Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 23

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 23
O U T S I D E R E Y K J AV Í K CONCERTS & EVENTS IN JULY & AUGUST How to use the listings Venues are listed alphabetically by day. For complete listings and detailed information on venues visit MUSIC 13 FRI Gæran 2010 Loðskinn, Sauðárkrókur 17:00 Music festival. Check Gæran's Facebook for full schedule. Skriðjöklarnir Græni Hatturin, Akureyri 22:00 Live Band. 14 SAT Blúsmenn Andreu Græni Hatturin, Akureyri 22:00 Icelandic Blues, Live Band. Gæran 2010 Loðskinn, Sauðárkrókur 17:00 Music festival. Check Gæran's Facebook for full schedule. Sálin Hans Jóns Míns 800 Bar, Selfoss 23:00 Live Band. 15 SUN Classial Music Gljúfrasteinn, Mosfellsbær 16:00 Performance by Hallveig Rúnars- dóttir (soprano) and Hrönn Þráinsdót- tir (piano). 500 ISK. Concert Snorrastofa, Reykholt 16:00 Katalin Lorincz and Steinar Matthias Kristinsson. 19 THU Erla Þorsteinsdóttir tribute Græni Hatturin, Akureyri 21:00 Live Band. 20 FRI Concert Snorrastofa, Reykholt Male Choir from Stord in Norway. 22 SUN Classial Music 16:00 Gljúfrasteinn, Mosfellsbær Performance by Sesselja Kristjáns- dóttir (mezzo soprano) and Anna Guðný Guðmundsdóttir (piano). 500 ISK. Concert Snorrastofa, Reykholt IKI. Young singers from Norway, Finland Denmark and Iceland. ART OPENINGS Café Karólina, Akureyri Breiða August 7 - September 3 Photo exhibition galleriBOX, Akureyri August 7 - August 22 Exhibition by Clara Drummond Skaftfell Centre for Visual Art August 10 - August 18 Exhibits by Hildur Björk Yeoman & Thelma Björk Jónsdóttir. ART ONGOING Akureyri Museum Treasure Runs until September 15 Twenty Photographers in Akureyri and Surroundings 1858-1965 Eyjafjordur in the early period. Akureyri Art Museum Rhyme Runs until August 22 Works by Ásmundur Sveinsson. Árnesinga Folk Museum, Eyrar- bakki 11:00 - 18:00 until September 15 Dalir Og Hólar - Travel Drawings Ólafsdalur, Gilsfjörður; Króks- fjarðarnes; Nýp & Röðull, Skarðsströnd Deiglan, Art center, Akureyri Runs until August 15+ Gréta Berg. Portraits. Gamli Baukur, Húsavík Let´s Talk Local 15:30 Comedy show about Reykjavík, 2200 ISK/1100 ISK for kids. The Ghost Centre, Stokkseyri Night at the Ghost Museum An offer for two to spend a scary night at the Ghost Centre. 3500 ISK. Hafnarborg, Hafnarfjörður Formal Discipline Runs until August 22 Exhibition of works by Eiríkur Smith. Herring Factory, Djúpavík Pictures - and their sounds Runs until August 31. Hótel Varmahlíð Horses & Men Runs until January 1, 2011 Photographic exhibition which looks into the history of the horse, spanning 100 years . The Husavik Whale Museum Whale & Marine Exhibit 9:00 - 19:00 all July & August Includes detailed info about whale habitat, biology, ecology, strandings & history in Iceland. Icelandic Folk and Outsider Art Museum, Akureyri Art Feast 1 Runs until September 5 50 pieces by multiple artists. The Icelandic Settlement Centre, Borgarnes The Egil Saga/ Settlement Exhibition In these exhibitions The Settlement Cen- tre tells the sagas of Iceland's settlement and Egill Skallagrímsson, Iceland's most famous viking and first poet . Jónas Viðar Gallery, Art center, Akureyri July 31 - August 22 Exhibition by Maja Wolna. Ketilhúsið, Akureyri With Brush And Pallete Knife Runs until August 15 Painting and waterpaint exhibit by Guðmundur Ármann Sigurjónsson and Kristinn G. Jóhannsson The Kópavogur Art Museum Summer exhibit. Runs until August 22 Kunstraum Wohnraum, Akureyri Anywhere Runs until August 29 Exhibit by German artisits Frauke Hänke and Claus Kienle. Ljosafoss Power Station Nature In Design Runs until August 28 Exhibition of Icelandic designers who find inspiration in nature. Museum of Design and Applied Art, Garðabær Deep Sea to High Fashion Runs until September 5 Exhibit featuring works which utilize fish-skin leather. Pompei of the North, Westman Islands Excavation project at the site of the 1973 volcanic eruption on the island of Heimaey. Reykjanes Art Museum, Reykjanes- bær 11:00 - 17:00 every weekday, 13:00 - 17:00 every weekend. Safnahus Museum Aquarium & Museum of Natural His- tory in Vestmannæyjar Mounted birds & fish, aquarium, and rocks & mineral display. Skaftfell Centre for Visual Art Runs until September 30 Exhibits by Birgir Andrésson, Tumi Mag- nússon & Roman Signer. Skógar Museum, Hvolsvöllur 9:00 - 18:00 all July & August Verksmiðjan, Hjalteyri Finnur Keli Kristján ? Runs until September 5 Collaborative exhibit by artists Finns Arnar and Kristjáns Steingríms and the composer Þorkels Atlasonar. WATSKEBURT? Kaffistofa, 16:00 Free A group of four Icelandic artists, all related to the Amsterdam art scene, will show their works in the Iceland Acedemy of the Arts gallery. The name is some kind of Dutch slang that means “what is happening?”, and that’s just what we’re wondering. Lucidity and flow characterises the works of the exhibition, wherein they explore the borders of virtual and actual reality. There will also be a party with live music on Culture Night. Contributing artists are Hrafnhildur Helgadóttir, Máni Marteinn Sigfússon, Sæmundur Þór Helgason and Torfi Fannar Gunnarsson. ÞJ 20 August 22 August - 1200 m2 Elves, Trolls and Northern Lights Museum - 1000 m2 Ghost Museum - 24 Icelandic ghost stories in German, English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Russian IcelandIc Icelandic Wonders & Draugasetrið | Stokkseyri, Iceland | Tel. +354 483 1202/895 0020 Draug asetri Icelan ds mo st fam ous g hosts 2.200 m 2 Cultu re Mu seum locat ed at Stok kseyr i * Visit our souvenir shop in Hafnarstræti 4 Reykjavík and our museums at Stokkseyri * Draugasetrið Stokkseyri Icelandic Wonders Stokkseyri and a delicios lobster at Fjörubordid in Stokkseyri by the sea Sp ör e hf . - R ag nh ei ðu r Á gú st sd ót tir Open May 15th - Sept. 15th: 11 - 18 Other times by arrangement Tel: +354 483 1504 | HISTORY AT EVERY STEP


Reykjavík Grapevine

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The Reykjavík Grapevine is free alternative magazine in English published 18 times a year. 6 times (monthly) during the winter (October-March). 12 times (bi-weekly) during the summer (April-September). The magazine is distributed all over Iceland to about 1000 locations. Each issue is printed in 25,000 copies, and is usually 48-64 pages long.

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