The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 5

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 5
P R E F A C E In 1935 I was requested by Mr. Johs. Gröntved to make a journey to Iceland in order to investigate the Taraxacum Flora which might be supposed to be much richer in species than the records in literature allowed us to presume. Thus in Ostenfeld & Gröntved, The Flora of Iceland and the Færoes, 1934, 4 species only are mentioned. Besides my studies in Taraxaca it was my intention, as far as conditions would allow, to study the larger fungi, inasmuch as it was also rather likely that amongst these there might occur several species not previously known from Iceland. My investigations confirmed this assumption. Both the Taraxaca and the Fungi proved to yield so rich a field of work than in 1937 I again made a joumey to Iceland in order to continue my investigations. The result of my studies in the Icelandic Fungi I have put down in this paper. The journey in 1935 was made at the expence of Dansk-Islandsk Forbundsfond to which I tender my respectful thanks. I owe special thanks to Mr. Johs. Gröntved and Mr. N. F. B u c h w a 1 d for their interest in my work and for help in solving several difficult questions. 13*


The Botany of Iceland

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