The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 16

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 16
200 M. P. CHRISTIANSEN thick, cylindrical, stuffed, orange-yellow to yellow, white below, striate. Gills broad, free, at first almost white, becoming yellow to orange-yellow. Spores white, cylindric-ovate, c. 8 X 4.5 /í. Basidia 4-spored. (J.E.L.: Basidia 2-spored, spores 10.5—12 X 6.25—6.75 /t). Plate, fig. 7. 10. *H. puniceus Fries, Epicr. p. 331, f. minor, n. f. Skútustaðir, 28.VII.1935. Nes in Fnjóskadalur, 27.VII.1937. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII. 1935. Vestmannaeyjar, 9.VIII.1935. Among grass in homefields, outfields and lava- fields. Cap 2—4 cm broad, convex, or convex with broad, obtuse umbo and somewhat incurved margin, red to yellow-red (j 8—1 8—1 7), pellucidly yellow-striate. Flesh lemon-coloured, but red below the pellicle. Stipe cylindrical, hollow, orange-coloured above (17), then citrine (13), white below, fibrillose-lacerate. Gills ventricous, taper- ing towards the stipe, free, yellow-orange, margin denticulate. Spores white, ovate-oblong, 11.2 X 5.5 JU (Nes) or 8—9 X 4 /u (Laugarvatn, sporepowder dry). Plate, figs. 6 and 8. 11. *H. spadiceus (Scopoli) Fries, Epicr. p. 332. Hym. Eur. p. 420. Icon. t. 168, f. 1. Reykir at Álafoss, 7.VIII. 1935. Among grass in a homefield, grows in fairy-rings. Cap 2—6 cm broad, at first conical, then somewhat expanded, umbonate and with wavy or somewhat lobed margin, at first dark brown to black (c 2), then brown with a reddish lustre (umbo c 2, margin c 3—g8—hl). Stipe 3—5 cm high, 6—12 mm thick, cylindrical, at first white to pale yellowish, with age darker yellow and with an orange tinge, white below. Gills white, becoming yellow-orange, rather distant, ventricous, free, margin denticulate. Spores white, elliptical, 10—12 X 6—7 /J (Sacc.). 12. *H. psittacinus Fries, Hym. Eur., p. 420. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. V, t. 168, f. D. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. Among grass in a birch copse. Cap 1—2 cm broad, campanulate, very glutinous, at first green, becoming yellow or white. Stipe slimy, hollow, top parrot-green. Gills emarginate, distant, dark yellow with a greenish lustre. Spores white, oval ovate, 8 X 5.5 /í (J. E. Lange). 13. H. miniatus Fries, Hym. Eur., p. 418. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 522, no. 479. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. V, t. 166, f. F. Garður-Grænavatn near Mývatn, 30.VII.1935. Among grass in a moist meadow. 14. H. niveus (Scopoli) Fries, Hym. Eur., p. 414. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Ice- land, p. 523, no. 481. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. V, t. 164, f. F. Skútustaðir, 28.VII.1935. Among grass in a homefield. Agaricaceae. Clitocybe Fries. 15. C. odora (Bulliard) Fries, Hym. Eur., p. 85. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. I, t. 34, f. A. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. Under birches. Spores ovate elliptical, 6—7 X 3 JU ; plate, fig. 9.


The Botany of Iceland

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