Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 62

Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 62
58 43%, Poa pratensis 37% and Agrostis tenuis 10% (Table IV, Álsey 2 and 4). On the crest of the island, however, the Meadow Poa is dominant, and there is a similarity in vegetation there to the marginal strip mentioned in connection with the larger islands. The puffin colony vege- tation is the dominating association of the island: Festuca rubra 80.5%, Matricaria maritima 3% and Stellaria media 6% (Table IV, Álsey 3 and 5). Bare patches measured 10.5% on the average and are most in evidence where the puffin nests are densest. There the associated species have the greatest ease in taking root. Altogether 25 species of vascular plants have been found on Álsey (Table II), including one not found elsewhere on the outer islands: Saxifraga rivularis. This grows in the so-called Vatnsgil, together with Montia lamprosperma and Saxifraga caes- pitosa. As the name indicates, there is a small trickle of water in this place. The ratio of life forms and their geo- graphical distribution is similar to that found on the larger islands (Table III). Sudurey Sudurey is the fourth in order of size: about 0.20 sq. km in area. It is relatively high — 161 m — and surround- ed by cliff except on the southern side, where the only landing place is situated. This landing place faces the di- rection of the main breakers, making it extremely diffi- cult to get ashore there. It rises in a steep slope that reaches to the summit of the island. At the bottom there is coastal cliff vegetation, reaching to a considerable height, or about 50 m. Above this comes the puffin co- lony, which extends all the way to the top. On the north- ern side of the summit ridge there is a steep bank of mix- ed dry meadow land with a gradient that becomes easier as it descends, giving way to the puffin colony. There is relatively little slope on the most northernly part of the island. Pure dry meadow land does not exist; only mea- dow-type margins to the puffin colony. Point-measurements was taken on the steep slope be-
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Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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