

Ægir - 15.04.1976, Page 13

Ægir - 15.04.1976, Page 13
Æ G I R — 127 Jnmíur—iseptember 197S og 1974 1 Þorskur Coe/ .. 1II.248 110.647 5.173 ÍO 89 734 1.41 7 229.318 7.658.055 214.801 5.067.348 7 5 2 Ýsa /ZatftfocA' . . 25.55/ 62 205 54 25 2.385 520 28.805 823.975 25.581 611.206 13 35 / 2 3 Ufsi Saif/ie . 40.189 8.438 298 — 10 12 123 49.069 1.081.226 45.005 772.163 9 40 / 3 4 Karfí Relfis/i . 31.156 2 — — 621 16 103 31.898 663.258 29.126 483.587 10 37 / 4 5 Langa Ling 2.704 427 2 * 6 8 3.147 96.188 3.156 71.372 _J_ * 35 5 6 Keila Tusk 472 31 288 6 1 799 16.416 906 13.173 5-12 25 6 7 Steinbítnr Catfish 9.350 7 151 — 20 140 31 9.699 215.319 10.317 186.649 5-6 15 7 8 Spærlingur Norway Pout — — — — 2.147 — — 2.147 2.469 10.205 32.147 5-79 792 8 9 Skötuselur Monk 342 1 — * 1 15 359 7.977 260 4.119 38 94 9 10 Skata Skate 47 59 — 12 13 3 134 2.028 198 1.966 -732 3 10 11 Ósundurliðað Not specified 593 201 27 — 745 18 68 1.652 18.046 2.546 19.243 -735 76 11 12 Lúða Halibut 810 * 2 * 71 29 912 70.458 658 39.424 39 79 12 13 Grálúða Greenland Halibut 918 * — — 4 1 1 925 24.108 2.605 69.687 -764 765 13 14 Skarkoli Plaice 2.301 — — — 5 34 120 2.459 76.150 2.935 67.600 -716 13 14 15 Annar flatfiskur Other flatfishes . 102 — — * 5 107 3.230 158 3.509 -732 78 15 16 Síld Herring 342 537 — — 1 — 9.627 10.507 411.339 26.481 701.194 -760 741 16 17 Loðna Capelin 1.298 — — — 451.594 1 — 452.893 1 110.857 462.230 2 016.607 -72 745 17 18 Humar Lobster 2.357 — — * * — 2.357 356.675 1.983 218.295 19 63 18 19 Rækja Shrimps 3.147 — — — — 3.147 155.136 4.021 158.452 722 72 19 20 Hörpudiskur Scallop 1.758 — — — — 1.758 35.732 1.541 21.184 14 69 20 21 Annar afli Miscellaneoits * * — — 214 214 3.928 5.122 56.727 796 793 21 Alls Total 234.687 120 .415 6.145 64455.272 3.439 12.284 832.307 12.832.387 849.83610.615.651 72 21 1 Þorskafli Demersal species 225.786 119.877 6.145 64 3.677 3.438 2.443 361.43010.758.720 348.457 7 443.190 4 45 1 2 Síldarafli Herring 342 537 — — 1 — 9.627 10.507 411.339 26.481 701.194 760 741 2 3 Loðnuafli Capelin 1.298 — — — 451.594 1 — 452.893 1.110.857 462.230 2 .016.607 72 745 3 4 Krabbadýraafli Crustaceans .... 5.504 — — * * — 5.504 511.811 6.004 376.747 78 36 4 5 Skelfiskafli Molluscs 1.758 — — — — 1.758 35.732 1.541 21.184 14 69 5 6 Annar afli Miscellaneotis * * — — 214 214 3.928 5.122 56.727 796 793 6 AIls Total 234.687 120 .415 6.145 64455.272 3.439 12.284 832.307 12.832.387 849.83610.615.651 72 21 ALLIR VÉLBÁTAR A.LLIR TOGARAR Magn í lestum Verðmæti þús. kr. Magn lestum Verðmæti þús. kr. Heildarafli í jan-sept. 1975 og 1974: 1 Þorskaflinn Demersal species 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 219.012 227.500 6.711.191 4.799.702 142.677 121.016 4.074.492 2.653.792 1 2 Síldar- ogloðnuafli Herring and Capelitt 467.009 487.004 1.532.185 2.709.961 844 1.494 1.884 7.840 2 3 Krabbadýraafli Crustaceans 5.504 6.004 511.811 376.772 — — 2 4 Skelfiskaflinn Molhtscs 1.758 1.541 35.732 21.184 4 5 Annar afli Miscellaneotis 298 5.259 4.519 60.738 71 47 2.586 937 5 Heildarafli Total catcli 693.582 727.308 8.795.438 7.968.356 143.592 122.557 4.078.962 2.662.568



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