Dagur - 15.11.1997, Page 15

Dagur - 15.11.1997, Page 15
LAUGARDAGUR 1S. NÓVEMBER 1997 - 1S DAGSKRÁINSUNNUDAGINN 16. NÓVEMBER 09.00 Morgunsjónvarp barnanna. 10.45 Hlé. 12.00 Markaregn. Sýnd veröa mörkin úr leikjum gær- dagsins í þýsku knattspymunni. End- ursýnt kl. 23.55 í kvöld. 13.00 Danny Boy. Meðal þeirra sem koma fram í þættin- um eru Van Morrison, Eric Clapton, Sinéad O'Conndr, Shane McGowan og Marianne Faithfuil. Þýöandi: Gunnar Þorsteinsson. 13.50 Fransmenn á íslandsálum. 14.35 Húsdýr í Noregi (3+4:6). 15.00 Þijú-bíó. 16.20 Milli heims og helju (QED: Life on lce). Bresk heimildar- mynd um nýja kælingartækni sem hefur gefið góða raun við heilaskurð- aðgerðir. 16.55 Kastljós. 17.25 Nýjasta tækni og vísindi. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Stundin okkar. 18.30 Hvað er í matinn?. 18.40 Snákurínn í ánni. Suður-Afrisk bamamynd. 19.00 Geimstöðin (1:26). 19.50 Veður. 20.00 Fréttir. 20.30 Sunnudagsleikhúsið. Aðeins einn: 20.55 Friðlýst svæði og náttúruminj- ar. Gullfoss og Geysir. 21.15 Björk. Ný bresk mynd um Björk Guðmunds- dóttur söngkonu. 22.15 Helgarsportið. 22.40 Auður og ættgöfgi (Samson le Magnifique). Frönsk sjón- varpsmynd frá 1995 um ástir auðugs kaupsýslumanns og fátækrar aðals- konu. 23.55 Markaregn. 0.55 Útvarpsfréttir í dagskráríok. 9.00 Sesam opnist þú. 9.30 Disneyrímur. 9.55 Stormsveipur. 10.20 Eðlukrílin. 10.35 Aftur til frambðar. 11.00 Úrvalsdeildin. 11.20 Ævintýralandið. 11.45 Madison (7:39) (e). 12.10 íslenski listinn (e). 13.00 (þróttir á sunnudegi. 16.30 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurinn. 16.50 Húsið á sléttunni (21:22). T 7.40 Glæstar vonir. 18.00 Listamannaskálinn (e) (South Bank Show). Franska söng- hefðin er yfirskrift þáttarins. 19.00 1 9 20. 20.00 Seinfeld (8:24). 20.30 Skáldatími. Fjallað er um rithöfundinn Vigdísi Grímsdóttur. 21.05 Tilgangur lífsins (Monty Python’s the Meaning of Life). Myndin er gerð af Monthy Python genginu svokallaða. Hér er um að ræða gáskafullan gamanleik sem tek- ur á nokkrum helstu spurningunum um tilveru mannsins. 22.55 Alfræði hrollvekjunnar (2:5) (Clive Barker's A-Z of Horror). Clive Barker fjallar um hrollvekjur í víðu samhengi. Þættimir eru vikulega á dagskrá Stöðvar 2. 23.50 Nýliðamir (e) (Blue Chips). Spennandi og athyglis- verð mynd úr heimi atvinnumennsk- unnar í bandarlskum körfubolta. Nick Nolte leikur þjálfara sem lifir fyrir Iþróttina. Hann þolir ekki svindl og hann þolir ekki að tapa. Þegar harðii- ar á dalnum hjá liðinu hans stendur hann frammi fyrir erfiðum ákvörðun- um sem reyna á samviskuna. Leik- stjóri William Friedkin. Aðalhlutverk: Nick Nolte, Maiy McDonnell og Ed O'Neill. 1993. 1.35 Dagskrárlok. 17.00 Taumlaus tónlist. 17.40 Ameríski fótboltinn (NFL Touchdown 1997). Leikur vik- unnar í amerlska fótboltanum. 18.40 ígolfi (1:6) (Golfer's Travels with Peter Alliss). 19.25 Á völlinn (e) (Kick). Þáttaröð um liðin og leikmenn- ina (ensku útvalsdeildinni. Það er margt sem gerist á bak við tjöldin I knattspyrnuheiminum og því fá áhorf- endur nú að kynnasL 19.55 Borgakeppni Evrópu. Bein útsending frá síðari leik Aftureld- ingar og norska liðsins Runar Sandefjord í borgakeppni Evrópu I handknattleik. 21.30 Golfmót f Bandaríkjunum (24:50) (PGA US 1997 - United Airfi- nes Hawaiian Open). 22.25 Ráðgátur (45:50) (X-Files). 23.10 Apaplánetan (e) (Planet of the Apes). Víðfræg mynd um ameríska geimfara sem lenda á óþekktri plánetu. Þar er Iffið ólíkt því sem þeir eiga að venjast og íbúamir eru vægast sagt öðruvísi í háttum en þeir sjálfir. Aðalhlutverk: Chariton Hes- ton, Roddy McDowall og Kim Hunter. Leikstjóri Franklin J. Schaffner. 1968. 1.00 Dagskráriok. YMSAR STOÐVAR Eurosport 07:30 Fun Sports 08:00 Xtrem Sports: 1997 Extreme Games 09:00 Motorcycling 10:00 Fbotball: 1998 World Cup Qualífying Round 12:00 TractorPulling: Internatíonal Competitíon 13:00 Strongest Man 14:00 Tennis: ATP Tour World Qhampionship 16d)0 Tennis: ATP Tour World Championship 17:00 Rgure Skatihg: TrophQe Laiique 18:00 Boxíng 20:00 Body Building: The 1997 Nabba Universe 21:00 Football: 1998 World Cup Qualifying Round 23:00 Figure Skatíng: TrophQe Lalique 01:0O Ctose Bloomberg Business News 23:00 World Ncws 23:12 Financíal Markets 23:15 Bloomberg Forum 23:17 Business News 23:22 Sports 23:24 Lifestyles 2330 World News 23:42 Fínancial Markets 23:45 Bloomberg Forum 23:47 ws 23:52 Sports 23:54 bfestyles 00:00 World News NBC Super Channel 05:00 Heiio Austria, Heilo Vienna. 05:30 NBC Níghtly News With Tom Brokaw 06:00 MSNBC News With Brian Willíams 07:00 Thc McLaughlm Qroup 07:30 Europá Jouma! 08:00 Cyberschool 10:00 Super Shop 11Æ0 Class A Ofíshore Sailmg 12:00 Euro PGA Golf ; 13:00 NHL Power Week 14Æ0 NBC Super Sports 15:00 Five Star Adventure 15:30 Europe 0 la carte 16:00 The Best of the Ticket NBC 16:30 VIP 17:00 Ctessic Cousteau: The Cousteau Odyssey 18:00 National Geographto Television 19:00 Mr Rhodes 19:30 Union Square 20:00 Profiler 21:00 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 22:00 Mancuso FBI 23:00 The Tícket NBC 23:30 VIP 00:00 The Best of the Tonight Show With Jay |.eno 01:00 MSNBC Intemight 02:00 VIP 0230 Travel Xpress 03:00 The Ticket NBC 0330 Musíc Legends 04:00 Executive Lifestyles 04:30 The Ticket NBC —— 07:00 Breakfast in Bed 10:00 Saturday Brunch 12:00 Playíng Favourites 13:00 Greatest Hits Of... 14:00 The Clare Grogan Show 15:00 The VH-1 Album Chart Show 16:00 The Bridge 17:00 Fíve at five 17:30 VH-1 Revíew 18:00 VH-1 Classíc Chart 19.-00 American Classic 20:00 Vh-1 Party 21:00 Ten of the Best 22:00 How was it for You? 23:00 VH-1 Spice 00:00 The Nightfly 02:00 VH-1 Ute Shíft Carloon Network 05:00 Omer and the Starchíld 05:30 Ivanhoe 06:00 The Fruitties 06:30 Blínky Bill 07:00 Tfie Smurfs 07:30 Wacky Races 08:00 Scooby Doo 08:30 The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest 09:00 Dexteris Laboratory 09:30 Batman 10:00 The Mask 10:30 Johnny Bravo 11d)0 Tom and Jerry 1130 2 Stupíd Dogs 12:00 The Addams Family 12:30 The Bugs and Daffy Show 13:00 Johnny Bravo 13:30 Cow and Chicken 14:00 Droopy: Master Detective 1430 Popeye 15:00 The Fteal Story of... 15:30 Ivanhoe 16:00 2 Stupid Dogs 16:30 Dexter’s Laboratory 17Æ0 The Mask 17:30 Batman 18:00 Tom and Jerry 18:30 The Flintstones 19:00 Scooby Doo BBC Prime 05:00 Computers in Conversation 05:30 The Birth of Calculus 06:00 BBC Worid News; Weather 06:25 Prlme Weather 06:30 Noddy 06:40 Watt On Earth 06:55 Jonny Briggs 07:10 Activ8 07:35 Moondial 08:05 Blue Peter 08:30 Grange Hill Omníbus 09:05 Dr Who; Terror oí the Zygons 09:30 Style Challenge 09:55 Ready, Steady. Cook 10:25 Prime Weather 10:30 EastEnders Omnibus 11:50 Style Challenge 12:15 Ready, Steady, Cook 12:45 Kilroy 13:30 Wíldlife: Dawn to Dusk 14:00 The Onedin Line 14:50 Prime Weather 14:55 Mortimer and Arabel 15:10 Gruey Twoey 15:35 Blue Peter 18:00 Grange Hill Omnibus 16:35 Top of the Pops 17:05 Dr Who: Planet of Evil 17:30 Visions of Snowdonia 18:00 Oh Doctor Beechingl 18:30 Are You Being Servod? 19:00 Noel’s House Party 20:00 Takin' Over ttte Asylum 20:50 Prime Weather 21ÆO Top of the Popathon 00:25 Ftome Weather 00:30 Bioiogy Form and Functíon 01 d)0 Santo Spinto: A Renaissance Cburch 01:30 Píenza: A Renaíssance City 02:00 Poland: Democracy and Change 0230 Developmg Language 03:00 Blue Haven 03:30 Ensembles in Performance 04:00 Managing for Biodíversity: Forests in Trinidad 04:30 Easing The Pain Discovery 16:00 War Machines of Tomorrow 17:00 Flrepower 2000 18:00 Fírepower 2000 19:00 Firepower 2000 20:00 Discoveiy News 20:30 Wonders of Weather 21:00 Raging Pianet 22:00 Battle for the Skies 23.-00 Unexplaíned: UFO 00:00 Forensic Detectives 01:00 Top Marques 01:30 Driving Passions 02:00 Close MTV 06:00 Momíng Vídeos 07:00 Kickstart 09:00 Road Rules 0930 Singied Out 10:00 European Top 20 12:00 Star Trax: Jon Bon Jovi 13:00 Splce Girls Weekend 16Æ0 Hit List UK 17:00 Music Mix 17:30 News Weekend Edítion 18:00 X-Elerator 20:00 Síngled Out 20:30 The Jenny McCarthy Show 21:00 Stylissimo! 21:30 The Big Picture 22:00 Jamiroquai Live ‘n’ Dircct 23:00 Saturday Nlght Music Mix 02:00 Chill Out Zone 04d)0 Ntght Videos Sky News 06:00 Sunrise 06:45 Gardening With Rona Lawrenson 06:55 Sunrise Continues 08:45 Gardening With Fiona Lawrenson 08:55 Sunrise Continues 0930 The Entertamment Show 10:00 SKY News 10:30 Fashion TV 11:00 SKY News 11:30 Sky Destínations: Amazon Cruisirig 12:00 SKY News Today 12:30 Week In Review Uk 13:00 SKY News Today 13:30 Westminster Week 14:00 SKY News 14:30 Newsmaker 15:00 SKY News 15:30 Target 16:00 SKY News 16:30 Week In Review - UK 17:00 Live At Flve 18:00 SKY News 19:30 Sportsline 20:00 SKY News 20:30 The Entertainment Show 21:00 Si^.News 2130 Global Village 2230 SKY Natíonal News 23:00 . SKY News 23:30 Sportsiine Extra 00:00 SKY News 00:30 SKY DöStinations 01:00 SKY News 0130 Fashion TV 0230 SKY News 02:30 Century 0330 SKY News 03:30 Week In Review - UK 04:00 SKY News 04:30 Newsmaker 0530 SKY News 05:30 The Entertainment Show CNN 0530 Wörid News 05:30 insight 06:00 Wbrtd News 0630 Moneyline 07:00 World News 0730 Worid Sport 0830 Worid News 08:30 Worid Business This Week 0930 Wbrfd News 09:30 Pinnade Europe 10:00 World News 1030 World Sport 1130 Worid News 11:30 News Update / 7 DayS 12:00 Worid News 1230 Travel Guide 1330 Wortd News 1330 Style 1430 News Update / Best of lany Kíng 1530 Wbrid News 1530 Wbrld Sport 16:00 Wortd News 1630 News Update / Showbiz Today 17:00 Wortd News 1730 Worfd Business This Woek 18:00 Wtorld News 1830 News Update / 7 Days 1930 Wödd News 1930 News Update / Inside Europe 20:00 Worfd News 2030 News Update / Best of Q&A 21:00 Worfd News 2130 Best of Insight 22:00 Worid News 2230 Worid Sport 2330 CNN Worfd View 2330 Showbíz This Week 0030 WOrid News 00:30 Global View 01:00 Prime News 01:15 Díplomatic Ucense 02:00 Lariy King Weekend 03:00 The Worid Today 0330 Both Sides 0430 Wbrld News 0430 Evans and Novak _ 19:00 The Tíme Machíne 21:00 Tlie Bíg Pícture 23:50 Beau Bmmmei 01:45 Ryan’6 Daughter (LB) Omega 07:15 Skjákynningar 14:00 Benny Hinn Benny Hinn prédíkar. 15:00 Boðskapur Central Baptist kirkjunnur (The Central Message) Ron Phillips. 15:30 Trúarskref CStep of faíth) Scott Stewart. 16:00 Frelsiskallið (A Catl To Freedom) Freddie Filmore prédikar, 1630 Nýr sigurdagur Fræðsla frá Ulf Ekman. 1730 Orö Iffsins 17:30 Skjá- kynningar 18:00 Kœrleikurinn mikilsverði (Love Vtfarth Findmg) Fræðsfa frá Adrian Rogers. 18:30 Frelsiskallið (A Call To Freedom) Freddie Filmore prédikar. (a) 19:00 Lofgjörðartónllst 20:00 700 klúb- burinn 20:30 Vonarljós Bein útsending frá Bolholti. 22:00 Boðskap- ur Central Baptist kirkjunnar (The Central Message) Ron Phillips. 22:30 Loflö Drottin (Praise the Lord) Blandað efni frá TBN sjónvarps- stöðinni. 01:30 Skjákynningar Sky One 5.00 Hour of Power. 6.00 My Little Pony 6.30 Street Sharks. 7.00 Press Your Luck. 730 Love Connection. 8.00 Quantum Leap. 930 Kung Fu: The Legend ConUnues. 10.00 The Young Indiana Jones Chromdes. 1130 WWF Superstars. 12.00 Rescue. 12.30 Sea Rescue. 13.00 StarTrek: Originals. 14.00 Star Trek: Next Generation. 15.00 Beach Patrol 16.00 Muppets TonígL 17.00 Tfie Siinpsons. 17.30 The Simpsons. 18.00 The Pretender. 19.00 The Cape. 20.00 The X- Rles. 21.00 Outer Umíts. 22.00 Forever KnighL 23.00 Can‘t Huny Love. 23.30 LAPD. 0.00 Fifth Comer. 1.00 Hit Mix Long Play. Sky Movies 6.00 The Secret of Nimh. 7.30 The Stalking Moon. 930 Short Circuít. 11.30 Tbe Secret of Nihm 13.00 David Copperfield. 15.00 Tlie Staikíng Moon. 1730 Short Circuit 2.19.00 Casper. 21.00 Up Close and Personal. 23.15 No ContesL 01.00 Dead Man. 03.00 Delta of Venus. 04.40 Going Under. DAGSKRAIN MANUDAGINN 17. NÓVEMBER SJÓNVARPIÐ 15.00 Alþlngi. Bein útsending frá þingfundi. 16.20 Helgarsportið. 16.45 Leiðarijós (768). 17.30 Fréttir. 17.35 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringlan. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Höfri og vinir hans (46:52). 18.30 Lúlla litla (4:26) (The Little Lulu Show). Bandarískur teiknimyndaflokkur um litla telþu sem þykir fátt skemmtilegra en hrekkja stráka. Þýðandi: Ólafur B. Guðnason. Leikraddir: Jóhanna Jónas og Valur Freyr Einarsson. 19.00 Nomin unga (4:22) (Sabrina the Teenage Witch). Banda- riskur myndaflokkur um stúlku sem kemst að því á 16 ára afmælinu sínu að hún er nom en það er ekki alónýtt þegar hún þarf að láta til sín taka. Þýðandi: Helga Tómasdóttir. 19.30 íþróttir 1/2 8. Meðal efnis á mánudögum er Evrópuknattspyrnan. 19.50 Veður. 20.00 Fréttir. 20.30 Dagsljós. 21.05 Bmggarínn (7:12) (Bryggeren). Danskur myndaflokkur um J.C. Jacobsen, stofnanda Carls- berg-brugghússins, og fjölskyldu hans. Leikstjóri er Kaspar Rostrup og aðal- hlutverk leika Frits Helmuth, Seren Sætter-Lassen, Puk Scharbau, Torben Zeller og Karen Wegener. Þýðandi: Veturliði Guðnason. (Nordvision - DR) 22.00 í blóð borið (5:6) (In the Blood). Breskur heimildar- myndafiokkur þar sem Stephen Jones, einn fremsti erfðafræðingur heims, fjallar um nýjar uppgötvanir f fræði- grein sinni og kemst að forvitnilegum niðurstöðum. Þýðandi: Jón 0. Edwald. 23.00 Ellefufréttir. 23.15 Mánudagsviðtalið. Haraldur Óíafsson og Þórhallur Heim- isson spjalla saman um átrúnaö og trúarlíf (slendinga. 23.45 Dagskráriok. 09.00 Línumar í lag. 09.15 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurinn. 13.00 Emest í suinarbúðum (e) (Emest Goes to Camp). Hrakfallabálk- urinn og oflátungurinn Ernest P. Worrell er mættur á nýjan leik. Aðal- hlutverk: Jim Varney, Victoria Racimo og John Vernon. Leikstjóri John R. Cherry 3rd. 1987. 14.35 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurínn. 14.55 Að hætti Sigga Hall (e). 15.35 Ó, ráðhús! (13:24) (e) (Spin City). 16.00 llli skóiastjórínn. 16,25 Steinþursar. 16.50 Ferðalangar á furðuslóðum. 17.15 Glæstar vonir. 17.35 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurinn. 18.00 Fréttir. 18.05 Nágrannar. 18.30 Ensku mörkin. 19.00 19 20. 20.00 Prúðuleikararnir (15:24) (Muppet Show). 20.30 Að hætti Sigga Hall. 21.10 Listamannaskálinn (South Bank Show). Pablo Picasso var einn áhrifamesti myndlistarmaður ald- arinnar. í þessum þætti ræðir Melvyn Bragg við rithöfundinn Norman Mailer um æskuár Picassos en Mailer hefur sent frá sér merkilega bók um mótun- arár listamannsins. 22.05 Siðalöggan (13:13) (Public Morals). 22.30 Kvöldfréttir. 22.50 Ensku mörkin. 23.20 Emest f sumarbúðum (e). 0.55 Dagskrðriok. 17.00 Spítalalíf (44:109) (e) (MASH). 17.30 Á völiinn (Kick). Þáttaröð um liðin og leikmenn- ina í ensku úrvalsdeildinni. Það er margt sem gerist á bak við tjöldin ( knattspyrnuheiminum og því fá áhorf- endur nú að kynnast 18.00 íslenski listinn. 19.00 Hunter (16:19) (e). 20.00 Áhjólum (12:13) (e) (Double Rush). 20.30 Stöðin (8:22) CTaxi). 21.00 Spaikmeistarínn 5 (Kickboxer V). Stranglega bönnuð bömum. 22.25 Ógnvaldurinn (14:22) (American Gothic). Myndaflokkur um líf íbúa (smábænum Trinity (Suður- Karólínu. Lögreglustjórinn Lucas Beck sér um að halda uppi lögum og regl- um en aðferðir hans ern ekki öllum að skapi. Undir niðri kraumar óánægja en fáir þora að bjóða honum birginn. 23.15 Sögur að handan (20:32) (Tales From the Darkside). Hrolivekj- andi myndaflokkur. 23.40 Spftalalif (44:109) (e) (MASH). 0.05 Fótbolti um vfða veröld (e) (Futbol Mundial). 0.35 Dagskráríok. YMSAR STOÐVAR Eurosport 07:30 Sailing: Whitbread Round the World Race 08:00 Equestrianisnv Puisar Crown Series 09:00 Football: 1998 World Cup Qualifying Round 11:00 NASCAR: Winston Cup Series 13:00 Tractor Pulling 14:00 Football: 1998 World Cup Quaiifymg Round 18KJ0 Truck Racing: Europa Truck Trial 17:00 Darts 18:00 Motorsports 20rt)0 Sumo: Grand Sumo Toumament (basho) 21:00 Tractor Pulling: Intemational Competition 22:00 Football 23:30 Golf: Hassan II Trophy 00:30 Ciose Bloomberg Business News 23:00 Worid News 23:12 Financial Markets 23:16 Bloomberg Forum 23:17 Business News 23:22 Sports 23:24 Uféstyles 23:30 World News 23:42 Financi8l Markets 23:45 Bioomberg ftorum 23:47 Business News 23:52 Sports 23:54 Lífestylos 00:00 World News NBC Super Channei 05:00 VIP 05:30 The McLaughlin Group 06:00 Meet tho Press 07:00 The Today Show 08:00 CNBC’s European Squawk Box 09:00 European Money Wlieel 1330 CNBC's US Squawk Box 14:30 Flavors of France 15:00 Gardening by the Yard 1530 Interiors by Design 16:00 Time and Again 17:00 Natíonal Geographíc Teievision 18:00 VIP 1830 Tlie Ticket NBC 19:00 Datelinc NBC 20:00 Benetton Formula 1 20:30 Gillette World Sport Special 21:00 The Best of the Toníght Show With Jay Léno 22Æ0 Late Night With Conan O’Bnen 23:00 Best of Later 23:30 NBC Nightly News With Tom Brokaw 00:00 Tlie Best of the Tonight Show With Jay Leno OlrtJO MSNBC Internight 02:00 VIP 02:30 Travei Xpress 03:00 The Tícket NBC 03:30 Talkín’ Jazz 04:00 Travel Xpress 04:30 The Ticket NBC VH-1 07:00 Power Breakfast 09:00 VH-1 Upbeat 12:00 Ten of the Best 13:00 VH-i Jukebox 1530 Toyah 17:00 Rve at five 17:30 Beatclub '80s 18:00 Hit for Six 19:00 Mills and Tunes 20:00 Soul Vibration 21:00 The VH-1 Album Chart Show 22:00 How was it for Vou? 23:00 Greatest Hlts Of.„ 00:00 TTie Nightfly 01:00 VH-1 Late Shift 06:00 Hit for Six Cartoon Network 05:00 Omer and the Starchild 0530 Ivanhoe 06:00 The Fruitties 06:30 Thomas Uie Tank Engine 06:46 The Smurfs 07:00 Dexterts Laboratory 07:30 Johnny Bravo 08:00 Cow and Chicken 08:30 Tom and Jeny Kids 09:00 Cave Kids 09:30 Blinky Bill 10:00 The Fruitties 10:30 TJiomas the Tank Engine 11:00 Wacky Races 11:30 Top Cat 12:00 The Bugs and Daffy Show 12:30 Popeye 13:00 Drpopy: Master Detective 13:30 Tom and Jerry 14:00 Scooby and Scrappy Doo 14:15 Thomas the Tank Engine 14:30 Blinky Bill 15:00 Tlie Smurfs 15:30 The Mask 16:00 Johnny Bravo 16:30 Taz-Mania 17:00 Dexter's Laboratory 17:30 Batman 18:00 Tom and Jerry 1830 The Flintstones BBC Prime 05:00 Tlie Business Hour 06:00 BBC Newsdesk 06:25 Prime Weather 0630 Noddy 06:40 Blua Poter 0735 Grange Hill 07:45 Ready, Steady, Cook 08:15 Kilroy 09:00 Style Challenge 09:30 Wildlife 10:00 Bergorac 10:55 Prime Weather 11:00 Peter Seabrook’s Gardentng Week 1130 Ready, Steady, Cook 11:50 Style Challenge 12:15 Songs Of Praise 12:50 Kilroy 1330 Wildlife 1430 Bergerac 14:55 FYime Wfeather 15:00 Peter Seabrook’s Gardening Week 1535 Noddy 15:35 Blue Peter 16:00 Grange Hill 1635 Songs of Praise 17:00 B8C World News: Weather 1735 Prime Weather 1730 Ready, Steady, Cook 18:00 Wildlife 18:30 Gluck, Gluck, Gluck 19:00 Aru You Betng Seivocl? 19:30 Birds of o Feather 20:00 Lovejoy 2130 BBC Worid News; Weather 2135 Prime Weather 2130 Law Women 22:30 Bírdíng With Bill Oddie 2330 Takin’ Over the Asylum 23:50 Prime Weather 00:00 Rurat Life: Image and Reality 00:30 Cragside House - From Lodge to Palace 01:00 Uie Victonan High Church 01:30 Victorian Oissenting Chopels 0230 Tba 0430 Tba Dlacovery 1830 The Diceman 1630 Driving Passions 17:00 Andent Warriors 1730 Beyond 2000 18:00 Wiid Discoveiy 19:00 Discovery News 1930 Dísaster 2030 Untamed Amazonia 2130 Ríver of Doubt 2230 Death Detectives 2230 Ashes to Ashes 23:00 Aviauon Weeks 0030 RighUine 0030 Driving Passions 01:00 DisaSter 0130 Discovery News 02:00 Close MTV 0530 Kickstart 09:00 MTV Mix 1030 Hít List UK 12:00 MTV Mix 14:00 Non Stop Híts 15:00 Select MTV 1730 Hit Llst UK 18:00 The Grind 18:30 The Grind Ciassícs 19:00 The Big Picture 19:30 Top Selection 2030 The Real Wbrld - Boston 2030 Singled Out 21:00 MTV Amour 22:00 Lovelíne 2230 Beavis & Butt-Head 23:00 Superock 01:00 Night Vdeos Skv 0830 Sunrise 10:00 SKY News 10:30 The Book Show 11:00 SKY News 1130 SKY World News 12:00 SKY News Today 1330 The Entertainment Show 14:00 SKY News 1430 Pariiament Llve 15:00 SKY News 1530 Pariiament Uve 16:00 SKY News 1630 SKY Worid News 17:00 Live At Rve 18:00 SKY News 19:00 Tonight Wíth Adam Bouhon 19:30 Sportsline 2030 SKY News 2030 SKY Business Report 2130 SKY News 2130 SKY Worid News 2230 SKY Natíonal News 23:00 SKY News 2330 CBS Eveníng News 00:00 SKY News 00:30 ABC Worid News Toníght 01:00 SKY News 01:30 SKY Worid News 02:00 SKY News 02:30 SKY Business Report 03:00 SKY News 03:30 The Entertainmcnt Show 04:00 SKY News 04:30 CBS Eveníng News 05:00 SKY News 0530 ABC Worid News Tonight cnn 05:00 CNN This Morníng 0530 Global View 06:00 CNN Thls Moming 06:30 Pinnacle Euraj)e 07:00 CNN This Moming 0730 Worid Sport 0830 Worid News 0830 Showbiz Thís Week 09:00 Worid News 09:30 CNN Newsroom 1030 Worid News 1030 Wortd Sport 1130 World News 1130 American Edition 11:45 Q & A 12:00 Worid News 1230 Managing with Lou Dobbs 1330 Worid News 13:15 Asian Editton 13:30 Business Asia 1430 Nows Updote 14:30 News Update 1530 Worid News 15:30 World Sport 1830 Workl News 16:30 Showbiz Thís Week 17:00 World News 1730 Style 18:00 World News 18:45 American Edition 1930 Worid News 19:30 Wortd Business Today 20:00 Worid News 20:30 Q & A 2130 Woild News Europe 2130 Insight 2230 News Update 2230 World Sport 23:00 CNN Wortd View 0030 Wortd News 00:30 Moneyllne 0130 Worid News 01:15 American Edition 01:30 Q & A 0230 Larry King 0330 Worid News 03:30 Showbiz Today 0430 World News 0430 Worid Report 19:00 The Shop Around Uie Comer 21:00 Hearts qf Uio West 23:00 Westworld (LB) 00:30 Treasure Island 03:00 The House of the Seven Hawks Omega 07:15 Skjákynningar 16:30 Þetta er þinn dagur meö Benny Hinn Frá samkomum Benny Hínn vlða um hcím.viðtöl og wtnisburðii. 1730 Líf í Orðinu Biblfufrœðsla með Joyce Meyer. 17:30 Hoimskaup Sjón- varpsmarkaður 19:30 Frelsiskallið (A Call To Freedom) Freddie Filmore prédikar. 20:00 Nýr sigurdagur Fnajðsla fró Ulf Ekman. 20:30 Lff í Úrðinu Biblfufræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 21:00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn Frð samkomum Benny Htnn vlða um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburðir. 21:30 Kvöldljós Endurtekið efni frá Bolholti. Ýmsir gestir. 23:00 Lff í Orðinu Bibliufrjeðsta með Joyce Meyer. 23:30 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord) Blandað efni fró TBN sjónvarpsstöó- inni. 0130 Skjákynningar Sky One 6.00 Moming Clofy. 9.00 Regís & Kathíe Lee. 10.00 Another WorW. 1130 Days of Our Lives. 12.00 The Oprah Winfrey Show. 13.00 Ger- aldo. 14.00 Saiiy Jessy Raphael. 15.00 Jenny Jones. 16.00 The Oprah Winfrey Show. 17.00 Star Trak: The Next Generation 18.00 The Live 6 Show. 18.30 Married... with Children. 19.00 The Stmpsons. 1B30 M*A*S*H. 20.00 Star Trek: Voyager. 21.00 Poltergoist: Tlie Lcgacy. 22.00 Sliders. 23.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 24.00 The Late Show with Davíd Letterman. OI.OOHít Mix Long Play. Skv Mowles 6.00 Tbpaz. 8.00 Marriage on the Rod<s. 10.00 Rrel 11.45 Uttle Women 13.45 The Secret of Bear Mountaín 15.30 Marrfage with Children. 17.15 Annie. A Royal Adventure. l9.00Gold Diggers. 20.30 Tlie Movte Show. 21.00 Judge Dredd. 22.45 Murder in Uie Rrst. 00.50 Nigbt Eyes Four. 230 Only wben I laugh 4.30 Rrel - ♦



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