Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 52

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 52
STUFFED WITH STUFF ISSUE 12 YOUR FREE COPY YOUR ESSEnTIal gUIDE TO lIFE, TRavEl anD EnTERTaInmEnT In ICElanD PAGE 12 Björk stated that she and her comrades were not one more group of “angry environmental guerrillas”. The happy environmental entertainers’ project seemed to be about not challenging the status quo at all, but rather keep on the old track of industry and production – this time under the banner of institution- alised green flags and environmental certifications. Environmental activist Snorri Páll sort of agrees with Björk. But not really. He has some interesting ideas, too. PAGE 26 “A good player can make a cigar box with rubber bands sound good. Do you know the story about Jascha Heifetz? After a concert some lady told him, “Mr. Heifetz, your violin sounds wonderful.” He put his ear up to it and said, “That’s funny, I don’t hear a thing.”” Hans Jóhannsson discusses the science of violin-making in a totally fascinating interview. PAGE 14 As a kid and teenager I was obsessed with guns, war and soldiers. I aspired to join a military and witness combat. Instead I had to settle for the Icelandic Coast Guard, although scrubbing floors on a patrol vessel turned out to be a really poor substitute for Rambo heroics. Iceland’s most active peace activist Lárus Páll Birgisson once fostered bigger dreams than loitering outside the US Embassy. PAGE 6 “Seen against this historical backdrop, the Magma deal is what we should have expected. As a result of the Icelandic government’s current back-pedalling, our international reputation is once again being trashed in the business publications. We’re unreliable, we don’t understand the importance of contracts, we can’t keep our hands off of done deals.” Íris Erlingsdóttir brings some more Magma to the table. PAGE 32 “It would make family pictures much more interesting. Instead of the tra- ditional baptism-gift of ‘a cross’, the newborn would receive a small throw- ing axe, maybe even a set of them. The larger axe would be a confirmation gift.” Andri Már Hagalín embraces his inner Viking. SightseeingCanoeingRafting Super-Jeep Whale Watch ATVHorse Riding Snowmobile


Reykjavík Grapevine

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