Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 43

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 43
27 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 12 — 2010 eton violin—it had no resonating body of its own. The next stage was to make a real in- strument, a real violin. A couple of years ago I carved a violin out of wood that was based on these harmonic shapes. Last October we had a concert in the library in Alexandria, Egypt. We got this really good Egyptian violinist, Khalid Owaieda, to improvise some Arabic Sufi tunes. It’s a violin, but it’s based on modes of thinking that belong to our time. It ac- tually kind of works. It still needs some development, of course. For me fooling around with this new instrument is even more exciting, because people haven’t done very much, not in this way. So what’s next? The next project is to make a two-way violin. It’s going to be like a two-way speaker enclosure with two or maybe three chambers. Each chamber will take care of its own frequency range. You can play modern music on a classical violin, and you will be able to play early music on the 21st century violin. Music tran- scends the form and the “gestalt” of an instrument. do you think a really great violinist can transcend an instrument? A good player can make a cigar box with rubber bands sound good. Do you know the story about Jascha Heifetz? After a concert some lady told him, “Mr. Heifetz, your violin sounds wonderful.” He put his ear up to it and said, “That’s funny, I don’t hear a thing.” The sound that you hear has a lot to do with the person playing. In fact, when we are trying to do acous- tic listening tests, one thing that is really difficult is, if a player is really good, he or she will give so much of the tone from the way the fingers are pressed onto the fingerboard. It’s hard to be completely objective, because you can’t take that away. Why are older violins so popular? Is it true that violins get better with age? When you assemble an instrument, the wooden parts have to support quite a lot of tension. In the first few months and maybe even the first three or four years, all those different parts are getting used to being subjected to that pressure all the time. Also, things like fingerboards and necks can get used to a certain player and vice versa. The player and the instrument are like a symbiosis—they are like two ends of the same thing. The monetary value of an instrument has a psychological effect. No one believes that an instrument worth 2 million dol- lars is not laced with a certain degree of quality. On the other hand, the fact that the world's best musicians have been the only people using the old valuable instruments has helped to enhance their reputation. Myth or no myth, some of the old masterpieces are truly awe-inspiring. There were just some incredibly talented people around at the time. There was an amalgamation or mingling of all kinds of different interests and disciplines. If you were making instruments, you were probably fooling around with astronomy or maths. I think the same thing is hap- pening today. I think violin making is be- coming great again. Probably the best pizza in town Pizzeria tel. 578 8555 Lækjargata 8 Downtown Tannvernd barna Kraum of the crop Aðalstræti 10 101 Reykjavík Tel: 517 7797 I c e l a n d i c d e s i g n Opening hOuRs June- AugusT Mon-Fri 9-21 sat 10-17 sun 12-17 Clothing Jewellery Accessories Furniture Music Books


Reykjavík Grapevine

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