Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1964, Síða 102

Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1964, Síða 102
100 ANTIIONY FAULKES Þollr, vák Þórgrím trolla — þar laust harðr til jarðar — áðr réðk, odda hríðar, ótrauðr Loðins dauða. *36 Foarn: Þa hann reiddist, Rodnadi hann ecki, þui honum rann ecki blod i Horund: ej helldur bliknadi hann, þui ej rann honum Blod i Hiarta, sem bleydi monnum, helldur var hans Hiarta so hart sem foarn i Fugle. — This is ascribed in SLR to “Kolbrunar S:” (!), and is a very corrupt rendering of the well-known description of Þorgeir’s emotions on hearing of the death of his father (pp. 127—128). Since it is not in DG 55, it is likely that this quotation was added, probably from memory, considering how inexact it is, in Copenhagen. It may have been inserted into the glossary by Guðmundur Andrésson, who records the word foarn in LI, and also includes on p. 129, s. v. Jardmen, a paraphrase of thc passage in Fóstbræðra Saga describing the cere- mony of entering into fosterbrotherhood (p. 125), which also gives the im- pression of having been made from memory. Eyrbyggja Saga. This saga is mentioned in the list of sources, but there is only one reference to it: 9 Arsalur: Þorgumma [i. e. Þórgunna] skipadi ad Arsall Sinum. — Thc pas- sage about Þórgunna and her ársalr is in chs. 50—51 of Eyrbyggja Saga, but nothing resembling this sentence occurs in the received texts. It might perhaps be considered a paraphrase of the passage, IF IV, 141—142: “Þat er skipan mín ... rekkju mína ok rekkjuljald vil ek láta brenna í eldi.” In any case the reference is probably made from memory. Hrólfs Saga Kraka. This saga is not mentioned in the list of sour- ces, but there are two references to it, neither of which, however, is in DG 55: *55 Hornablaastur: Heyrdu þeir hornablaastur a Land. -— This corresponds to ch. 7 of the saga, where the accepted text reads: “Þeir heyra nú lúðragang ok herblástur á landit upp.” None of the known MSS has the same reading as SLR. *5 Alur: Allt er sem leike a als odda ... in historia Rolvonis Krakc_— In ch. 43 is the sentence: “Skjálfa þótti húsit, sem þeir lágu í, svá sem alsolla léki.” Variant readings for alsolla are á solli, á þrœði, á hjóli. Only one MS has á als odda, GkS 1002 fol., from the late 17th century.
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