Atuagagdliutit - 15.02.1968, Qupperneq 11
Postbox 39, Godthåb . Tlf. 1083 Postgiro 6 85 70
aklssugss. årKigss. Ansvarshavende: Jørgen Fleischer
Bladforlagene, Dronningens Tværgade 30, København K.
Telefon Minerva 8666
Arsabonnement ................. kr. 37,50
Løssalgspris .................. kr. 1,50
pissartagaxarneK 37,50
pisiarineKarnerar.e ........... kr. 1,50
Nungme sinerissap
kujatdliup nauiteriviane
Branden i Godthåb
J. F. Først var det branden på isen
ved Thule, hvor en B-52 maskine
brændte med fire brintbomber om
bord. Og nu branden i Godthåb.
Landsbiblioteket blev ildens bytte.
Næsten uerstattelige bogsamlinger af
stor kulturel værdi gik tabt. Det var
bittert, ikke mindst på baggrund af,
at en ny og brandsikret afdeling på
landsbiblioteket kunne være taget i
brug om nogle uger.
Alle uheldige omstændigheder rot-
tede sig sammen. Følgen var, at re-
sultatet af 11—12 års energisk arbejde
blev spildt. Nu står man på bar bund,
og det bliver ikke let at rekonstruere
Man kan spørge, om der var taget de
nødvendige sikkerhedsforanstaltninger
i forbindelse med ombygningen af
landsbiblioteket. Risikoen var stor,
når der arbejdes med gasflasker i en
biblioteksbygning, hvis samlinger af
uerstattelige ting ikke var brandsikret
på nogen måde. Men bøgerne var ikke
fjernet. Det kan ikke nytte noget at
beklage dette, nu da skaden er sket.
Det var ikke bibliotekets skyld, at
den brandfarlige bygning ikke for-
længst var brandsikret. Landsbiblio-
tekar Hans Westermann har gennem
årene udfoldet store anstrengelser for
at skabe en værdig ramme om sam-
lingerne. Men først for halvandet år
siden blev pengene til opførelse af
den brandsikrede afdeling bevilget,
den afdeling, der nu også blev ildens
Biblioteksbranden er en lærestreg
om, at man i prioriteringen af bygge-
planer burde tage mere hensyn til
ting, der har med uerstattelige kultur-
værdier at gøre. I dag ved vi, hvad der
kan ske, hvis man ikke i tide sørger
for den nødvendige sikring. Vi ved og-
så, at det nuværende landsmuseum er
lige så brandfarlig, som det ødelagte
bibliotek var det.
Af skade bliver man klog. Samlin-
gen på landsmuseet, der var tilveje-
bragt gennem mange års møjsomme-
ligt arbejde bør skånes imod samme
skæbne som den, bøgerne på lands-
biblioteket fik.
Thule-fangerne hjalp amerikanerne. Her er to af dem ude på piniartut avanerssuarmiut amerikamiunut ikiOput. tåssa ikiutut
isen mellem snehytter, der ligger en kilometer fra vraget. ilait sikumTtut, apåmit igdluvigkiat tingmissartup aserKuanit
1 kilometerisut ungasigtissumitut, akornåne.
Thoughts out on the Ice
Nungme ikuatdlangneK
J. F. tingmissartorssup brintimik
Kaertartorssualianik usissup sikume
Thulep erKåne ikuatdlangnerata ki-
ngorna, åma måna ikuatdlangnexar-
Pok Nungme. nunamik tamåkissumik
atuagausivik ingnerup aserorpå. atu-
agkat kulturimut tungatitdlugo pi-
ngåruteKaKissut taorserneKarsinåu-
ngingajagtut ånaineKarput.. uvgorna-
KaoK taimailissoKarmat, atuagausiviup
ilåssutigsså ikuatdlajaitdlisagaic atu-
lertugssångoraluartordlo sapåtit aku-
nere Kavsigsunguit Kångiugpata.
sut perdlatårnermut avKutausinau-
ssut tamarmik atautsimut eidterutut-
dlusoK. tamatuma kingunerå ukiut
11—12 ilungersordlune suliap mau-
ngåinartineKarnera. måna autdlarxau-
tånit suliniai'KigtoKartugssångorpoK,
imåinåusångeKaordlo atuagautit taor-
aperissoKarsinauvoK atuagausiviup
sanarKingneKarnerane KanoK pisso-
Karsinaunera nåmagtumik sitdlimav-
figiniarneKarsimanersoK. ajutoriatår-
nigssaK KanigtaKaoK gåse atordlugo
sulissoKarångat atuagausivingme, ka-
terssugautit taorserneKarsinåungitsut
Kanordlunit angnikitsigissumik ikuat-
dlatsailiugåungitsut akornåne. atuag-
katdle pérneKarsimångitdlat. måna a-
tuagkat aserorérmata tamåna måtdla-
tigisagaluaråine iluaKutåungilaK.
atuagausiviup pissussutigingilå ig-
KGH oplyser, at bygningen af det
hye kystpassagerskib ved Svendborg
Skibsværft A/S skrider godt frem, og
at afleveringen af skibet forventes at
finde sted i løbet af april måned.
Skibet blev søsat lige før jul uden
at navngivning fandt sted. Som be-
kendt kommer skibet til at hedde
i>Disko“, og navngivningen vil ske ved
afleveringen. Skibets ejer, rederiet
Northsea I/S, København, og KGH er
blevet enige om chartring af nybyg-
hingen for en periode på 10 år på
bare-boat basis i lighed med KGHs
tidligere chartringer af „NanoK S“ og
»Erika Dan“.
Nybygningen er ca. 70,50 m lang og
Ca- 13,50 m bred, og hovedmaskineriet
består af 2 stk. MAN dieselmotorer
med ialt 2610 HK, der skulle give ski-
bet en servicefart på ca. 13 knob. Ski-
bet er endvidere udstyret med en bov-
Pfopel for at lette dets havnemanøv-
KGH oplyser endvidere, at passager-
aPteringen kommer til at bestå af 32
dlo ikuatdlagtornigssamut årdlerina-
KissoK Kangarssuardle ikuatdlangnig-
ssamut isumangnaitdlisaivfigineicarsi-
mångingmat. nunamik tamåkissumik
atuagausiviup pissortå Hans Wester-
mann ukiut ingerdlaneråne angnertu-
mik norKainiarsimassoK katerssugau-
tit nalerKutumik inexalernigssåt angu-
niardlugo. aitsåtdle ukiup åipå avig-
dlugo KångiutoK atuagausiviup ikuat-
dlagtornigssamut isumangnaitdlisag-
kamik ilaneKarnigsså akuerineKarpoK,
tåssalo ilåssutå tåuna måna ingnerup
nungupå atuleriångitsordlunit.
atuagausiviup ikuatdlangnera ilini-
utaussugssauvoK sanaortugagssat tug-
dlerigsineKarneråne suliagssat kultu-
rikut kingornussanut taorserneicarsi-
nåungitsunut tungåssuteKartut sagdli-
uneKarsimassariaKaraluarmata. måna
påsisimalerparput KanoK pissoKarsi-
naussoK pivfigssaugatdlartitdlugo isu-
nalungilarputaoK nunamik tamåkissu-
mik katerssugausivik ikuatdlagtornig-
ssamut ulorianauteKartigissoK atua-
gausivigtut ikuatdlagtututdle.
kukulugtorneringoK silagtuatdlau-
taussarput. nunamik tamåkissumik
katerssugausivingmltut, ukiorpagssuit
ingerdlaneråne pigssarsiariniarneKa-
lussårsimassut, assagtutarianarput a-
tuagautit måna pineråtut Itumik na-
å 2 køjer med eget brusebad og toilet,
to kamre å 2 køjer uden eget bad, 18
kamre å 4 køjer uden eget bad og 20
liggepladser for dækspassagerer i to
saloner. Der bliver cafeteria med ca.
130 siddepladser, rygesalon med oa.
56 siddepladser og damesalon med ca.
14 siddepladser.
Det hedder videre i KGHs korte re-
degørelse over det nye skib: Ialt på-
regnes skibet at kunne medtage 250
passagerer. I seperat sygeafdeling kan
medtages fire patienter. (Da der er
140 køjer og 20 liggepladser for dæks-
passagerer om bord, opstår der nok
problemer med at finde en soveplads
for 90 passagerer, når skibet er fuld
Til transport af mindre forsendelser
indrettes to mindre lastrum, hvoraf
det ene er til fryselast.
Skibet tænkes indsat på ruten Fre-
derikshåb/Upernivik via. Sdr. Strøm-
fjord hver 14. dag i samsejling med
„Kununguax". Efter de foreliggende
prognoser skulle der med denne dispo-
sition nogle år fremover være skabt
rigelig dækning for trafikbehovet,
slutter KGH redegørelse.
It is midday, the weather is clear
and biting cold. Day is nothing more
than a narrow strip of light in the
south. There is not the faintest hint
of sun in the heavens and one can
dimly see the contours of the moun-
tains. No wind is stirring, only the
roar of a helicopter in the midst of
this great silence. Between a cluster
af igloos men piod about like sleep-
walkers, kerosine lamps in hånd. The
snow crunches softly under their gait
and their breath turns to vapor in the
polar cold.
I am standing out on the ice in
North Star Bay near Thule. The huge
American base can be seen in the
east like a sparkling string of pearls.
In the west about a kilometer away
is the outline of a black stain on the
ice. Slightly removed from it, a pair
of strong lights pierce the darkness.
Out there lies the remains of the
crashed B-52 bomber. One of the
giants of the air crashed only 11 kilo-
meters from Greenland’s coast. They
carry a cargo of four hydrogen bombs.
The aircraft is burnt up and has mel-
ted a 500 meter long and 70 meter wide
hole in the ca. one meter thick sea-
Today is Sunday, Jan. 28, 1968, one
week after the crash and they still
have not found those perilous bombs.
They do not know if they lie crushed
on the ice or sunken to the bottom
through that large hole.
It is a weird feeling to stand out
here on the ice in these grim surroun-
dings among completely foreign peo-
ple. The air buzzes with tongues from
all over the world and the photo-
graphers’ „shots“ crackle in rhythm.
The world’s attention is centered on
Thule. Her is where the action is. The
whole world is tensely following what
is happening here at the navel of the
earth, in the kingdom of cold and
The cold and darkness do not bother
me. I am accustomed to it. I was
born and grew up in parts far north
of the polar circle. The American po-
lar outfit is an excellent protection
against the cold, though it cannot com-
pare with Greenlandic furs. I have
often in the past stood outside in the
darkness and cold and enjoyed the
great stillness, while I dreamed of the
light that would soon return. In those
hours I experienced peace of soul; ex-
pectation of the sun’s return gives us
Greenlanders strength to pass more
easily through the polar period of
darkness. The light always comes back
victoriously. It is the stronger, the po-
lar night cannot subdue it.
The same thoughts now stir in my
mind, but I do not feel secure. An
insidious danger lurks out there in the
darkness, a danger whose essence is
unfamiliar to me.
Life in the arctic is full of dangers.
The struggle for survival is harder up
here than in other places in the world.
Nature can be unmerciful and we
By Jørgen Fleischer.
have learned to live with troubles.
But the danger out there is of a com-
pletely different character. It cannot
be perceived as the cold can; it cannot
be seen as an approaching storm; it
cannot be smelled as rotting meat. It
is a sneaking danger, a kind of sick-
ness like the diseases that ships from
the white man’s country usually come
„The great people’s country" pollu-
ted with radioactivity, that vast im-
maculate domain! What would Knud
Rasmussen say? It is indeed his land —
and mine. It was Knud Rasmussen
who extended Denmark’s territory also
to include Thule. Would he not have
protested against B-52 flights over
Greenland if he were alive today? Did
it not involve a clear rupture of an
agreement that no atomic weapons
be allowed in Danish territory? How
can we explain the presence of the
mighty aircraft that are seen so regu-
larly over settled areas of Greenland?
They leave behind a white vapor trail
and they come so regularly that a
person can set his watch by them.
Some day things will go wrong, a
person says to himself. And now
misfortune has come. And the conse-
quences? Are they not inestimable?
And what if the bombs feli through
the ice? What consequences await us
who live off the sea? What will hap-
pen to our export industry, our fish-
ing? Are the Thule people whose
existence depends on sea-life threaten-
ed? Everything ends in a big ques-
tion-mark. The bombs have not yet
been found.
Could this bomb-crash at Thule
have been avoided? The Americans
are our NATO allies. The American
bases up here are Greenland’s con-
trubution to the defense of the free
world. But that is no reason for risk-
ing radioactive pullution of Green-
land and its surrounding waters.
Are we Greenlanders angry with
the Americans? Both yes and no. If
the Americans sincerely regret what
has happened and promise us to dis-
continue B-52 flights over us, I believe
we will gladly forgive them. The
U. S. A. is our great friend and in
many ways we owe our thanks to
the Americans.
Is was in 1940 that we got to know
the Americans. The U. S. A. received
permission to construct bases in
Greenland. During the war we re-
ceived provisions from the U. S. A.
while our motherland, Denmark was
occupied by the Nazis. For over 25
years the Americans have had their
bases in Greenland. There has never
been any ground to object to their
presence up here. On the contrary,
they have often helped us when we
found ourselves in situations which
we could not overcome. This applies
in no small way to the people here in
I hope that Greenland’s trust in the
U. S. A. will not be shaken after the
H-bomb disaster. I do not doubt that
the Americans will do all they can to
cleanse the area of dangerous mate-
rials. This will also clear the air be-
tween us.
But the misfortune at Thule is indi-
cative of the uncomfortable perspec-
tives that mankind can be exposed to.
Man has succeeded in taming the
mighty powers that lie hidden in na-
ture. Today we have arrived at a cross-
roads in mankind’s history. Man has
taken his fate into his own hånds,
our existence depends on ourselves.
In an age of technology the world
has become very little. Even Thule
that before lay hidden at the end of
the world, now lies as on a public
But what can be done? We must
put our trust in hope, also as regards
the effects of the misfortune in Thule.
Hope is like light that conquers dark-
ness. Without hope no man can exist.
For the moment the polar night
broods over Thule, but darkness will
give way to light, it is the stronger.
Light will be victorious. That must
also be our hope for the world, for
mankind ....
Da det er anmeldt, at sparekassebog nr.
55587, Julianehåb, kontohaver Kirsten Kri-
stensen, Lichtenau, er bortkommet, ind-
kaldes herved med 1 års varsel Ihændeha-
veren af bogen til at melde sig og godtgøre
sin ret til bogen, der i modsat fald vil
være mortificeret.
Da det er anmeldt, at sparekassebog nr.
52012, Julianehåb, kontohaver Henning
Lund, er bortkommet, indkaldes herved
med 1 års varsel ihændehaveren af bogen
til at melde sig og godtgøre sin ret til bo-
gen, der 1 modsat fald vil være mortifi-
Deres ur
er i gode hænder hos os ..
Vort moderne reparationsværk-
sted modtager gerne Deres ur
eller brille til reparation.
uvavtinut suliarititarniaruk
årdlerKutiginago ..
sutdlivivtine moderniussume na-
lunaerKutårKat issarussatitdlu-
nit suliariumaKåvut.
Torvet 1 - Lemvig
Det nye kystpassagerskib