Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 35

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 35
19 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 12 — 2010 Flight to LungA provide by Air Iceland. Air Iceland operates flights to Egilsstaðir Book flights: +354 570 3030 or GAY PRIDE reykJavík July auGust 5 - 8 Soaked In Rainbows Grey skies didn’t stop Gay Pride After a couple of super sunshiny days last week, I was getting my hopes up that the celebrations would be bright, warm and fabulous. But then Iceland had to go be Iceland and get all gross on us right when we were going to board the Queer Cruise on Friday. What an asshole. Regardless, we boarded the whale watching boat that the party was happening on and set sail for fun times. The good people at Elding provided the party with tons of cheap booze—500 ISK for wine! Wow! Unfortunately though, it seemed that most of the peo- ple in attendance were not really in the party zone and mostly stayed indoors, sipping their once-boxed Merlot. Maybe some streamers or balloons would have spiced things up. Luckily I ran into a friend there who was completely sauced and hilarious, so we flashed a cruise ship and danced in a conga line around the upper deck until the boat docked. CAN’T RAIN ON OUR PARAdE Saturday was the big day when all the bears, queens and twinks took to the streets to march. The parade kicked off uproariously with our mayor Jón Gnarr decked out in granny-drag, waving like the Queen Mum from the top of a float. It went on with a series of fairly random floats, such as the bride-and-groom girls unenthusiastically shuffling about to Daft Punk, a ‘queer for Christmas’ theme and some kind of Gay Disney float. There were also some impressive ones like the stunning operatic drag queens, Haffi Haff in a Lady Gaga-esque white lace bodysuit and of course the magnificent finale of Páll Óskar rising into the sky in a red tube. The show that followed at Arnahól was short and sweet and a perfect length for the hundreds of tuckered out kids and bladder-full drunk adults. Most of the acts weren’t all that impressive though. Sigga Beinteins did turn out a pretty fantastic performance, even if the music wasn’t my cup of tea. Love him or hate him, Haffi Haff performed his heart out and got the crowd’s attention. And of course the host of the show, Mr. Páll Óskar, pulled out all the stops and had people dancing all the way up the hill. WHERE My GAyS AT? Of course after the kids went home there was a full night of gay fun ahead to be had. The city was in rare form and the streets were littered in sad, dirty confetti and decrepit rainbow flags. I squeezed my way into NASA before it filled over capacity and to see Páll Óskar for a third time that day, owning the stage under a trellis of pink balloons. The crowd was going absolutely berserk for the man, but it wasn’t very queer, so after many amazing songs and the heat level rising to an unbearable level, I headed up to Barbara to find the gays. I got up there and saw a few more same-sex makeouts, but that isn’t say- ing much. I bumped into my friend from the boat who thought there were too many straight people in the bar and he ordered me to go find the unofficial gay pride rave down on Skúlagata and tell him if it was any fun. Once I found it, the music was way better than Barbara with real DJs playing real techno, but the rest was just your typical 101 hipster crowd standing and leaning on things, talking to each other through the sides of their mouths. And still too many breeders. You could smoke indoors though, that was pretty cool. - REBECCA LOUdER ment for a successful festival concert: they played a varied set, interacted with the crowd, and stood out from the rest of the bands with their unique sound and contagious energy. Bloodgroup rounded out the night with some high-energy, dark electro- pop. By that time, my friend and I were exhausted from the day’s festivities and all the rain. When we left, everyone was drunk-dancing to Bloodgroup’s sound and light show. All in all, the music at LungA was enjoyable enough to make me want to go next year (as long as it doesn’t rain so much!). - EMILy BURTON drowning In The East Coast MUSIC, ARTS ANd RAIN “You know what they say about the weather in Iceland don't you? If there's good weather in the west, it's shitty in the east,” explained a co-worker shortly before we embarked on a journey to Seyðisfjörður for the LungA festival. My travel companion and I laughed at him. GUESS WHO'S LAUGHING NOW After a smooth flight over landscapes reminiscent of Tolkien’s Middle Earth, we touch down to the unseasonably cold winds of Egilsstaðir to find that the last coach to Seyðisfjörður is long gone. We spend a few moments frantically de- vising a plan to hot-wire a car but that ceases to be an option when the airport bolts its doors shut and all signs of life disappear. With luggage suspiciously resem- bling a couple of body bags, we drag our stranded asses to the road and un- enthusiastically stick our thumbs out. The first passer-by picks us up, setting us en route to our destination. Thirty minutes later, the car descends into Seyðisfjörður and a gloomy halo of mist gathers around the mountains, conceal- ing us from the rest of the world. Seyð- isfjörður projects a mesmerising eerie atmosphere which can’t be reproduced outside of Iceland. Yet this beautiful backdrop serves as a great contrast to the happenings below... WHERE'S THE APOCALyPSE? Blackouts, vomiting, violence and for- nication: all the sinning and debauch- ery one can dream of can be attained at LungA. But before we can join in the revelry, we decide to check out an ex- perimental performance set up by the workshop group, ‘Through the eye, out the ear’. The unsettling scene before us looks like a futuristic wasteland and is accompa- nied by screeches of white noise from the surrounding speakers. A sinister woman, clad as a blood-red domina- trix, steps onto a fire-painted platform, manhandling an innocent-looking girl dressed all in white. The dominatrix forcefully smears red jelly all over the girl in white. Then, she binds the girl’s hands and drenches her in red paint. The au- dience watch in confusion and wonder- ment, despite the painfully-slow pace of the performance. The performance ends and we no- tice a smoky caravan next to the per- formance stage. We step inside and see a group of tattooed men wearing floral dresses sitting around a table sipping tea. Their heads are covered in green bags, each one with a noose tied around their neck. Slightly disturbed and con- fused, we walk through the caravan and find painted sticks scattered among the other rooms. “The theme was catharsis – a rebirth through explosions,” explains Helgi Örn Pétursson, one of the work- shop leaders. We nod our heads, still confused. LIqUId COURAGE We tear ourselves away to hit the swim- ming pool. Of course the most potential- ly relaxing experience of the weekend has to be destroyed by a band playing painfully discordant and distressing mu- sic. “Go be all ‘cool and experimental’ someplace else!” a voice shouts from the hot tubs. As we walk to the pool we run into a fully-clothed audience watch- ing the concert. Embarrassed for wear- ing swimsuits in a swimming pool, we run to the hot tubs instead and the mo- ment our toes touch the steaming water it’s all deemed worthwhile. Next we decide to check out the Fri- day night Kimi Records concert. Despite being one of the festival’s highlights, the venue is close to empty and the people there are sitting down. I suspect that people have opted for the cheaper op- tion of causing mayhem at the campsite, or maybe people just aren’t that into music... Either way it makes for a nice shelter from the rain. Suddenly, to lift everyone’s spirits even higher, we’re all kicked out and told to pay in order to get back in for the ‘af- ter-party’. We comply and find Quadru- plos filling the room with drunken dance moves. A man of a similar appearance to (YouTube sensation) The Techno Viking is angrily bopping his head to the beat, spitting and frothing at the mouth while throwing beer cans at the audience. And with that we went home, for fear of our lives, to find all of our belongings soak- ing wet. THE MORNING AFTER... We wake up from our drunken sleep and stumble out of our tent. The clouds slide down the mountains, onto the earth and the rain turns torrential. After overhear- ing a guy saying that he slept in a trash bag after his tent sprung a leak, we shake off any complaints we have from the night. We throw on the same ensem- ble we’ve been wearing for the past two days, scorning those who look like they just stepped off the runway. Clearly, they aren’t camping. It’s impossible to think of anything but the rain. The cafés and restaurants are crammed till bursting point so we scour the streets for hours with little to do. With a couple of clothes markets, some unsuccessful barbecues and an outdoor concert to follow, it’s evident that LungA is taking a hard hit from this unexpected bad weather. We walk back to our tent to find our things gone, and it’s not until I start run- ning around like a crazy person accus- ing those around for stealing our things that we realise about a hundred more tents have sprung up just like ours. Crap. We apologetically back away. THE GRANd FINALE Finally the festival’s crowning concert swings round and for the most part the rain seems to dominate the main stage, as it’s about the only thing that has any effect on the audience. A majority of the crowd gathers underneath any form of shelter they can find—including our umbrella space—while a few brave ones embrace the wet. They remain un- phased by most of the bands until Retro Stefson take to the stage—unless you count the odd idiot dancing to Seabear like it’s a fucking Brazilian carnival. By the end, Bloodgroup have transformed a lifeless crowed into a dance floor buzz- ing with energy. We head back to camp with our spir- its raised to find the remnants of a battle field. The earth has transformed into a pool of mud, most of the campsite lies in ruins and beer cans overflow out of every tent. Campers run around, drunk- enly yelling, screaming and causing as many fights possible as if they are get- ting drunk for the very first time. The queue for the toilets is endless as every stall has someone passed out on the inside, and after being severely put off by the young girl with her face buried in a sink she just threw-up in, we decide it’s time to hit the hay. “You're not done just yet,” exclaims one of the girls. “You're not done with the festival expe- rience until you're passed out in grass with your face buried in the mud!” No thank you. - ALExANdRA yOUNG ALExANdRA yOUNG ANd HUGI HLyNSSON ENTER THE HANGOvER


Reykjavík Grapevine

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