Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1964, Side 94

Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1964, Side 94
92 ANTHONY FAULKES 62 Klœkur: Þad hefe eg alldrei heyrt ad Gude tyke [sic] betur huglauser Klæk- ismenn enn hugfuller Dreinger og huatir. — Same entry: Viliu vier micklu heldur deya med Dreingskap, en lifa med Klækisskap (134:11—15). — These two quotations are part of the same sentence in the text of the saga, but in SLR they are treated as separate quotations, though both under the same headword, and the second half is quoted before the first. There is no reference to the source of this second part (“Viliu ... Klækisskap”), and the first part, ascribed to “Knitlingu” in SLR, is lacking in DG 55. This is almost certainly an accidental omission, as there is no reason to suppose that both parts of the quotation were not included in Magnús’ original glossary: it would have been a great coincidence if another person had added a quotation from the same sentence to illustrate the same word. The following quotation has no reference in SLR, and may be a paraphrase of a passage in Knytlinga Saga: 70 Laun: N: var þa til Kongs tekinn a Laun ])ijnge. — Cf. p. 68:16—18: “En sumir skulu setja á meðan launþing ok taka Harald þar til konungs. Þetta_ var svá gqrt.” Cf. also p. 69:11: “Haraldr Sveinsson var til konungs tekinn.” It may be remarked that this passage is from the same part of the saga as the quotations s. vv. Kongsœler and Hein above. “N”, of course, stands for No- men as elsewhere in SLR. Orkneyinga Saga. The quotations in SLR from this saga have been examined by Sigurður Nordal in his edition (1913—16), pp. xxvii—xxxi, and previously by Guðbrandur Vigfússon (Orkneyinga Saga and Magnús Saga, London 1887). These investigators found that the quotations derive from the same manuscript as Magnús Ól- afsson’s transcripts of parts of the saga in Ups. Bibl. Isl. R. 702, and AM 762 4to. This original manuscript is now only fragmentary, there remaining only two leaves in AM 325 III a 4to. Besides the 109 quotations listed by Nordal, I have found 13 others. In most respects these also agree with the readings of 702 and 762, insofar as the passages quoted are included in these MSS: 14 Baugur: Leita eg so bauga (143:16, v). 26 Dölgur: Ærid hafa dólgar skap folgid (184, v.). — There is no reference to the source of either of these two in SLR.
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Íslenzk tunga

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