Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 27
pond on the back of a Harley. The ride is 500
ISK and the proceeds go directly to Umhyggja,
the foundation for children with long-term illness.
in fRonT of alThingi, kiRkjuSTRæTi
oCean graphiC
Graphic artist Elva Hreiðarsdóttir works with
graphic plates and material from the ocean.
SædíS gullSMiðja, geiRSgöTu 5b
freemasonrY in iCelanD
The Icelandic Freemason order opens its tem-
ple. Guests are invited to tour the building and an
introductory film on the order will be screened.
icelandic fReeMaSon, SkúlagaTa 53-55
hugs CourTesY of The role CenTre
Everyone is invited to participate in receiving and
doling out hugs for strangers.
laugaveguR 25
14:00 - 17:00
unnur’s Teahouse
Step into Unnur’s Teahouse where she will ex-
plain and perform the art of the Beijing Opera,
in particular the Huangmei form. The teahouse
rooms 20 people. The event lasts an hour and
starts at 14:00 and 16:00.
njÁlSgaTa 33a
The iCelanDiC numismaTiC museum
The Central Bank and National Museum of Ice-
land jointly operate a numismatic collection that
consists of Icelandic notes and coins, foreign
money from earlier times, especially if mentioned
in Icelandic sources, and more recent currency
from Iceland’s main trading partner countries.
cenTRal bank, kalkofnSvegi
frienDs of liTli-garður
Friends of Litli-Garður set up a café and a flea mar-
ket in the garden and screen the film Sjónarhorn
by Herbert Sveinbjörnsson, filmed at an outdoor
concert during Reykjavík Culture Night 2008.
14:00 - 21:00
CelebraTion of hYmns in hallgrímskirkja
54 Choirs from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Latvia,
Lithuania, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Denmark and
Greenland. Some of the best choirs in the North.
14:00 - 22:00
arT exhibiTion
Painter Þuríður Sigurðardóttir continues to work
with nature as her main theme; she has previ-
ously painted hyper realistic works but now she
focuses on abstract. This exhibition is dedicated
to the study of the winter sky.
icelandic gRaPhic MuSeuM, TRyggvagaTa 17
all DaY program of The norDiC assoCiaTion
14.00 Norwegian choir - Skjervøy Koret
14.15 Herdís Þorvaldsdóttir - reads norwegian
15.00 Norwegian choir - Untak
15.15 Ragnhild Rostrup - Accordion
15.40 Ellen Kristjáns
16.00 Norwegian choir - Trivselkoret Rolvsøy
16.15 Rósa Jóhannesdóttir - Traditional norwe
gian violin
16.40 Tribute to Erla Þorsteins
17.00 Norwegian choir -Mannskoret Ørnen
17.15 Lindy Hopp
18.30 Sing for me Sandra
19.00 Liima Inui (GL)
19.30 Árstíðir
20.00 Marte Heggelund og Jørgen Rief(NO)
20.30 Moses Hightower
21.00 Orphic Oxtra
21.30 Retro Stefson
14:30 - 15:00
Þórunn lárusDóTTir sings
Actor Þórunn Lárusdóttir sings in the Women’s
Day Off tent.
svanur marChing banD
The marching band Svanur marches from
Lækjartorg, up Bankastræti and down to
Smiðjustígur. Join the march.
goTTskálk ÞrumDi ÞeTTa af sér...
The cartoon group Gottskálk þrumdi þetta af
sér... tells a story with the assistance of the musi-
cal group Moy.
hiTT húSið, PóSThúSSTRæTi
Tea parTY WiTh móanóra
Drink some tea, dance to some tunes from the
dance trio Móanóra.
hiTT húSið, PóSThúSSTRæTi
14:30 - 16:30
reQuesTs from The Young ones
Host of the children’s radio show Leynifélagið
(The Secret Society) sings Icelandic children
songs accompanied by Vignir Stefánsson, piano
The programme runs for 15 minutes and starts
at: 14:30, 15:00, 15:30 and 16:00.
kRaMhúSið, beRgSTaðaSTRæTi
15:00 - 15:30
operas – seleCTeD sCenes
The Op-Group delivers a program of selected
scenes from various operas from the group’s
concert series last winter.
iðnó, vonaRSTRaeTi 3
mora Trio
The Mora Trio performs popular songs in brass
hiTT húSið, PóSThúSSTRæTi
aikiDo DemonsTraTion
Members of Aikikai Reykjavík demonstrate Aiki-
do techniques and answer questions.
reYkjavík Women’s Choir
Reykjavík Women’s Choir performs a program in
the Women’s Day Off tent.
fun anD DanCe
HNOÐ and the comedy troupe Upp mín sál!
stage a dance event in cooperation with the Ice-
landic Presidential Ballet.
hiTT húSið, PóSThúSSTRæTi 7
vikinglofT fashion shoW
Vikingloft Design is a design company special-
izing in Viking clothing and beautiful wool gar-
ments. The company will display its production.
víkinglofT, geiRSgaTa
15:00 - 16:00
Thomsen & Thomsen
Photographer Pétur Thomsen guides visitors
through his exhibition Thomsen & Thomsen.
Reykjavík MuSeuM of PhoTogRaPhy,
gRofaRhuS, TRyggvagaTa 15
norWegian arChiTeCTure anD arT
Architect Pétur Ármannsson leads a guided walk
through the old town in Reykjavík where Norwe-
gian architecture is predominant. The tour starts
at the main entrance of the National Gallery of
Iceland, where it is also ends with a guided tour
of an ongoing exhibition of the works of Nor-
wegian painter Edward Munch with Halldór B.
naTional galleRy of iceland, fRíkiRkjuveguR 7
guiDeD Tour of kjarval keY Works
These works from Kjarval’s oeuvre offer a unique
and powerful retrospective of the career of Ice-
land’s most beloved painter.
kjaRvalSSTaðiR, flókagaTa
guiTar islanCio
The guitar trio Guitar Islancio plays old Icelandic
songs in Jazz arrangements outside the Nine
Worlds studio in Vesturport.
veSTuRgaTa 18
svanur big banD
The Big Band Svanur with bandleader Matthías
V. Baldursson performs with guest vocalists in
the port behind Faktory Bar.
fakToRy baR, SMiðjuSTíguR 6
fashion shoW
Galleries and boutiques around the old harbour
show their newest design in clothing and acces-
sories for the winter season.
SædíS gullSMiðja, geiRSgöTu 5b
naTional horse CompeTiTion
Photography exhibition featuring the Icelandic
horse, in celebration of the 60th anniversary of
the National Horse Competition.
kiDs sTuff
Fun and magic with Björgvin Franz Gíslason,
host of the children’s programme Stundin Okkar
on TV. Björgvin will guide a tour for children
around the museum and act out in all possible
and impossible ways. Even magically.
icelandic naTional MuSeuM, SuðuRgaTa 41
15:00 - 17:00
arT ColleCTive garún
Visual arts collective Garún celebrates the publi-
cation of their new book and exhibits sculptures.
hiTT húSið, PóSThúSSTRæTi 7
páll of húsafell – exhibiTion opening
Opening of an exhibition of works by artist Páll of
Húsafell. His unique natural stone sculptures and
drawings are on display. Páll will play Icelandic
folk songs on his stone harp.
PanoRaMa, ingólfSSTRæTi 1
flags anD phoTos
F3 exhibits a large flag and Augnablik exhibits
photographs in Gallery Tukt.
hiTT húSið, PóSThúSSTRæTi
Designers presenT
Designers Svava Grímsdóttir and Ásdís Ámun-
dadóttir present their design in Gallerí Dunga.
Svava designs clothes, Ásdís designs hand-
bags, belts and other accessories.
galleRí dunga, geiRSgaTa
magiC anD games
Magician Einar performs magic and illusions.
Volunteers from SEEDS organise games for kids.
einaR jónSSon MuSeuM, njaRðaRgaTa
15:00 - 20:30
hunTers of The norTh
The renowned photographer RAX has observed
and recorded the life on the Northern hemi-
sphere for the past 30 years. Photos from his ex-
hibition Last Days of the Arctic will be displayed
on a big screen.
hafnaRhúS, TRyggvagaTa
15:00 - 22:00
open sTuDio – nine WorlDs
Artists Ari Svavarsson and Ágústa Malmquist
invite guests to visit their studio/workshop/gal-
lery Nine Worlds and participate in workshops
and performances. Live music and distinguished
guests drop by.
veSTuRgaTa 18
jazz anD arT
Artist Pétur Gautur opens his studio for guests.
New paintings line the walls. Kristjana Ste-
fánsdóttir’s Jazz trio will play from 20.00 – 22:00.
PéTuR gauTuR, njÁlSgaTa
Culture Night Photography exhibition. Visitors
are invited to bring their own photographs and
display them.
kjaRvalSSTaðiR, flókagaTa
15:00 - 22:30
jCi WelComes guesTs
Junior Chambers International in Iceland
presents its work and organisation. The festivi-
ties will end with an outdoor dance led by the
band Bermuda.
jci, helluSund 3
15:30 - 16:00
homo superior
Radio Homo Superior introduces the radio show
Veganesti and presents the arts festival LungA.
hiTT húSið, PóSThúSSTRæTi
15:30 - 17:00
Who is jónas?
A film celebrating the 200-years anniversary of
Jónas Hallgrímsson, poet and naturalist.
cineMa no2, geiRSgöTu 7b
aCCorDion DanCe
The Reykjavík Accordion Society and the accor-
dion group Smárinn play dance music to lift your
The ouTdooR cheSS boaRd, lækjaRgaTa
16:00 - 16:30
opera aT The naTional museum
Opera singers Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir and
Hólmfríður Jóhannesdóttir perform selected du-
ets and arias.
naTional MuSeuM of iceland, SuðuRgaTa 41
DanCing boYs
The dance troupe Dancing Boys performs an
original composition.
hiTT húSið, PóSThúSSTRæTi
garðabær Woman’s Choir
Garðabær Women’s Choir performs a program
in the Women’s Day Off tent.
fimbulfambi ambienCe
Fimbulfambi play ambient music and perform
a composition for the bells of Hallgrímskirkja
hiTT húSið, PóSThúSSTRæTi
QeQQani erinarsoQaTigiiT
The choir Qeqqani Erinarsoqatigiit/Midtgrøn-
lands sangkor from Greenland. Conductor Tilken
hafnaRhúS, TRyggvagaTa
16:00 - 17:00
arT Workshop for ChilDren
Troll children conduct an art workshop and give
guided tours of the current exhibition Strides.
naTional galleRy of iceland, fRíkiRkjuveguR 7
16:00 - 18:00
marTa m. jónsDóTTir exhibiTion
Opening of a solo exhibition by abstract artist
Marta M. Jónsdóttir.
galleRý ÁgúST, balduRSgaTa 12
16:00 - 20:00
free Waffles
Volunteers from SEED bake and distribute free
waffles. Musicians, magicians and jugglers en-
SkólavöRðuSTíguR by bankaSTRæTi
16:00 - 23:00
The garden behind Fógetinn hosts a Psytrance
party, featuring fire and light, and the music of:
Twinsonic live, Extream and Mr Deveus dj-a.In-
fógeTagaRðuRinn, kiRkjuSTRæTi
16:00 - 23:00
An exhibition by Sólveig Hólmarsdóttir, dealing
with the social unrest of the recent past.
iða, lækjaRgaTa
16:30 - 17:00
norDiC folk songs
The band Silfurberg plays their version of Nordic
folk music and the band Uppsteyt rambles.
hiTT húSið, PóSThúSSTRæTi
aCCorDion DueT
Accordion players Flemming Viðar Valmundsson
and Jónas Ásgeir Ásgeirsson play the accordi-
on, solo and duet.
iðnó, vonaRSTRaeTi 3
sigríður eYrún friðriksDóTTir sings
Sigríður Eyrún Friðriksdóttir sings in the Wom-
en’s Day Off tent.
The poetry group Ljóðverk reads original poems
and cast their net of poetry.
hiTT húSið, PóSThúSSTRæTi
17:00 - 17:30
Tenor jóhann friðgeir
Tenor Jóhann Friðgeir performs a few songs, ac-
companied by piano player Jónas Þór.
SædíS gullSMiðja, geiRSgöTu 5b
go girls!
Protest songs from a concert programme which
has been put together for the Women’s Day Off
on the 24 October 2010.
17:00 - 18:00
in C
The Icelandic Flute Choir performs one of the
most influential minimalistic flute pieces ever
written, In C by Terry Riely from 1964.
iðnó, vonaRSTRaeTi 3
Delizie iTaliane
The trio Delizie Italiane plays Italian folk music
and new arrangements of Icelandic pop classics
with Italian lyrics outside the studio Nine Worlds
by Vesturport.
veSTuRgaTa 18