Lögberg-Heimskringla - 23.07.1964, Page 15

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 23.07.1964, Page 15
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 23. JÚLl 1964 15 Það má því með sanni segja, að þau hafi komið, séð og sigrað. höndum Karl Frederick, ræðismaður íslands hér í borg. Leysti hann hlutverk sitt af hendi með prýði og smekk- vísi eins og hans var von og vísa. Segja má, að hátíð þessi hafi um allt tekizt með ágæt- um. Skemmtikraftar allir mjög góðir, maturinn vel úti látinn og prýðisgóður. Að- sókn var einnig í betra lagi eða freklega 150 manns. Öllum þeim, sem á einn eða annan hátt, unnu að und- irbúningi þessarar hátíðar- og gleðistundar og gerðu hana eins eftirminnilega og raun ber vitni, vil ég af heil- um hug þakka ágæt störf. Síðast en ekki sízt ber að þakka heiðursgestunum og öðrum skemmtikröftum fyrir framúrskarandi skemmtiskrá. Að loknu borðhaldi gafst fólki kostur á að heilsa upp á heiðursgestina og rabba við þá örlitla stund. Hér í Seattle dvöldu sendi- herrahjónin aðeins í þrjá daga, en á þeim stutta tíma eignuðust þau fjölda vina, sem lengi munu minnast hingað komu þeirra. Fram- koma þeirra öll er svo hlý og elskuleg að manni finnst strax við fyrstu kynni, að maður hafi alltaf þekkt þau. Yið hjónin vorum svo lán- söm, fyrir hugulsemi Karls Fredericks ræðismanns, að njóta þeirrar ánægju að aka þessum góðu gestum, ásamt Karli, til Tacoma þar sem setið var hádegisverðarboð á hinu fagra heimili þeirra Dr. og Mrs. Phillip Fredericks, sem er sonur ræðismannsins. Einnig sat boð þetta Richard bróðir Phillips læknis, en hann er búsettur í Oregon- ríki, þar sem hann gegnir ábyrgðarmiklu e m b æ 11 i. Þetta ágætis fólk sýndi okk- ur helztu staði í Tacoma og nágrenni. Dagur þessi var um allt hinn ánægulegasti. Vil ég því hér með, fyrir mína hönd og konu minnar, þakka læknishjónunum frábærar móttökur og skemmtilega við- kynningu. Seattle-íslendingar þakka af einlægum hug sendiherra- hjónunum komuna hingað og óska þeim blessunar guðs og manna í hinu ábyrgðarmikla og virðulega hlutverki, sem þau gegna fyrir hönd þjóðar sinnar í Washington, D.C. Thor Viking. COMPLIMENTS OF MIDWEST NET & TWINE C0. Commercial Fishing Supplics 404 Logan Avenue Winnipeg 2, Man. Phone WHitehall 3-6896 With the Compliments öf . . . NORTH END TIRE CO. LTD. Complete line of Auto Accessories, Tires and Tubes. Wholesale and Retail. Batteries and Second-Hand Tires. Complete Vulcanizing and Retreading. 859 MAIN ST. 943-0494 HUGHEILAR ÁRNAÐARÓSKIR DR. GESTUR KRISTJANSSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone SPruce 2-9453 WESTBROOK MEDICAL CENTRE Logan and Keewatin Winnipeg GREETINGS . . . from JENKINSON'S TOM-BOY STORE MEATS & GROCERIES Sastified Customers Our Best Recommendation Phone 482-3150 or 482-3151 Selkirk, Mon. Compliments of . . . THOR'S GIFT SHOP LTD. SELKIRK at the Bridge JEWELLERS P.O. Box No. 490 MANITOBA Phone 482-4161 FOUNDER OF CLINIC TO TRAVEL ABROAD A six-month leave of absence has begun for Dr. Jon V. Straumfjord, founder of the Astoria Clinic. This will be his longest vacation in 30 years of practice here. On July 14, Dr. and Mrs. Straumfjord will fly to Ice- land where they will spend several weeks as tourists. The doctor hopes to see some of the medical facilities and mental institutions of that country. Dr. Straumfjord, who is of Icelandic extraction and has spoken the language since childhood, will also act as a delegate from the American Medical Association in estab- lishing a permanent and friendly relation with the medical association of Ice- land. On August 5, the Straum- fjords will fly from Iceland to Norway. They will purchase a car in Oslo and drive through Norway, Sweden and Denmark. In Denmark they will be joined by Mrs. A. Nord- ing, a cousin of Mrs. Straum- fjord who resides in Copen- hagen. From Copenhagen the group will drive through Germany where they will stop at Waldorf, Astoria’s sister city. They will also visit friends in Heidelberg and Reutlingen. They will go from Germany to Baal, Switzerland and then to Paris. From Paris they will fly to Algier where Dr. Straum- fjord will spend October working as an internist under the MEDICO program there. MEDICO, a service of CARE which was co-founded by the late Dr. Tom Dooley, acts as a vehicle whereby practicing physicians and clinicians volunteer their services over- seas in areas of great need where the opportunity exists for cooperation with, and training of, local medical per- sonnel. When Algeria gained its independence in July, 1962, fewer than 200 doctors were left to care for 11 million people, many suffering from epidemic diseases and war injuries. MEDICO rushed in emergency teams of doctors and nurses; now eight doctors are on duty in Algiers, each serving for one month. Following his work in Al- geria, the doctor and his wife will fly to England where they will spend two weeks before saling for the United States. Their ship, the Holland-America line’s Rott- erdam, is scheduled to arrive in New York November 27. The Straumfjords plan to ship their car ahead so it will be awaiting them when they reach New York. They will then use it to drive through the US visiting friends and relatives. Their first stop will be in Birmingham, Ala., to visit their son, Dr. Jon V. Straumfjord Jr. He is a clinical pathologist in charge of the pathology department at the University of Alabama Medical Center. This will be followed by a short stay with friends in New Orleans, La. They will then drive to the Pacific coast and stop at San Diego, Calif., to see another son Dr. Robert Straumfjord, who is finishing his residency at San Diego County hospital. They will then spend several days with Mrs. Straumfjord’s sister in Fresno, Calif., before returning to Astoria. Dr. Straumfjord will return to his practice at the clinic in Janu- ary. Daily Asiorian, July 7. With Compliments of . . . EPPS CLEANERS Dry Cleoning at its Best QUALITY - SERVICE SATISFACTION - GUARANTEED Phone 482-4190 397 EVELINE STREET Selkirk Manitoba COMPLIMENTS OF ARBORG DRUG STORE Weiller & Williams (Man.) Ltd. The Shipper's Representative in the Auction Ring Our salesmen have many years experience in the handling and sale of livestock. JOE TERGESEN, Druggist Consign your next shipment of cattle and hogs to: Prescription and Veterinary Needs Phone 7-6212 ARBORG MANITOBA Weiller & Williams (Man.) Ltd. PHONE: 233-7031 233-7554 C. LADIN President W. J. McGOUGAN Manager Stjórn og Starfsfólk Winnipeg Supply félagsins óskar íslendingum til heilla og hamingju á 75. þjóðminningardegi þeirra á Gimli 3. ágúst 1964. Viðskipti vor við íslendinga frá byrjun hafa verið vingjarnleg og ánægjuleg og oss er ljúft að halda þeim þannig áfram. Call Us For Your COAL - FUEL OIL - CONCRETE AND LUMBER Phone 775-0211 The Winnipeg Supply & Fuel Co. Itd. 8th FLOOR, THE MALL CENTRE WINNIPEG, MAN.



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