

Ægir - 01.04.1986, Blaðsíða 63

Ægir - 01.04.1986, Blaðsíða 63
<. Vv\ íntroducing the world’s fisheries industry . ^Jorn 11—16 August in the Nidar0 Exhibition Hall *n Trondheim, Norway, more than 400 manufacturers rorn 20 nations will be presenting the latest products and services for the fisheries industry. Nor-Fishing, now 0 e arranged for the 11 th time.is bigger than ever th bas firmlV estahlished its position as one of e leading intemational fishery fairs. Nor-Fishing is a meeting place for specialists from the entire fishery world. A meeting place for making con- LCts and exchanging views. First and foremost, however, ls is where products are bought and sold, and where V°u can keep informed both of current events and of uture developments. , . be bair also offers an interesting program of seminars *ch will include highlight sessions by internationally PRrcminent speakers. For more details about Nor-Fishing /4 PQleasecontactus-teleph°ne(472) 55 36 90, w 00 80), telex: 78 748 messe n - or send in the coupon. , inquiries conceming travel and accomodation N ^TTYvvt SCnt to ^vete Reisebyrá, Prinsensgt. 51, (áin\rJron^beim, Norway, telephone: (47?) 53 15 00- telex: 55 123. ^fSanisers: The Royal Norweaian Ministry of Fisheries/Directorate Yes, I would like to receive turther information on Nor-Fishing ’86. Please send me □ the visitors’ brochure. □ The seminar program (as soon as issued). □ The Fair Catalogue (as soon as issued). Na Company:. Address:_ Country:— Telephone:- >33^Nor'Fishin9’8^ I 11-16 August 1986, Nidar^ Exh. Hall -g 11-16 August 1986, Nidar^ Exh. Hall Trondheim - Norway Nor-Fishing ’86. Norges Varemesse (Norwegian Trade Fair Foundation) P.O.Box OOSkpyen, N-0212 Oslo 2, Norway. Telephone (472) 55 36 90 (43 80 80), Telex: 78 748 messe n of Fisheries in cooperation with the Norwegian Trade Fair Foundation.
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