The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 38

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 38
222 M. P. CHRISTIANSEN Boletaceae. Boletus Dillenius. 139. *B. elegans (Schumacher) Fries, Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl., t. 183. Hallormstaður, 22.VII.1935. Under several Larix sibirica c. 20 years old, grown from imported seed, in a plantation in a birch copse. Cap 4—10 cm broad, golden, or inclining to ferruginous, plano-convex, viscid. Stipe 5—7 X 1.5—2 cm, golden, then rufescent, firm, unequal, apex reticulate with granules. Ring cream-colour, often torn and fugacious. Tubes golden-sulphur-yellow, decurrent; orifice of pores angular. Flesh light yellowish, soft. Spores yellowish, oblong elliptic, 8—9 X 3—3.5 H, 2—4 guttulate. 140. B. piperatus Fries. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 557, no. 610. Vaglaskógur in Fnjóskadalur, 31.VII.1935. In birch copses. 141. B. scaber Bulliard, l.c., t. 489, f. 1. Poul Larsen, Fungi of Iceland, p. 556, no. 607. Egilstaðir, 18.VII.1935. Vaglaskógur in Fnjóskadalur, 31.VII.1935. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. In birch copses. 142. *B. subtomentosus (Linné) Fries. Rolland, Champ., t. 80, no. 181. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. In a birch copse. Cap 3—10 cm broad, more or less deep brownish olivaceous, convex, then pulvinato-expanded, soft, dry, villose-tomentose, sometimes cracked into patches with the interstices yellow. Stipe 5—12 X 1—2 cm, yellowish, usually streaked with red, attenuated downwards, sulcately ribbed, the tawny ribs sometimes anostomosing, rough with dots under a lens. Tubes at first golden sulphur yellow, then greenish, adnate; orifice of pores large, angular, sometimes turning bluish green when touched. Flesh white or yellowish, rust colour under the cuticle of the cap, soft. Taste mild. Spores pale yellow, oblong elliptical, 12—14 X 5 /t. Lycoperdaceae, Bovista Persoon. 143. B. nigreseens Persoon. Ladislaus Hollós, Gasteromycetes Hungariæ, tab. XXII, fig. 39—46. Stykkishólmur, 9.VII.1935. Egilstaðir, 18.VII.1935. In outfields. Peridium 2.5—6 cm, whitish, then pale brown, or umber brown, and finally blackish umber, globose; exoperidium whitish, papyraceous, soon breaking away; endoperidium concolorous, thin, tough, shining, smooth. Mouth apical, irregular, torn. Gleba white, then ochraceous or olivaceous, and finally purple, soft, loose. Spores umber purple, globose, or slightly oval, 5—6 JU, with long, hyaline pedicels. Capillitium dark brown, thick-walled, bent branched, branches pointed at the ends, 12—18 JU in diam. 144. B. plumbea Persoon. Ladislaus Hollós, Gasteromycetes Hungariæ, tab. XXII, fig. 32—35. Skútustaðir, 28.VII.1935. In outfields. Peridium 1—3 cm, whitish, then lead colour, globose, or depressed; exoperidium white, thin, smooth, soon peeling off, sometimes leaving a persistent portion near the base; endoperidium lead colour, thin, tough, opaque. Mouth apical, round, oval,


The Botany of Iceland

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