The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 29

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 29
STUDIES IN THE LARGER FUNGI OF ICELAND 213 Bolbitius Fries. 91. *B. vitellinus (Persoon) J. E. Lange, Dansk bot. Arkiv, vol. 9, no. 6, р. 47, f. 768—769. Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. IV, t. 132, f. A. Lindabrekka, 26.VII.1935. Skógar in Fnjóskadalur, 23.VII.1937. In homefields. Cap at first campanulate, then expanding and 2—4 cm broad, slightly umbonate, pale or vivid chrome-yellow, smooth, then more or less distinctly fisso-sulcate. Stipe whitish, more or less powdery-flocculose, generally rather tall and slender. Gills rather narrow, almost free, becoming ochry ferruginous. Spores oval, 12.8—14.5 X 7.2—8 /l, yellow. Cystidia bottle-shaped with a longer or shorter neck, 15—20 /U broad. Plate, fig. 60. Psalliota Fries. 92. P. campestris (Linné) sensu J. E. Lange, Dansk bot. Arkiv, vol. 4, no. 12, p. 9. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 546, no. 563. Laugar at Breiðamýri, 27.VII.1935. Akureyri, 2.VIII.1935. Stykkishólmur, 9.VII. 1935. Reykir at Hrútafjörður, 3.VIII.1935. Reykir at Álafoss, 7.VIII.1935. Rey- kjavík, 7.VIII.1935. Vestmannaeyjar, 9.VIII.1935. In gardens and homefields, grows in fairy rings. Stropharia Fries. 93. *S. luteo-nitens Fries (s. Ricken). J. E. Lange, Dansk bot. Arkiv, vol. 4, no. 4, p. 33. Syn. S. umbonatescens Peck. Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. IV, t. 141, f. A. Laugar at Breiðamýri, 27.VII.1935. Reykir at Álafoss, 9.VIII.1935. Vestmanna- eyjar, 9.VIII.1935. In homefields. Cap 1—1 /2 cm broad, convex with distinct umbo and sulcate-striate margin, slimy, umbo yellowish-brown, paler towards the clay-grey margin. Stipe c. 5 cm long, 1—1/2 mm thick, hollow, rooting, often a long “root” ; colour like the cap, above the fugaceous-skinlike ring finely flocculose striate, below the ring partly fibrillose. Gills broadly adnate with a decurrent tooth, yellowish-brown. Basidia 2-spored. Spores oval with distinct germ pore, sub lente translucid, brownish grey with a violet flush, 16—18 X 9)4—10 /<. Cystidia hairshaped, с. 25 X 5 /a. Plate, fig. 61. 94. S. semiglobata (Batsch) Fries, Hym. Eur., p. 287. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 547, no. 566. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. IV, t. 142, f. A. Brekka, 20.VII.1935. Lindabrekka, 26.VII.1935. Skútustaðir, 28.VII.1935. Akureyri, 2.VIII.1935. Tálknafjörður, 11.VII.1935. Stykkishólmur, 9.VII.1935. Reykjavík, 6.VII.1935. Hafnarfjörður, 8.VII.1935. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. Vest- mannaeyjar, 9.VIII.1935. On cow- and horse-dung. Spores oval, 15—-17 X 8—9 /1. Plate, fig. 62. Note. Specimens with a strong farinaceous smell are met with at Varmahlið, 15.VII.1937. Spores ellipsoid-sublimoniform, minutely guttulate, 17—19 X 8—10 //, germ pore very distinct. Plate, fig. 63. (Seems to be closely related to Psilocybe coprophila which has spores of the same form and size). Anellaria Karstens. 95. A. separata (Linné) Karsten, Hattsvampar I, p. 517. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 547, no. 568. J. E. Lange, Fl. Agar. Dan., vol. IV, t. 142, f. F.


The Botany of Iceland

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