9 — Reykjavík — Iceland or through your bookseller
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Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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