Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 48

Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 48
46 a break in the fescue cover, the associated species have a chance to establish themselves. Whenever the breeding grounds of puffin are densely populated the growth of the red fescue is hampered by the excavation of the birds. On these occasions the asso- ciated species are favoured, sometimes even allowing the Matricaria to predominate, but, in rare instances, Coch- learia and Atriplex occupy the space. Apparently this high fertility level, the special water retention of the turf soil, as well as the intense aeration caused by the digging, play an important role in this selective habitat. The soils differ in the extent of aera- tion from other highly fertile soils in Iceland, such as those of hayfields in the neighbourhood of stables and farmhouses. In that case Poa annua dominates, but this species is hardly present in the vegetation of the puffin colony, except in one instance, i.e. on the island of Súlna- sker, where it was found growing on the edge of a small basin containing rain water. H. The dry meadow land vegetation has a wide distri- bution, being the second largest plant association on the southern islands and predominating on the northern is- lands. It is situated on the level or sloping summits and where the soil is dry and too shallow for the puffin to dig their nesting holes (The puffin colony association can be regarded as a derivative of meadow land as the puffin hardly establishes nesting colonies except in grass cover- ed soil. On some of the islands any pure meadow land is hardly to be found as it is occupied and deformed by the presence of the puffin). The soil of the dry meadow land is rich in organic matter due to the high annual produc- tivity of this community and its low decomposition. A layer of turf is thus formed at the top. On the southern- most island this top layer includes some fresh volcanic ash derived from the Surtsey eruption. The thickness of the ash varies in proportion to the distance from its source of origin. On the island Álsey 14 km distant from Surtsey the ash layer was 2—3 cm thick. Below the turf
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Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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