The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 13

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 13
STUDIES IN THE LARGER FUNGI OF ICELAND 197 Omphalia onisca Panaeolus sphinctrinus „ umbellifera Pholiota marginata? Panaeolus papilionaceus Stropharia semiglobata Besides the specimens cited above some others were seen here, especially of the genera Cortinarius, Galera and Inocybe. Slúttnes in Mývatn, 29.VII.1935. Under birches and willows and among grass and mosses in moist meadows and bogs. Coprinus plicatilis Cortinarius cinnamomeus „ dilutus ,, hemitrichus „ rigidus „ sciophyllus Entoloma sericeum Hebeloma mesophaeum Laccaria laccata I.actarius flavidus „ glyciosmus Mycena leptocephala Pholiota togularis Psathyra bifrons Tremella mesenterica Tubaria crobula „ stagnina Besides the specimens cited above some others were met with here, especially of the genera Inocybe, Cortinarius and Galera. Akureyri in N. Iceland, 2.VII.1935. In homefields. Anellaria separata Clitocybe tornata Coprinus fimetarius „ miser „ niveus Entoloma sericeum Galera sp. Inocybe dulcamara Laccaria laccata Leptonia sericella „ serrulata Naucoria myosotis Omphalia hepatica „ umbellifera Panaeolus fimicola „ retirugis „ sphinctrinus „ subbalteatus Pholiota marginata? Psalliota campestris Psilocybe coprophila „ physaloides Strópharia semiglobosa


The Botany of Iceland

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