

Atuagagdliutit - 29.06.1983, Blaðsíða 42

Atuagagdliutit - 29.06.1983, Blaðsíða 42
1 Aataqqu aanna Upemavimmut ti- kinnissannut qilanaamermut kiisa sinis- saarpunga, ilissimi sinissaarpisi? Arkaluk F. Kleemann, Nuuk. New Zealand □ I’m very keen to have pen-friends ir your country. My name is Anne Amund- sen, I’m a widow, 47 years. I collecl stamps and like to correspond with people all ages from all over the world. My daughter, Marlene Amundsen, age 21 af the same address would also like to write to people in Greenland. All letters will be answered. We can both write french, ger- man as well as english. Mrs. Anne Amundsen/Ms. Marlene Amundsen, I Re- wi St., Te Awamutu, North Island, New Zealand. Germany □ I’m a lady, 35 years old, married. We have a four years old daughter. My profes- sion is technical assistant and my hobbies are writing letters and reading about sub- jects, collecting stamps and I like to read a lot. I’m interested in history and polar ex- plores and researches. I can only write in english or german. Hopefully someone will answer me. It doesn’t matter which sex or which age. All letters are welcome. Mrs. Karin Schwander-Bomkessel, Berenhorsts- re. 39,1000 Berlin 51, West-Germany. Sverige □ Jag år en snart 17-årig svensk tjej som skulle bli jåtteglad at få några gronlandska brewånner. Mitt namn år Helena Kron- holm och mina intresen år: Speedway, simning och mycket annat som gør livet glatt. Helena Kronholm, Persdalsgatan 34, 73300 Sala, Sverige. Ghana □ Gabriel Opoku, age 25, hobbies: foot- ball, exchange of goods and movies. P.O.Box 434, Cape Coast, Ghana. □ Aluu Amala aamma Ane, Narsaq. Qanoq ippisi, uanga ajunngilanga. Sooru- na tutsiunneq ajorpisi? Una kinaana. Al- lattoq, Hofisortartoq, Nuuk. □ Mr A. U. Raschid, age 20, hobbies: con-espondence, outdoor games, travel- ling, exchange of currency’s pictures. Ad- dress: Muslim Brotherhood, Box 3, Pra Ewusi, Nyanfeku Ekorful, Abura Dunk- wa, Ghana. □ Victoria K. Akon, age 16, hobbies: col- lecting stamps, corresponding and music. P.O.Box 1022, Cape Coast, Ghana. □ Sebastian Joseph Egyir, age 20, hobbi- es: playing football, sports, table tennis and hockey. P.O.Box 884, Cape Coast, Ghana. □ I am a Ghanaian boy who want pen- pals from your country. My name is Kwadjo Kuffour and I am 13 years of age. My hobbies are table tennis, movies, ma- king friendships, hockey and football. Kwadjo Kuffour, c/o Mary Tetteh- Ashong, P.O.Box 166, Koforidua, Gha- na. □ Boa Petrussen, Narsaq. Immaqa taa- mak takullutit. Kipilerpunga tikeraarina. Soorunaluunniit sianemeq ajorpit. Ajun- nginniama. Grethe Enoksen, Qaqortoq. □ Nuka Enoksen, Inuusuttut Inaat, Qa- qortoq. Sooruna pulaameq ajorpit. Kipip- punga pulaartamiarit. Grethe Enoksen, Qaqortoq. □ Rosemarie Kingsley Egyir, age 17, hobbies: correspondence, cooking, post- cards, listening to softmusic, dancing, tra- velling, swimming, bank notes, written let- ters and volley. P.O.Box 884, Cape Coast, Ghana. □ Daniel Yan Sekyere. Hobbies: foot- ball, table tennis and photographs. c/o Es- ther Adu, Box 628, Kofiridua, Ghana. □ Aluu Marie aamma Margrethe Mar- kussen, Narsaq. Qanoq ippisi, uanga ajun- ngilanga. Tusarusunnaqaasi allattamiarit- si, innuulluaritsi. Aqqaluk Mikaelsen, 3900 Nuuk. □ Rose Mary Gabriel Opoku, age 18, hobbies: hair dressing, cooking, pictures, collecting postcards and disco-dancing. Box 434, Cape Coast, Ghana. — Gabriel, Elizabeth, Jennings aammalu Rose Mary (angutaasoq) qatanngutigiiupput kissaati- gaallu nunatsinni ikinngutitaamissaq. □ Kyame Kwasi, Box 383, Koforidua, Ghana. □ I am a Ghanaian black lady and I wish to correspond with people in your country. My name is Christina Lovina Badzie, 23 years, language — english. My hobbies are: fashion, exchanging gifts, netball and music (especially soft ones). Address: P.O.Nox 1145, Cape Coast, Ghana. □ Kammalaassuara Else Nielsen. Qanoq inuk, uanga ajunngilanga. Qaa aamma illit allattarlutit, kipippunga. Grønbjerg Quist, Nalunnguarfik 86,3950 Aasiaat. U Jennings Welbeck, age 20, hobbies: football, netball, reading gospel and moni- es. Box 434, Cape Coast, Ghana. □ Elizabeth Kokwame Opoku, 23 years, — hobbies: hair dressing, cooking and col- lecting postcards. Box 434, Cape Coast, Ghana. -den ægte Golf er alle pengene værd! Kør sikkert kør: Nord-Auto Fredrikstadvej 3 - 9200 Aalborg SV Telefon 08 - 18 67 33 - Telex 69759 Nordau UL-FOTO nutåungitsunik åssiuteKarpit? agdlislkusugkugkit unga nagsiukit: LIL-FOTO AG Box 39 3900 Nuuk agdlislkusutat mingnerpåmik 4x6- itut angitigissariaxarpoK. ima angitigissungortinexartarput: 9x13 18X24 13x18 20x25 åssilisikusugkuvit imalumt påsissaxarusugkuvit sujanerit normumut 2 34 61. KalipauteKångitsulnait suliarineKartarput. LIL-FOTO klarer alt i kopiering og forstørrelse af gamle billeder - Uden negativer. Send ind til: LIL-FOTO AG - Box 39, 3900 Nuuk Husk: Billederne, du sender ind, må ikke være mindre end 4x6 cm. Kopier leveres i følgende størrelser: 9x13 18x24 13X18 20x25 Vil du vide mere - Ring til: LIL, AGs fotoafdeling, Tlf. 2 34 61 Alt arbejde laves kun i sort/hvid. 42 NR. 26 1983



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