Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 24

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 24
BANKASTRÆTI AUSTURSTRÆTI HAFNARSTRÆTI TRYGGVAGATA GEIRSGATA MÝRARGATANÝLENDUGATA VESTURGATA RÁNARGATA BÁRUGATA ÖLDUGATA TÚNGATA KIRKJUSTRÆTI SÓLVALLAGATA HO FS VA LL AG AT A BR Æ ÐR AB OR GA RS TÍG URFR AMN ESV EGU R ÁN AN AU ST GR AN DA GA RÐ UR FIS KIS LÓ Ð TJ A RN A RG AT A SU Ð U RG AT A A Ð A LS TR Æ TI SU Ð U RG AT A BI RK IM EL UR Æ G IS G AT A G A R Ð A ST R Æ TI GRETTISGATAFR A KK A ST ÍG U R NJA RÐ AR GA TA NJ AR ÐA RG AT A VA TN SS TÍ GU R K LA PP A R ST ÍG U R BE RG ST AÐ AR ST RÆ TI BERGSTAÐARSTRÆ TI FR ÍK IR K JU VE G U R PÓ ST H .S TR Æ TI LÆ KJ AR GA TA IN G Ó LF SS TR Æ TI ÞI N G H O LT SS TR Æ TI Ó Ð IN SG AT A ÞÓ RSG ATA BA LD UR SG ATA BR AG AG ATA VI TA ST ÍG U R BA RÓ N SS TÍ G U R SN O RR A BR AU T SN O RR A BR AU T BA RÓ NS STÍ GU R SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍGUR LA U FÁ SV EG U R LAUFÁSVEGUR SÓ LEYJA RG ATA NJÁLSGATA GAMLA HRINGBRAUT MIKLABRAUT VATNSMÝRARVEGUR HRINGBRAUT HRINGBRAUT HRINGBRAUT BERGÞÓRUGATA EIRÍKSGATA HVERFISGATA LINDARGATA SKÚLAGATA SÆBRAUT SÆBRAUT BORGART ÚN SKÚLAGATA HÁTÚN HVERFISGATA LAUGAVEGUR LAUGAVEGUR SKIPHOLT FLÓKAGATA HÁTEIGSVEGUR BÓLSTAÐARHLÍÐ BRAUTARHOLT N Ó AT Ú N LA N G A H LÍ Ð KR IN G LU M ÝR A RB R A U T R A U Ð A R Á RS TÍ G U R R A U Ð A R Á R ST ÍG U R G U N N A RS BR AU T N Ó AT Ú N SKIPHOLT The Old Harbour FAXAFLÓI Down Town West Side Up Town “Financial District” East Side Skyline Central Reykjavík BSÍ Coach Terminal Nordic House Culture Center University of Iceland University of Iceland Park Austur völlur Park Icelandic Parliament Reykjavík Domestic Airport Hlemmur Bus Terminal Sundhöllin Swimming Pool Laugardals Swimming Pool The Tower City Hall National Gallery of Iceland The Einar Jónsson Museum Hallgríms kirkja Church National Theatre The Culture House Lauga vegur Main Tourist Info Reykjavík Art Museum Maritime Museum Laugavegur Reykjavík’s main shopping and culture street, featuring a wide range of bars, bistros, cafes and restaurants. Old Harbour Area Old Harbour Depart for whale and puffin watching tours from the old harbour, a lively area, offering an assortment of restaurants and activity centres Future Concert Hall City Pond Miklatún Park Kjarvalsstaðir National Museum Hljómskáli Park Vesturbæjar Swimming Pool∆ Taxi Taxi Taxi Kringlan Shopping Center Places We Like Basil & Lime Fríða FrænkaBoston Kaffitár Despite what the name might suggest, Basil & Lime offers up well made, unpretentious Italian food at laudably moderate prices. Their tempting menu begs for repeat visits. Start by trying staple courses such as the Chicken Fusilli and the Langoustine Tagliatelli. This small boutique is a jam-packed treasure chest overflowing with antique furniture and items to perk up your apartment. In every corner of the shop you’ll find some unique items, including lamps, pillows, gorgeous 60s sofas, tables, and a selection of vintage jewellery. Like an older sibling to the fabled (now deceased) Sirkús, Boston is a warm and mellow second-floor bar on Laugavegur that plays host to the arty party crowd. The baroque wall dressings and deep, rich coloured décor make this bar feel pretty swank, but the mood of the place can go from great to legendary within a heartbeat. CF Kaffitár on Bankastræti is a comfortable little café with a great selection of coffee, tea and baked goods on offer. Since Kaffitár is also a big-name Icelandic roasterie the caffeinated beverages on the menu are quality. The wi-fi makes this a nice place to sit and chill with your laptop as well. CF Klapparstíg 38 Vesturgata 3Laugavegur 28Bankastræti 8 1 98 Austurvöllur Site of Iceland’s House of Parliament, Austurvöllur is where the kitchenware revolution of January 2009 took place. Go there on sunny days to relax or check out the omnipresent protestors. By Pósthússtræti 3 Habibi This small restaurant offers up a concise menu of delicious Arabic cuisine, from shawarma to kebabs and falafels. The staff is really friendly and accommodating of requests to kick up the spiciness or tone it down if the customer so desires. Habibi seriously hits the spot after hours of partying (or any other time of day) so it’s convenient that the place is allegedly open until 6 a.m. Friday and Saturday (although their advertised opening hours are sometimes not adhered to). CF Hafnarstræti 18 6 Tíu Dropar If you’re sick of all the arty cafés, filled with Sigur Rós wannabes browsing Facebook on their Macs – go to Tíu Dropar. It’s a back-to-basics Icelandic café that hasn’t changed its interior since the sixties. Really proves the old adage “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Plus, the coffee’s great and so are the pancakes. SKK Laugavegur 27 5 Kaffibarinn Weekends are somewhat overrated at Kaffibarinn. Oh, of course they’re brilliant if you’re completely pissed, the DJ is fresh and the crowd is full-blooded. Still, the weekdays are even better. It doesn’t matter when you pop in, you’re always treated like a pal rather than a customer, and you should always expect get caught in some shenanigans, whether it’s a crazy Monday bender or a whacky Tuesday... well... bender. SKK Bergstaðastræti 1 4 7 Havarí Even before it opened, Havarí was everybody’s favourite new music and design store. Headed by Svavar Pétur and Berglind of Skakkamanage, the shop shills the musical goods of Kimi Records, Borgin Hljómplötur, gogoyoko and Skakkapopp as well as posters, art, design products and clothing. CF Austurstræti 8 2 MAP A 1 2 3 4 5 B D E F G H I 1 4 2 7 17 516 9 13 14 18 3 8 11 6 1012


Reykjavík Grapevine

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The Reykjavík Grapevine is free alternative magazine in English published 18 times a year. 6 times (monthly) during the winter (October-March). 12 times (bi-weekly) during the summer (April-September). The magazine is distributed all over Iceland to about 1000 locations. Each issue is printed in 25,000 copies, and is usually 48-64 pages long.

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