Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 28

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.08.2010, Blaðsíða 28
liT Walk Literary walk of Grófarhús, where poets and other performers recite poems. The programme concludes with a performance of song and po- etry by the poetry band Greitt til Hliðar Plús Tveir including their winning act from the 2010 Poetry Slam boRgaRbókaSafnið, TRyggvagaTa The erupTion! anD Þórsmörk bY The glaCier Screening of two Icelandic nature films, The Eruption!, which captures the eruption in the Vol- cano in Eyjafjallajökull in a breathtaking manner and Þórsmörk by the Glacier, filmed in one of the most spectacular locations in Iceland. cineMa no2, geiRSgöTu 7b 17:00 - 23:00 ConCoCTion Artists Elísabet Ásberg and Svanhvít Valgeirsdót- tir co-exhibit for the second time sculptures and paintings on the walls of Elísabet’s studio. hveRfiSgaTa 52 17:30 - 18:30 poems anD arias Þóra Passauer, contra alt, performs Kindartoten- lieder by Gustav Mahler and well-known arias by Puccini, Tchaikovsky and Donizetty, accompa- nied by piano player Lilja Eggertsdóttir. fRíkiRkjan chuRch, fRíkiRkjuveguR 17:30 - 21:00 piano anD horn Piano player Ása Dóra Gylfadóttir and horn play- er Rakel Björt Helgadóttir, students at the Rey- kjavík Music School, play classic Icelandic songs and selected works for piano and horn. aRT cenTRe, laugaveguR 51 18:00 - 18:30 The oCTeT ómar The Octet Ómar performs heartfelt pop classics arranged for quartet and beautiful arrangements for choirs, celebrating the beauty of life. naTional galleRy of iceland, fRíkiRkjuveguR 7 QeQQani erinarsoQaTigiiT The biggest choir in East Greenland performs folk and religious music from Greenland. hafnaRhúS, TRyggvagaTa 18:00 - 19:00 guiTar islanCio The guitar trio Guitar Islancio plays old Icelandic songs in Jazz arrangements outside the Nine Worlds studio in Vesturport. veSTuRgaTa 18 Þingvellir – Where easT anD WesT meeTs Nature film about Lake Þingvallavatn and the surrounding area. Geo logical and biological his- tory and life in and around the lake are put in focus. cineMa no2, geiRSgöTu 7b la fanfare Du belgisTan The Belgistan, a small autonomous (and purely fictional) region of Eastern Belgium, proudly presents its Fanfare: an ensemble of five horns and two percussionists bringing the unique sounds of Belgistani music to the world audi- ence. Its hellish dances, wild and mysterious rhythms, and hypnotic melodies. kjaRvalSSTaðiR, flókagaTa 18:00 - 20:00 reYkjavík 1944 Screening of the film Reykjavík 1944 by Loftur Guðmundsson. The film is a unique documen- tary of life in Reykjavík in the first year of Icelan- dic independence and the end of the World War. Screenings at 18:00 and 19:00 naTional MuSeuM of iceland, SuðuRgaTa 41 18:00 - 21:00 sTebbi anD eYfi The kings of Icelandic pop music, Stefán Hilmarsson and Eyjólfur Kristjánsson play their most popular songs and discuss life and music with the audience. caRuSo, ÞingholTSSTRæTi 1 garDen ConCerT Hrólfur Jónsson plays original songs from his new CD, Tímaglasið, with musicians Ragnar Jón Hrólfsson, Albert Finnbogason and Úlfur Alexan- der Einarsson. Concerts at 18:00 and 20:00. bjaRkaRgaTa 2 18:00 - 23:00 noT all is WhaT iT seems Fifteen people take off their trousers and shoes to confront our preconceptions. SkólavöRðuSTíguR by bankaSTRæTi besTival This project is an outdoors art festival compris- ing paintings, photographs, performances, vid- eo art, sculptures, graffiti and music. hjaRTaToRg, laugaveguR 21 18:00 - 23:30 sex on The beaCh Performance art piece Sex on the Beach by art- ist Inga Sólveig takes place from 18:00 until the break of dawn in Gallery Eye for an Eye. hveRfiSgaTa 35 19:00 - 19:30 sunshine Yoga Yoga instructor Auður Bjarnadóttir demonstrates and teaches yoga with her students in the Wom- en’s Day Off tent. auSTuRvölluR 19:00 - 20:00 saga-sTeaDs Photographer Einar Falur gives a guided tour of his exhibition Saga-Steads. The exhibition re- visits places in photographs by William Gershom Collingwood, who photographed Iceland during his travels in 1897. naTional MuSeuM of iceland, SuðuRgaTa 41 ChukoTka on The eDge of WorlD A film about the life and hopes of people in the Chukotka-territory by the Arctic Circle in Siberia, where billionaire Roman Abramovich was elect- ed governor in 2000. cineMa no2, geiRSgöTu 7b 19:00 - 22:00 insTallaTion A Transpatial Installation by the French artist Yann Gautron. Poetry, Painting and music. alliance fRançaiSe, TRyggvagaTa 8 19:30 - 20:00 T.n.T. (aC/DC TribuTe banD) T.N.T is the first Icelandic AC/DC tribute band, and this is their first live performance. jci, helluSund 3 20:00 - 20:30 guiTar islanCio aT The naTional museum Guitar Islancio consists of guitar players Björn Thoroddsen, Jón Rafnson and Hjörtur Steinars- son. The trio will play sweet guitar music as they have been known to do. naTional MuSeuM of iceland, SuðuRgaTa 41 in C The Icelandic Flute Choir performs one of the most influential minimalistic flute pieces ever written, In C by Terry Riely from 1964. naTional galleRy of iceland, fRíkiRkjuveguR 7 in everY DireCTion anD baCk Song trio Les Triples performs golden oldies. iðnó, vonaRSTRaeTi 3 Þórunn anTonia sings Singer Þórunn Antonia sings in the Women’s Day Off tent. auSTuRvölluR 20:00 - 21:00 iki ConCerT IKI is a song improvisation troupe of nine wom- en from four Nordic countries: Iceland, Finland, Norway and Denmark. The troupe was formed in Copenhagen in 2009, where all the singers were studying at the Rytmisk Musik Konservatorium. IKI sings beautiful cappellas based on sounds, tones, languages and rhythm. noRdic houSe, STuRlugaTa 5 DalTon in ConCerT The band Dalton warms up the audience outside JCI Iceland. jci, helluSund 3 spiDer in high heels Live music and poetry in celebration of the 10- year anniversary of the Reykjavík City Library at its current location. Eðvarð Lárusson’s Trio plays music to selected poems. Reykjavík ciTy libRaRy, TRyggvagaTa 20:00 - 21:30 movie sCreening Geologist Ari Trausti Guðmundsson and pho- tographer Ragnar Th. Sigurðsson, authors of the book Eyjafjallajökull, exhibit photos and discuss the eruption. The short film The Eruption! by Valdimar Leifsson will be screened. cineMa no2, geiRSgöTu 7b 20:00 - 23:00 jói De vivre Photography exhibition and a publishing party for a new book by photographer Jói Kjartans. The photos span a five-year period from 2005 to present day. DJ's, performances and refresh- ments. laugaveguR 63b Designers in an alleY Icelandic designers exhibit their work in alley 17- 23 of the Icelandic Design Centre. icelandic deSign cenTRe, vonaRSTRæTi 4b 20:20 - 23:00 rás 2 nova big bang ConCerT A whole- evening concert by Exton Sound and Lighting. Artists include: Grafík - Iceland 80's top pop group with national favourite singers Helgi Björns and Andrea Gylfa Gunni Þórðar and his Rockestra - the Nestor of Icelandic rock performs a medley of songs from a career spanning half a century. aRnaRhóll 20:30 - 21:00 performanCe Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir, newly appointed Fjallkona ("Lady of the Mountain") 2010, reads poetry in full costume. WoMen’S day off TenT, auSTuRvölluR in The beginning The theatrical performance “In The Beginning” was Ingi Hrafn´s gratuation project from the Rose Buford College in London. The performance is without words, it is very visual and evokes the imagination of the audience. hafnaRhúS, TRyggvagaTa 20:30 - 21:30 iCelanDiC pearls Agnes Amalía Kristjónsdóttir soprano, Guðrún Jóhanna Jónsdóttir soprano, Jóhanna Héðinsdóttir mezzo-soprano and Nathalía Druz- in Halldórsdóttir mezzo-soprano with piano play- er Renata Ivan perform classic Icelandic songs by Iceland’s most beloved composers. dóMkiRkjan chuRch, kiRkjuSTRæTi reYkjavik DanCe fesTival Get a taste of the upcoming Reykjavik Dance Festival which will run from 1. – 5. September. kjaRvalSSTaðiR, flókagaTa 20:30 - 22:30 hljóðx bYlgjan ConCerT Mannakorn - a league of virtuosos Hjálmar - excellent arctic reggae band. Not to be missed Hjaltalín - one of the most exciting bands to come out of Iceland ingólfSToRg 21:00 - 22:00 The naTional gallerY Guided tour of the three ongoing exhibitions at the National Gallery of Iceland: Untitled Film Stills, by Cindy Sherman; prints by Edward Munch; and Strides, a selection of works from the National Gallery collection. naTional galleRy of iceland, fRíkiRkjuveguR 7 aCCorDion fun Hilmar Hjartarson and Friðjón Hallgrímsson have a reputation for playi ng fine old-fashioned ac- cordion dance music. They will play a few songs and hopefully get a few legs moving. naTional MuSeuM of iceland, SuðuRgaTa 41 ómar The saviour The Salvation Trio performs a programme based on texts by Ómar Ragnarson. fRíkiRkjan chuRch, fRíkiRkjuveguR ART Music PERFORMANcE WORKsHOP Misc ART Music PERFORMANcE WORKsHOP Misc 21:00 - 22:30 ouTDoors DanCe The band Bermuda with singer Íris Hólm play dance music courtesy of JCI Iceland. jci, helluSund 3 movie sCreening Frozen Paradise. A documentary about a sea kayak trip in Greenland. A lyrical account of kay- aking and the habits and history of the people on the east coast of Greenland. cineMa no2, geiRSgöTu 7b 21:30 - 22:30 reggae from greenlanD A concert with pop/rock band Liima Inui from Greenland. hafnaRhúS, TRyggvagaTa 22:00 - 23:00 sTella polaris - The Dream of The shaman A performance inspired by Nordic mythology, a ritual celebrating life, nature and history. hljóMSkÁlagaRðuR by bjaRkaRgaTa 22:30 - 23:00 The erupTion! Two screenings of the Icelandic film, The Erup- tion!, which captures the eruption in the Volcano in Eyjafjallajökull in a breathtaking manner. cineMa no2, geiRSgöTu 7b 23:00 fireWorks DisplaY The final boom of Reykjavík Culture Night is sponsored by Vodafone.. aRnaRhóll 23:30 22 burning rafTs Óskar Ericsson‘s installation of just that, 22 burning rafts floating in the sea. The ShoRe eaST of The Sun voyageR SculPTuRe program subject to change. please check for a final schedule. CulTure nighT aT lanDsbankinn Art historian Aðalsteinn Ingólfsson gives guided tours of Landsbanki´s works of art. Icelandic children´s favourite performers Gunni and Felix entertain. 15:30 Ómar Ragnarsson, one of Iceland´s most beloved entertainer performs. four choirs from the nordic Choir festival perform 16:15 Concert Clemens (Denmark) 16:30 Chamber Choir Kamertonas Kaunas (Lithuania) 16:45 Chamber Choir Cantinovum (Finland) 17:00 Chamber Choir of North- Iceland landSbanki, auSTuRSTRæTi 11 at 12:00 12: 45 13:30 at 14:00 14: 45 landsbankinn is a proud sponsor of Culture night


Reykjavík Grapevine

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The Reykjavík Grapevine is free alternative magazine in English published 18 times a year. 6 times (monthly) during the winter (October-March). 12 times (bi-weekly) during the summer (April-September). The magazine is distributed all over Iceland to about 1000 locations. Each issue is printed in 25,000 copies, and is usually 48-64 pages long.

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