Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 26
Concert by Popular kletzmer band Varsjar-
bandalagið at 17:00. Accordion player Örlygur
Eyþórssson plays popular tunes by demand and
people are welcome to dance.
Reykjavik MuniciPal aRchiveS,
TRyggvagoTu 15, 3Rd flooR
13:00 - 22:00
Ten Years bY The harbour
Reykjavík City Library celebrates ten years at
their current location by the harbour. Guests are
invited to participate.
Reykjavík ciTy libRaRy, TRyggvagaTa
bergur Thorberg – exhibiTion opening
Known for his paintings from coffee, Bergur
Thorberg opens an exhibition, and shows peo-
ple how coffee fuels his creativity.
aRT cenTRe, laugaveguR 51
DaTe WiTh The pasT
Do you fancy a Polaroid picture of you and your
friends in costumes from another era? The Rey-
kjavík Photography Museum, in cooperation with
antique store Fríða Frænka, offers you the chance.
Reykjavík PhoTogRaPhy MuSeuM,
gRófaRhuS, TRyggvagaTa 15
13:00 - 23:00
Women’s movemenT TenT
Skottur, the coalition of Icelandic Women’s or-
ganisations, presents the movement and the
Women’s Day Off on October 24th, when wom-
en quit their jobs at 14:25 to symbolize the wage
inequality between the sexes. The art piece The
Colour Palette of Icelandic Women will be intro-
duced, and women are encouraged to bring their
cosmetics to assist in the making of the piece,
which will be revealed on the Women’s Day Off.
13:30 - 15:00
arT Workshop for kiDs
Kids of all ages let creativity take control.
naTional MuSeuM of iceland, SuðuRgaTa 41
13:30 - 17:00
mini-Workshop in CreaTive WriTing
Björg Árnadóttir instructs participants on crea-
tive writing, with short writing exercises and peer
reviews. Workshops start at 13:30 & 15:30 and
last 1,5 hour. In Icelandic.
TjaRnaRgaTa 10
14:00 - 14:30
The op-group – sCenes from operas
The Op-Group delivers selected scenes from
various operas from the group’s concert series
last winter.
naTional galleRy of iceland, fRíkiRkjuveguR 7
iCelanD in WWii
A guided tour of historical sites in Reykjavík from
the Second World War. The history of the occu-
pation of Iceland and the events leading up to it
will be reviewed. The tour departs from the Rey-
kjavik City Library. Admission is free.
Reykjavík ciTy libRaRy, TRyggvagaTa
maría & maTTi DueT
María and Matti play light summer music
hiTT húSið, PóSThúSSTRæTi
14:00 - 15:00
runes aT Café loki
Café Loki’s August artist in residence, Gyða
Ölvisdóttir, demonstrates rune drawings and
talks about her work in the café.
café loki, lokaSTíg 28
14:00 - 15:30
ChilDren’s rhYmes
Ólöf Sverrisdóttir reads stories and recites verses
and rhymes from different times. Pencils and pa-
pers will be available, should anyone wish to illus-
trate the stories. Events start at 14:00 and 15:00.
Reykjavík ciTy libRaRy, TRyggvagaTa
erupTion in eYjafjallajökull
Geologist Ari Trausti Guðmundsson and pho-
tographer Ragnar Th. Sigurðsson, authors of the
book Eyjafjallajökull exhibit photos and discuss
the eruption. The short film The Eruption! By
Valdimar Leifsson will be screened.
cineMa no2, geiRSgöTu 7b
14:00 - 16:00
riDe a harleY
HOG-Chapter Iceland, the Icelandic Harley Dav-
idson Owners Group offers rides around the
10:00 - 16:00
“i Choose blossoming Women …”
Woman as Symbol in the Art of Ásmundur Svein-
sson. The works in the exhibition are selected
from the entire career of the sculptor.
ÁSMundaRSafn, SigTún
10:00 - 18:00
open house aT The org genealogiCal insTiTuTe
The ORG Genealogical Institute specialises in
finding genealogical materials, family lineages
and references applying to the genealogical her-
itage of the Icelandic people.
SkeljaneS, buS RouTe 12, final SToP
10:00 - 18:30
B/W photography by Karl R Lilliendahl. The exhi-
bition name refers to the part of a second that it
takes to capture the moment. The photographs
are all of the Italian cities Lucca, Bologna and
Mokka-eSPReSSo-kaffi, SkólavöRðuSTíguR 3a
10:00 - 22:00
Product designer Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir
exhibits crochet figures and illustrations in hand-
made frames.
laugaveguR 48
Camera obsCura in norThgallerY
Camera Obscura (darkened room) is a certain il-
lusion or an optical device that projects an image
of its surroundings through a hole on one side of
the room.
kjaRvalSSTaðiR, flókagaTa
alTernaTive eYe
The exhibition looks at how photographs are
used in Icelandic and international contempo-
rary art, through over 60 photographic works
from the collection of Pétur Arason and Ragna
kjaRvalSSTaðiR, flókagaTa
kjarval – keY Works
Key works from Kjarval’s oeuvre offer a unique
and powerful retrospective of the career of Ice-
land’s most beloved painter.
kjaRvalSSTaðiR, flókagaTa
10:00 - 23:00
sTops along The WaY
Exhibition of works by artist Guðmunda Kris-
tinsdóttir at Hún og Hún Jewelry.
hún og hún, SkólavöRðuSTíguR 17
ConsTrainT – freeDom
Exhibition of works by artist Kristín Tryggvadót-
tir, focusing on the tension between these two
geySiR, adalSTRaeTi 2
sTaTe room in The CiTY
Reflections on a place. Guests are invited to ex-
perience the location from a different perspec-
fRakkaToRg, fRakkaSTíguR
reYkjavík Trains/meTro
Enter the Reykjavík Central Station and experi-
ence the city from a new perspective. The idea
is to create a dialogue on the city’s environment
and transportation.
Artist Gunnar I Guðjónsson studied visual arts
in Reykjavík and Barcelona and has caught the
eye of galleries and collectors around the world.
aRT cenTeR, laugaveguR 51
seen from vulCan
Exhibition of paintings created under the influ-
ence of the planet Vulcan.
ingólfSSTRæTi 5
Corner ensemble
Corner ensemble captures the flow in its distinct
structural way and gives the user a new focusing
point and another way to express oneself both
inside and outside the frame.
Exhibition of works by artist Sigurdís Harpa in the
storefront windows of the Icelandic Red Cross
icelandic Red cRoSS, laugaveguR 12b
The seTTlemenT exhibiTion
Guided tours at 14:00 and 16:00 for the younger
visitors where they can experience what kids
their age did for fun in the Viking Age. Guided
tours of the exhibition as a whole at 18:00, 20:00
and 22:00.
Reykjavík 871±2, aðalSTRæTi 16
in The ColleCTion of imperfeCTion
Unnar Örn J. Auðarson’s installation is intended
to reach outside the walls of the art museum and
create a dialogue with the methods of catalogu-
ing and the role of museums in present-day so-
hafnaRhúS, TRyggvagaTa
vaniTas, sTill-life in ConTemporarY iCelanDiC
The exhibition highlights certain aspects of the
artists approach to materials and composition,
and brings attention to the reminder of transi-
ence and renewal that is found in many of the
hafnaRhúS, TRyggvagaTa
nuDes – garY sChneiDer
The exhibition Nudes, consists of 30 life-size
portraits of nude men and women that Schnei-
der has photographed using an unusual tech-
hafnaRhúS, TRyggvagaTa
erró – porTreTT
The exhibition Erró – Portrett presents his por-
traits or character descriptions of well known in-
dividuals in the fields of science, politic, literature
and arts.
hafnaRhúS, TRyggvagaTa
erró - porTreTT – Dolls
Dolls are not a common theme in the history of
art. Thus Erró took a surprising turn at the end of
the 1980s when he started making collages, and
later paintings, focussing on pictures of old dolls
of the pre-war era.
hafnaRhúS, TRyggvagaTa
11:00 - 12:00
The naTional museum in english
Guided tour in English of the permanent exhi-
bition of the National Museum of Iceland: The
Making of a Nation. Free admission.
naTional MuSeuM of iceland, SuðuRgaTa 41
11:00 - 13:00
forever Young
Open house at the Ombudsman for Children.
Music, drawings and fun for the whole family.
oMbudSMan foR childRen, laugaveguR 13
11:00 - 22:30
someThing for everYone
Flea market from 11:00. Concert starts at 15:00.
The line up features: Frank Murder, Skurken,
Quadruplos, Sometime, Steve Sampling, Feld-
berg and others. Installation by Anik and graffiti
by Una.
hveRfiSgaTa 98
11:00 - 23:00
ToTal soap bubble
“I was born as a woman in a man’s body, I am
attracted to women, and therefore I’m gay.”, says
The Soap Bubble. Opening of an exhibition by
artists Ása Heiður and Birgir Breiðdal. Musical
performance by Jónas Sigurðsson og Ritvélar
Framtíðarinnar at 14:00, 16:00, 18:00. Also
present: The Mad Soap bubble Machine
laugaveguR 96
11:30 - 12:00
kósi fluTe group
Established in January by flute instructor Pamela
De Sensi, KóSi Flute Group is a collective of 8
young women who play the flute.
oMbudSMan foR childRen, laugaveguR 13
12:00 - 20:00
Quiz anD Cohen
Authors of the popular Icelandic quiz game
Spurt að Leikslokum conduct a quiz and folk
singer Valur Gunnarsson plays his arrangements
of Leonard Cohen in Icelandic.
beRgSTaðaSTRæTi 10
12:00 - 22:00
Inland/Outland is a video installation made from
40.000 photographs taken during a drive around
Iceland. Video by Svavar Jónatansson, original
music by Daníel Ágúst Haraldsson.
Reykjavík ciTy hall, TjaRnaRgaTa
12:00 - 23:00
firesCapes - fire in rome
An Exhibition of paintings of molten lava and erupt-
ing volcanoes by artist Hulda Hlín Magnúsdóttir.
TjaRnaRgaTa 40
12:30 - 13:00
TroubaDour jóhann auðunn
Jóhann Auðunn Þorsteinsson plays a few songs
for the whole family.
oMbudSMan foR childRen, laugaveguR 13
CulTure nighT opening CeremonY.
Mayor of Reykjavik, Jón Gnarr, formally opens
the Culture Night program. Finnish choir Can-
tenovum sings and a 7 meter painting of Iceland
is painted by top artists from around the country.
iceland TouRiST boaRd, geiRSgaTa
13:00 - 13:30
inTroDuCTion To The Women’s DaY off
Skottur, the association of Icelandic Women’s
Movements introduces Skottur and the Wom-
en’s Day Off, October 24th.
13:00 - 14:00
learn angling
Fisherman Guðmundur and fish farmer Hörður
teach kids the art of angling. Adults must ac-
company children under 11.
SædíS gullSMiðja, geiRSgöTu 5b
CaTs purr
A magical tour of the old town in Reykjavík with
Cultural Companion Birna. The streets come
alive as Magnús R. Einarsson adds music to
Birna’s delivery of stories and poems. The tour is
translated in Polish, English and Italian.
SkólavöRðuholT by hallgRíMSkiRkja
13:00 - 15:00
Concert/live performances on the square. Line-
up includes: Davíð Berndsen, Quadruplos, Mag-
gi Mongoose. The exhibition Bestival opens at
hjaRTaToRg, laugaveguR 21
CeramiCs anD arT
Ceramic artist Ingibjörg Klemenzdóttir demon-
strates the making of ceramic art in her studio,
and artist Lilja Bragadóttir assists children in the
making of art.
galleRí dunga, geiRSgaTa
13:00 - 17:00
sungazing WiTh The asTronomiCal soCieTY
Seltjarnarnes Astronomical Society offers a
closer look at the sun with specially outfitted tel-
escopes. Members of the astronomical society
will be in front of the statue of Jón Sigurðsson,
sunny weather permitting.
13:00 - 18:00
reYkjavík air searCh anD resCue
In celebration of the 60th anniversary of the
Reykjavík Air Search and Rescue, the team will
demonstrate their equipment and some basic
Reykjavík aiR SeaRch and ReScue, flugvallaRveguR
13:00 - 20:00
house heriTage
The National Architectural Heritage Board
presents the architectural history of Reykjavík.
Specialists offer advice on the maintaining old
houses, and guests are invited to view the refur-
bishment of Laugavegur 4 and 6.
laugaveguR 4-6
Assortment of Icelandic music performances
(hip hop, rock, electro, and dubstep outfits),
Dohop Foosball, the Nikita Birthday show and
nikiTa, laugavegi 56
13:00 - 21:00
open house
The theme of the day is fashion. 14:00 - 16:00
o´clock the archvies will host a fashion market.