

Ægir - 01.05.1979, Qupperneq 68

Ægir - 01.05.1979, Qupperneq 68
Útfluttar sjávarafurðir í janúar 1979 Frystar afurðir Saltaðar afurðir ísaðar afurðir Nr. Lönd Magn Verðmœti Magn Verðmæti Magn Verðmttti lestir þús.kr. lestir þús.kr. lestir þús.kr. Janúar 1979 3 Bandaríkin ................................ 2.225 4 Belgía ...................................... 20 5 Bretland ................................... 653 7 Danmörk ....................................... 9 8 Finnland ...................................... I 9 Frakkland 10 Færeyjar 11 Grikkland 12 Holland . 14 ftalía ... 16 Noregur....................................... 2 17 Pólland ............................. 18 Portúgal ............................ 19 Rúmenía ............................. 20 Sovétríkin ......................... 22 Svíþjóð ...................................... 40 24 Tékkóslóvakía ........................ 26 Vestur-Þýzkaland ............................. 78 27 Önnur Ameríkulönd 28 Afríka ........... 29 Asía ............. 31 Önnur lönd........ Samtals 3.028 Samtals 1978 8.492 .651.100 30 11.300 23 16.100 5.400 _ _ _ 211.100 - - 1.409 466.800 16.600 - - - 1.200 903 324.300 - — 842 391.100 - - _ 494 301.300 _ " 5.900 - - - - 1.022 410.100 - " I 1.354 417.400 _ " 37.700 2.080 703.400 - 68.800 732 364.800 605 134.200 - 489 282.300 - - 100 58.500 - - .997.800 8.046 3.264.500 2.037 617-100 .620.600 8.529 2.359.900 482 102.50° Glossary of fish species and fishing industry terms A: Aflaverðmæti=Value of the catch. Afli=Catch. Annar=Other. Annar afli=Miscellaneous catch. Alls=Total. B: Beitusíld=Herring used as bait. Blálanga=Blue ling. Botnfisktegundir=Demersal species. Botnvarpa=Bottom trawl. D: Dragnót=Danish seine. F: Fiskiskipastóllinn=The flshing fleet. Fiskmjöl=Fishmeal. Fisktegundir=Fish species. Fiskveiðar=Fishery. Fjármunaeign=Capital Fjármunamyndun=Investment. Flatfiskur=Flatfish. Flotvarpa=Midwater trawl. Flök=Fillets. Framleiðsla=Production. Fryst=Frozen. G: Grálúða=Greenland halibut. Grásleppuhrogn=Lumpfish roe. H: Háfur=Dogfish, flake. Hagnýting fiskaflans=Deposition of catch. Hákarl=Greenland shark. Hámeri=Mackerel shark. Handfæri=Hand line. Heilfrystur=Frozen whole. Heildarafli=Total catch of fish. Hertur fiskur=Dried unsorted fish, stock fish. Hlýri=Spotted sea cat. Hrogn=Roe. Hrognkelsi=Lumpfish. Hrognkelsanet=Lumpfish-gillnet. Humar=Lobster. Humarvarpa=Lobster trawl. Hvalur=Whale. Hörpudiskplógur=Scallopdredge. H örpudiskur=Scallop. I: Innlend neysla=lnternal consumptl0n' fsað=On ice. K: Karfi=Redfish. Keila=Tusk. Kjöt=Meat. Kolmunni=Blue whiting. Krabbadýr=Crustaceans. L: Landanir=Landings. Langa=Ling. 320 — ÆGIR
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