Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 4

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 4
Say your piece, voice your opinion, send your letters to: 4 Letters Sour grapes and stuff (Light) MOST AWESOME LETTER A buncha POLAR BEER for your thoughts We're not gonna lie to you: we really love us some beers. Some folks would call it a problem, but beer never gave us any problems. In fact, over the years, it's solved most of 'em. A frosty glass of cold, frothy, bubblicious, golden- tinted beer has consistently failed to let us down. In the immortal words of the once-reputable Homer J. Simpson: "Mmm... Beer..." Now, since we're real pleasant and giving folks here at the Grapevine, we thought we'd share some wonderful POLAR BEER with you, our readers. Not only that, you're also getting the gift of social life with it. So here's the deal: our most awesome letter of each issue (henceforth, or until the good people of POLAR BEER decide they don't want to play along anymore), we will be providing our MOST AWESOME LETTER scribe with twelve frothy POLAR BEERS, to be imbibed at a Reykjavík bar of their choice (so long as that bar is either Bakkus or Venue). If y'all's letter is the one, drop us a line to collect. Give us your worst: MOST AWESOME LETTER: Dear Mammút, Thank you for your postcard! It’s great to hear your tour is going well (or was when you sent it, in any case – who knows what happened af- terwards), and it’s great you sold out all your merch. Goddamn, you kids make us proud. Go have some free beers at Bakkus to celebrate when y’all get back, aight? Good morning Haukur, I'm submitting the following to the Inspired by Island competition, and I thought you might enjoy reading it and maybe even pub- lishing part of it. The Grapevine, after all, was also very much part of my Iceland, and I was very impressed by the quality, the energy and the stimulating eccentricity of your paper. Thank you for that. Andre My Iceland? You want my Iceland? Very well, but I warn you that if I give you my Ice- land you will not get your Iceland back again. My Iceland, after all, is filtered partly through Olaf Olafson, and just as his dreams become part of memory so my reality will become part of yours. My Iceland is compounded of Arnaldur Indridason, Louis MacNeice, W. H. Auden, Mr. Bjarnfreðarson, Andri Snaer Magnason, and Halldor Laxness, remembering always that Laxness is not just the grimly optimistic Halldor Laxness of Independent People... [goes on for approximately 45.000 more words…] Dear Andre, Wow! You really were inspired by Iceland, huh! That was a Russian novel you sent us. Thanks, man. Unfortunately we couldn’t print the whole thing… OK, who are we kidding. We couldn’t even read the whole thing! Sorry. It’s just been really busy around here. And it is SUPER LONG. But it’s cool that you wrote it nonetheless. And thank you for your kind words, too. <3 Hello, I wondered if it is possible to post out a copy of The Reykjavik Grapevine, Issue 11 to us in England? My daughter is a huge Bjork fan and would love to have a copy if it was at all pos- sible, I would be happy to pay postage costs etc. Thanks Karen Ellis Dear Karen, But of course we can! We’d be glad to. Did you know you can even subscribe to the Grapevine for dirt cheap? No fooling! It’s all there on our website. Or on page two of this very issue. Cool, huh? Dear editor, As an Israeli living in Iceland, I felt compelled writing you after reading the interview with the Palestinian author. Though she was cor- rect on few points, there are still many mis- conception that are widely accepted among many people (among them many Icelanders) that I would like to clear up. Give me the opportunity to clear some of them up for you and your readers. I offer you an exclusive interview for on the subject for the point a view rarely given stage on the local newspapers. Hopefully, that will shed little bit light on this controversial issue. Med kvedju, Guy Gutraiman Dear Guy, thank you for your letter. It’s good to hear “the Palestinian author” got some things right when we interviewed her, and it’s even bet- ter that some Israeli that moved to Iceland is kindly willing to allow us to interview him to clear up some of her misconceptions. You should just write us an article and clear these ‘misconceptions’ up for yourself, though. We print pretty much anything folks send us (so long as it doesn’t suck all over the place, and it isn’t too long). Anyway, what is it with all these folks writ- ing in all the time asking to be interviewed? What’s that all about? Should we just start interviewing everyone that has an opinion or something he or she wants to promote? Do other magazines do that? How come no one ever interviews us? We have lots of views and opinions and shit we’d like to promote. In fact, Guy, you should interview us. We read your blog (, and while it got some things right (well, a couple), you seem to foster a bunch of misconceptions that we would be happy to clear up for you and your readers. We offer you an exclusive interview on how you are totally wrong about a lot of things. Free of charge. PS – sorry for the snarky tone of that reply. It’s cool that you read us, and that you are opin- ionated, and we really do urge you to write them down so we can publish them (and then, if anyone disagrees, they can write in to ‘cor- rect’ you. FREE EXCHANGE OF IDEAS IS SO LOVELY). But you gotta admit, your letter was kinda douchey and sorta begged for some snark. HI! I decided to write here, because i am worried! When did Icelanders start cheating so much? I thought that people here are nice and hon- est, but guess they are not. Is it because i´m foreigner, that you think it is ok to cheat me? I am not so rich that i can afford to all that crap you guys are selling me. Stop that! Stop cheating and acting like gypsies! You are not gypsies, you are icelanders. Peace loving honest people! Stop fucking cheating me! Susanna Omori Dear Susanna, What did we cheat you on? Or did we per- haps cheat on you? Who knows! We never fully committed to this relationship in the first place, it was a summer fling. It was a fling! You knew that! You knew! You were the one who suggested an ‘open relationship’ (and my how well that worked out for everyone). Also, who are you to call us ‘nice’ and ‘honest’? Where the hell have you been? And WTF is with your goddamn racism? That is extremely uncool. In fact, your ‘gypsy’ remark sorta wants us to cheat you out of your money, and hope others do, too. Stop fucking being a racist! Stop it! Is it because we have almost no foreigners in Iceland that you think it’s OK to be all racist all over our pages. You are not a racist, you are a probably a Finn. An alcoholic, pessimistic, suicidal sauna-lover. Stop being a goddamn whinypants racist! Stop stereotyping folks! STOP IT


Reykjavík Grapevine

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The Reykjavík Grapevine is free alternative magazine in English published 18 times a year. 6 times (monthly) during the winter (October-March). 12 times (bi-weekly) during the summer (April-September). The magazine is distributed all over Iceland to about 1000 locations. Each issue is printed in 25,000 copies, and is usually 48-64 pages long.

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