The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 14

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 14
FUNGI COLLECTED IN ICELAND IN 1935 AND 1937 In the following list of fungi from Iceland the classification is based on the system given by Ernst Gaumann in his work: V e r- gleichende Morphologie der Pilzfe, Jena 1926. When a species has been collected in several localities, these are, as far as possible, arranged according to their distribution in the follow- ing succession: East-, North-, North-West, West- and South-Iceland (cp. J. Boye Petersen, The Botany of Iceland, vol. II, part II, p. 259). The designations in the descriptions of the Agaricaceae consisting of a letter and a figure, e.g. (h4) refer to the colour plate painted by Jakob E. Lange for his paper, Studies in the Agarics o f Denmark, Part VI (Dansk bot. Arkiv, Bd. 4, Nr. 12, 1926). This colour plate is also to be found in Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland. Pezizaceae. Acetabula Fries. 1. A. sulcata (Persoon) Fuckel, Symbolae, p. 330. Skútustaðir, 28.VII.1935. Among grass in a lavafield. Spores oval, c. 23 X 16 //, 1-guttulate; plate, fig. 1. 2. A. sp. Skútustaðir, 28.VII.1935. Among grass. Spores oval, 1-guttulate, c. 16 X 13 M ; plate, fig. 2. Peziza Dill. 3. *’P. aurantia Pers., Obs. II, P. 76. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. Among grass in a homefield. Spores elliptical, surface reticulate, 18—20 X 8—9 JU ; plate, fig. 3. 1 The species marked with an asterisk are new for Iceland.


The Botany of Iceland

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