The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 39

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1941, Blaðsíða 39
STUDIES IN THE LARGER FUNGI OF ICELAND 223 or irregular. Gleba white, then ochraceous, or olive, and finally purplish brown, soft. Spores brown, subglobose, or oval, 6—7 X 5—6 /d, with long hyaline pedicels. Capillitium brown, thick-walled, branched, branches pointed at the ends, 12—16 /l in diam. Calvatia Fries. 145. *C. arctica Ferdinandsen et Winge. C. Ferdinandsen, Fungi terrestres from North-East Greenland. Meddelelser om Gronland XLIII, 1910, p. 144. Pl. IX, fig. 1—6. Egilstaðir, 18.VII.1935. Hallormstaður, 22.VII.1395. In birch copses. Lón, 26.VII.1935. On heath. Peridium almost like that of Scleroderma aurantium, c. 4 cm high and 3 cm wide, subglobose, contracted below into a more or less stemlike base ; exoperidium above covered with large, up to 4 mm broad, pyramidal warts, arranged in parallel horizontal lines, below minutely granulate, at first white, then ochraceous; endo- peridium thick, fragile, thinner in the upper half and finally falling away in pieces. Gleba white, then olivaceous, finally brown. Spores globose, 4—5 /U broad, yellow, minutely verrucose, often very shortly pedicellate. Capillitium yellowish, c. 5—6 JU broad. Lycoperdon Toumefort. 146. *L. echinulatum B. et Br. Ladislaus Hollós, Gastcromycetes Hungariæ, tab. XX, figs. 1—3. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. In a birch copse. Peridium 2—4 cm wide, dark reddish brown, below yellowish brown, obovate or pear-shaped; exoperidium above densely covered with long, brown spines, below granulate; endoperidium somewhat brittle and deciduous. Mouth small, round or toothed, apical. Gleba white, then dark ochraceous, somewhat olivaceous. Spores globose, pale yellow, 3.5—4 /t, smooth. Nidulariaceae. Crucibulum Tulasne. 147. C. vulgare Tulasne, Sacc., Syll. fung. VII, p. 43. Stykkishólmur, 9.VII.1935. On dead wood. LITERATURE Lange, Jakob E., Flora Agaricina Danica, Vol. I—V, 1935—1940. Copenhagen. — Studies in the Agarics of Denmark, Part I—XII. Dansk bot. Arkiv, Koben- havn 1914—1938. Larsen, Poul, Fungi of Iceland. Botany of Iceland, Vol. II, Part III. Copenhagen & London 1931. In the last-mentioned work a long list of literature is to be found, p. 591—596.,


The Botany of Iceland

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