Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1964, Qupperneq 92

Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1964, Qupperneq 92
90 ANTHONY FAULKES Knytlinga Saga. There are three references to this saga in SLR, which is mentioned in the list of sources, where Worm remarks: “Hujus mihi est copia.” This copy was AM 1005 4to, which he was given in 1639 by Bishop Þorlákur.50 AM 1005 is a copy of AM 180 b fol., the oldest complete MS containing the B-text of the saga.51 The cpiotations in SLR are also from a B-type MS, but are con- siderably different from the text in 180 h fol. Besides AM 1005 4to, there is one other copy of 180, GkS 1006 fol., which was made for Brynjólfur Sveinsson by Jón Erlendsson, at least before 1649.52 In this MS, the first six chapters (chs. 22—27 in the edition, which con- tain the first two of the quotations in SLR), which were originally contained in a separate “Þáttr” (“Soguþattr af Sueine konge Vlf- syne”), are now missing, but the text can be reconstructed from AM 19 fol., which is a copy of 1006 also made hy Jón Erlendsson. The deviations of SLR from AM 180 b fol. do not correspond to the rea- dings in either of these MSS which are derived from it. Therefore it seeins certain that either Magnús used another MS of this group which is now lost, or else that he made the quotations from memory, having read the saga probably in AM 180 b fol. Since the readings in SLR are so different from the surviving MSS, however, the latter assumption is probably correct.53 To illustrate these statements, the longest quotation, on p. 64, s. v. Kongsœler, is here given in full, together with the text as it appears in AM 180 b fol., with the significant variants from the A-text and from AM 1005 4to, and AM 19 fol.: B0 See Ole Worm’s Correspondenee, 480 and 502. B1 See the ed. of Carl af Petersens and Emil Olsen in Spgur Danakonunga (1919—25), to which the page nnmbers below refer. 52 See Ole Worm’s Correspondence, 415. 03 There is another MS of the B-type which is independent of AM 180 b fol., viz. AM 20 b II fol. This MS is fragmentary and does not contain any of the passages quoted in SLR. All the other surviving MSS of the B-type are derived either from AM 1005 or GkS 1006.
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Íslenzk tunga

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