Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 22

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 22
Strandgata 34 220 Hafnarfjörður 585-5790 Borgarnes The Icelandic Settlement Centre Brákarbraut 13-15 310 Borgarnes 437-1600 Stykkishólmur Vatnasafnið / Library of Water Akureyri Akureyri Art Museum Kaupvangsstræti 12 600 Akureyri 461 2610 Populus Tremula Talk & Presentation by Samarendra Das The Reykjavík Academy, 20:00 Free The Indian author, filmmaker and activist Samarendra Das is visiting Iceland again, from August 14 to 21 in collaboration with Saving Iceland. He's here to promote his and Felix Padel's book, ‘Out of This Earth: East India Adivasis and the Aluminium Cartel’, which is often referred to as the “black book” of the aluminium industry. Indeed, it addresses all the dark sides of the industry. Samarendra will have a talk and presentation on his book at the Reykjavík Academy, Hringbraut 121, on Wednesday August 18th at 20:00. He will have more talks as well around the country. ÞJ 18 August Severed Crotch Release/ Farewell Concert Sódóma, 22:00 Free United Voices Various Locations 1000-1500 ISK Reykjavík death metal superstars Severed Crotch released the album ‘The Nature of Entropy’ this summer and are going to celebrate with a concert at Sódóma on August 14. The drummer is leaving the country, so the Crotch won't be entertaining us with their blood-tinged brutality for a whole year. Others are going to play, such as Angist, Manslaughter and Gone Postal. It's free, so why not show up, get fucked up and slamdance to the most brutal band in Reykjavík? ÞJ Ever wondered what would happen when you fuse Nordic and Baltic choral music together? A super massive choral festival. And this year it's being held right in the heart of Reykjavík. The festival sees over 1.800 participants from the Nordic countries and Baltic states, who perform 26 concerts within just 4 days. On Culture Night, choirs will be scattered around the city in over 10 different locations before joining together at 17:30 to sing a huge concert at Arnarhóll. So if you aren't interested in seeing any of the concerts, you'll probably see them anyway, whether you like it or not. The festival commences on August 17th with an opening concert at Laugardalshöll at 8 p.m. See full schedule at AY 14 August 17 August 22 August The 21st annual Reykjavík Jazz Festival celebrates fifteen days of awesome jazz at the end of this month. Every year it showcases a variety of talented local musicians and some international names too, with over 120 musicians jazzing out in 80 different events this year. Pétur Grétarsson, artistic director and manager of the festival, claims the Reykjavík Jazz Festival sets itself apart from other jazz festivals because the audience experiences the music on a more intimate level, in smaller venues. Pétur describes the jazz scene in Iceland as a small, but very vibrant one that is beginning to cross boundaries. Here are a few names to look out for during the festival. Django Bates British pianist Django Bates performs Charlie Parker inspired riffs with his trio, the Beloved Birds. He will also play a solo recital entitled “Autumn Fires and Green Shots.” Jean Marie Machado French composer and pianist, Jean Marie Machado mixes jazz, classical music and Mediterranean music. He will be performing with a trio of Icelandic musicians as well as a solo set. Maria Babtist & Achim Kauffmen German pianists, Maria Babtist and Achim Kauffmen, will join the Reykjavík Big Band and local bass player Valdi Kolli and American drummer, Jim Black, for some awesome swing numbers. EB The Reykjavík Jazz Festival Pass: 8000 ISK, tickets on sale at 14 August 29 August Moonbath By The Shore Full Moon Ceremony Grótta, Seltjarnarnes, 17:00 Free The moon is waxing gibbous once again and this month it rises in Pisces, the great celestial fish. Local holistic healer and fortune teller Ms. Moon will be conducting a ceremony to mark the fullness our global nightlight on the 24th out by the ocean in Seltjarnarnes which all are welcome to come take part in. This ceremony will focus on emotion, love, the protection of our natural resources and the healing power of water. It’s free to attend, but you’ll need to bring a few items: a bowl, a paper and pen, some melted honey, a bit of wood for a bonfire, some kind of musical instrument (be creative!) and your positive energy. RL 24 August GRÓFARHÚS 6th floor · Tryggvagata 15 · 101 Reykjavík · Opening hours 12–19 mon–fri, 13–17 weekends · ADMISSION FREE 15. maí – 29. ágúst 2010 No photographing allowed Fri 13 - Alfons X, Sat 14 - Ívar Pétur, Wed 18 - Hellert & Hilmar - Reggae Dub Session, Thu 19 - Alfons X, Fri 20 - FKNHNDSM DJs, Sat 21 - Daddy weekend #5 - Gísli Galdur & Benni B Ruff CENTER FOR VISUAL ART


Reykjavík Grapevine

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