The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 20

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 20
204 M. P. CHRISTIANSEN Cap about 1 cm broad, campanulate-convex, dark grey with brownish tinge, pruinate, edge grooved (not pellucid-striate), submenbranaceous. Stipe slender, 4—6 cm high. Gills emarginate, whitish grey. Smell “nitrous”, strong. Spores white, 9—10 X 4.5—5 JU, cylindric-oval. Marasmius Fries. 36. M. Vaillantii (Persoon) (?) Fries, Epicr. p. 380. Lón, 26.VII.1935. On ground in a heath. Collybia Fries. 37. *C. butyracea (Bulliard) Fries, Syst. Myc. I, p. 121. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. II, t. 41, f. C. Hallormstaður, 23.VII.1935. In birch copses. Cap 3—8 cm broad, rufous brown, fuscous livid, bistre or pale horn-brownish, becoming pale and almost white when dry, fleshy, convex, then expanded, more or less umbonate, smooth, greasy. Stipe 5—8 X 0.5—1 cm, rufous or bistre, conico- attenuated upwards from the swollen, white-tomentose base, cuticle rigid, car- tilaginous, striate, smooth, rarely villous. Gills white, slightly, adnexed, somewhat free, broad, thin, crowded, crenulate. Spores white, narrowly pip-shaped 6.5—7 X 3—3.75 JU (J.E.L.). 38. *C. dryophila (Bulliard) Fries, Syst. Myc. I, p. 124. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. II, t. 43, f. E. Hallormstaður, 23.VII.1935. Vaglaskógur in Fnjóskadalur, 23.VII.1937. Cap 2—5 cm broad, bay-brown-rufous, yellow, ochraceous, or white, becoming pale, slightly fleshy, tough, convex-plane, obtuse, disc generally depressed. Stipe 4—7 cm X 2—4 mm, cartilagenous, whitish, becoming yellow or rufescent, especially towards the more or less swollen base. Gills narrow, crowded, somewhat free, white or pale sulphur (often fulvescent with age). Spores elipsoid to pip-shaped, 5.6 X 3.25 JU. Plate, fig. 17. Tricholoma Fries. 39. *T. leucocephalum Fries, Epicr. p. 47. Icon. t. 43, f. 2. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. I, t. 24, f. A. Brekka, 21.VII.1935. Hallormstaður, 22.VII.1935. Lindabrekka, 26.VII.1935. In homefields. Cap 4—6)4 cm broad, flat-convex, somewhat gibbous, white, disc darker, smooth, edge silky-woolly. Stipe 6 cm high, 8 mm thick with a slender root, slightly striate, whitish, above somewhat woolly-fibrillose. Gills whitish with reddish tinge, crowded, thin, almost free. Strong farinaceous odour. Spores 7—8 X 5 //, broadly oval, coarsely verrucose. Plate, fig. 18. 40. *T. carneum (Bulliard) Fries, Hym. Eur., p. 65. Icon. t. 40, f. 2. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. I, t. 24, f. C. Nes in Fnjóskadalur, 27.VII.1937. Laugar, 27.VII.1937. Among grass in home- fields. Cap 2—4 cm broad, convex, pale pinkish flesh-colour, edge incurved. Stipe


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