Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 36
20 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 12 — 2010 dr. Gunni’s History Of Icelandic Rock | Part 22 The Icelandic rock movement associated with the ‘Rokk í Reykjavík’ documentary got yet another kick in the groin when the radio show Áfangar ("Phases") was forcefully discontinued in the spring of 1983. The show had been on the air since 1975, feeding Icelanders cool new underground sounds not played anywhere else. To finish fashionably, the radio per- sonalities—Ásmundur Jónsson (of Gramm records) and Guðni Rúnar (of Þeyr's Eskvímó Records)—de- cided to do the last show with live music. They asked various artists to play, including Megas and Bubbi, and picked what they considered to be the crème de la crème of the scene to form a new band for the occasion. This is how Einar Örn from Purrkur Pillnikk, Björk from Tappi Tíkarrass, Guðlaugur Óttarsson and Sigtryggur Baldursson from Þeyr, Einar Melax from Fan Houtens Kókó and Birgir Mogensen from Spilafí- fl got to perform together. The group performed as Gott kvöld ("Good Evening"), but would later use the name Kukl ("Mumbo Jumbo"), after a suggestion from Björk. THE CRASS CONNECTION Even though their old bands had played together on various occasions, the Kukl people did not know each other much. They were quick to befriend one another, though, and rapidly interfusing musically. They decided to continue as a band after the radio performance. Soon after, Kukl recorded two songs at a small studio in Selfoss owned by Ólafur "Labbi". He had played with rock band Mánar in the ‘60s and ‘70s but in the early ‘80s he ran the country-dance group Kaktus. Björk had sang cover songs with this band at various country balls along with her more new wave-ish leanings with Tappi Tíkarrass, so Kukl got the studio time for cheap. Gramm released the two songs as a 7" single in the autumn of 1983—the A side being the cheerful "Söngull". In September 1983, Kukl performed their first big concert in Laugardalshöll at a grand festival called ‘We Demand a Future!’ The headline act was Crass, an English anarcho punk group whose records Gramm had imported and sold for some time. Einar Örn was studying media in London at the time and he strengthened the connections with the Crass people and often visited the band at their country- side commune. A GROUP OF SOLOISTS Crass Records had released all kinds of anarchist punk records—with various forms of Margaret Thatcher dissing—and now offered Kukl a record deal, even though Kukl had no lyrics about how rot- ten Thatcher was. The first Kukl LP was called ‘The Eye’ and came out in 1984. Now the "Kukl sound" was fully shaped. The bass and drum enlaced in complex rhythms, the keyboard and guitar floated on top or nipped at the beat, and Einar Örn and Björk entered the experimental fray by talking, singing, grunting, croaking and blowing horns and whistles. "We are all big soloists and our sound man tells us that we are very hard to mix," Björk said apologeti- cally in an interview at the time. Melodies could be heard through the intriguing racket. This was art— "difficult music"—and Kukl was only liked by the most broadminded in Iceland. The Icelandic demand for such cutting edge stuff was very limited so with contacts not only to the Crass people, but also to Killing Joke and Psychic TV (who had played in Iceland in 1983), Kukl set out to tour Europe as much as possible. Kukl's circle of friends also included the band Flux of Pink Indians, which released music on Crass too. Kukl and Flux played all over Britain together, including a tour to support mine workers. Flux's bassist Derek Birkett would later form the One Little Indian record label that released The Sugarcubes, and later Björk's solo music. EvERyTHING THAT COULd HAPPEN HAP- PENEd Kukl's tours were no luxury sojourns. They hung to- gether in a van, slept together in one room and ate stews at squats that often were their venues. "We lived on hand outs. I remember one tour where I only got bread and Camembert cheese to eat. When we finished in Amsterdam I was so sick that my life was in danger," said Einar Örn in 2000 and might be exag- gerating. In an interview in 1986 Björk said: "It's very tiring to sit so long in a car. Kukl's first tour lasted for two months and everything happened that could possibly happen. All kinds of love affairs formed, ev- erybody got fired, etc." Some times were sweeter. Kukl played a great gig in Paris that was later released on a cassette entitled 14.9.84 after the date, and Kukl were the first Ice- landic band to play the Roskilde festival in Denmark. In the beginning of 1986, Kukl's second album was released. Entitled ‘Holidays In Europe (The Naughty Nought)’, it was so heavy and difficult that it made ‘The Eye’ almost sound like an ABBA record in com- parison. A PROvOKING BELLy In Iceland, Kukl's activity was limited to Einar's vaca- tions from his media studies in London. Kukl was one of the "big numbers" at the infamous Viðey Island festival of 1984, where only thirteen paying guests showed up. Einar played in a t-shirt, a football cleat and nothing else, after his pyjama trousers dropped down. He had gotten the trousers on loan after he fell in the sea. Kukl and (Icelandic legend) Megas teamed up for a concert in 1985, but Kukl's most infamous Icelan- dic appearance was on TV, where the band played a thirty-minute set. Not only did the abstruse music get on people nerves—the band had a sexy female model on stage pretending to be a hen—but most provoking was Björk's big pregnant belly that stood out, nude and defiant. It was all over for Kukl in early ‘86. Difficulties in communication between members had sometimes ended in fistfights and musically there was not much to prove—the creative tank was empty. Four Kukl members would soon form The Sugarcubes, playing altogether different and more frivolous music. By Dr. Gunni, based on his 2000 book Eru ekki allir í stuði? (Rock in Iceland). The Rise And Fall Of Kukl Open: Mondays-Saturdays 11:30-22:30 Sundays 16:00-22:00 Now offering catering service! ENJOY AND RELAX 1919 restaurant offer a new and very exciting menu in a relaxed atmosphere at a prime location. 5 course tasting menu: 5990,- Radisson Blu 1919 Hótel Pósthússtræti 2 101 Reykjavík +345 599 1050 1919 R E STAU R A N T AND LOUNGE ‘Dress Up’ is a two-hour compilation from new boutique label Hljóðaklettar meant to commemorate the day of Iceland’s independence from evil Danish furniture designers. Containing music from the leading lights of Iceland’s ambient/electronic/ industrial scenes, ‘Dress Up’ also comes with a furry wallet cover for your tape, as well as a Hnakki-style tracksuit jacket, so you may wallow in your nihilist feelings in style. Starting Side A, you can feel the celluloid influence of horror and sci-fi as Pétur Eyvindsson and Evil Madness work their slow throbbing ‘80s synths, evoking John Harrison’s soundtrack to ‘Day of the Dead.’ Things take a decided turn for the nasty as BJ Nielsen & Stilluppsteypa’s hollowed out ambient storm ‘Big Shadow Montana’ gives way to harsher industrial sounds (and a man crying for five minutes). For example, Dino Felipe’s ‘Exterio’ is REAL industrial music, using machinery to create a sound akin to illegal experiments on human flesh, Tetsuo style. Side B is changes the mood as the music becomes more electronic and beat driven. Beginning with ‘JarreSchulze,’ BJ Nielsen’s ode to Kraftwerk, there is the crunched, manipulated feedback of Rúnar Magnússon's ‘Freeze No Extra’, morphing into the dystopian disco of Hunk of a Man's ‘Captain of Love’. You’re brought down with more harrowing dark ambient from Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson and Jóhann Jóhannsson, before DJ Musician gives everything a final kick up the backside in the end credits. I would heartily recommend you try and secure a copy of this release if you can (the run is limited to only 35). The numerous styles of electronic processing and noise ensure that if you have any interest in digital music, then there is definitely something here for you. —BOB CLUNESS Pain and pleasure in equal measures various Artists Dress Up Music | Album Reviews Oh my god, yes! Bárujárn Bárujárn (EP) hrukkublikk This EP is incredibly frustrating. Not because of the songs—they are instant hip-shaking, gothabilly surf hits. Not because of the musicians—the instruments are sharp, dynamic and played with true soul. Not even the production—it’s drenched with distortion and reverb all the way through, like a fresh salad with delicious dressing. What is maddening here is that it’s only three short songs by one of the most promising bands in town, and some of us have been waiting a long time for them to record! I beg of you, Bárujárn, please give us more of this. —REBECCA LOUdER 1. Kukl in 1984: From left: Sigtryggur, Birgir, Guðlaugur, Björk, Einar örn, Einar Melax. 2. Björk on the cover of vera magazine, early 1986.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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