
Réttur - 01.07.1984, Blaðsíða 35

Réttur - 01.07.1984, Blaðsíða 35
í gini ljónsins Bandaríkin sótt heim Hungurríki Norður-Ameríku Auglýsingin hér t'yrir neðan frá sam- tökum, sem nefnast „Bjargið börnun- um“, birtist í bandaríska vikuritinu Times í sumar. Með aðstoð leikarahjónanna Paul Newman og Joanne Woodward er reynt að fá lesendur til að gefa sveltandi börnum ákveðna fjárupphæð mánaðar- lega. Á svarmiðanum eru reitir, þar sem á að krossa við af hvoru kyninu barnið skuli vera og frá hvaða hungurhrjáða landi. Auk þeirra landa, sem oftast eru nefnd í þessu sambandi (Afríku, Bangladesh, Kólumbíu, Sri Lanka, ...) er að finna þarna ýmsa sultarstaði, sem sennilega koma mörgum á óvart, þar á meðal ísra- el. Auglýsingin frá samtökunum oiBjargiö börnunum“ An important message from PAUL NEWMAN and JOANNE WOODWARD “We share our love with seven wonderf ul children we have never seen. “ We’d like to tell you why.” “For 16 years we’ve been Save the Children sponsors. We began by sponsoring a desperately poor little girl from the mountains of Colombia—a child who lived in a one-room hut and could only dream of attending school. "It was a joy to share our good fortune with her and to know that she was blossoming because someone cared enough to help. It made us want to help other children in the same way. And . graphs...reports...and iefters you can exchange, if you wlsh. “You'll see despair turn to hope, and you'll feel the personal reward of knowlng what your love and support can do. “The cost is so little. The need is so great. Won’t you join us as Save the Children sponsors?" A «pon»orahip costs only $16 • month -lcss thsn many other sponaorshlp agoncies Just 52c a day Bocause 50 years ol experlence has taught us that direct handouts are the least etfectlve way ot helping chtldren, your sponsorshlp contribu- tions are not distributed in this way. Instead they are used to help children in the most ttectlve wav poasible —by heiping tho entire communtty wlth projécts and services, such as health care, bducatton. tood production and nutritlon So hardworking poopla can help themsetves and aave thoir own children. r------------------------------------------------1 j Flll out thls coupon...and share your love with a child. J 147
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