

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1961, Blaðsíða 47

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1961, Blaðsíða 47
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 75 And naw I can turn to the second assumption inherent in the hasic premise of human urge towarld health. The as- sumption is thatwe know some- thing of what we mean by health. In terms of wliat I have defined as assets and liabilities this becomes more possible. No one is healtliy or sick. All of us are more and less healthy and more and less sick. Tlie perfectly healthy individual does not exist and the perfectly sick person wouhl be dead. Im- perfection is in the nature of being human and our veiy im- perfections can be a stimulus toward self-realization. I there- fore say that a person is pre- dominantly sick wlien the pre- dominance of his energies is in- vested in liabilities, i.e., in sick patterns of integrating, and he is predominantly healthy when the predominance of his en- ergies are invested in his assets, i.e., in his healthy pattern of integrating. What I have spelled out as assets I have presented as evid- ence for the urge toward self- realization. As furtlier evidence I can tell you that many of my colleagues working with pati- ents on this premise have felt they were more effective in their therapeutic efforts, and have been able to fulfill the oh- jectives they prognosticated. Working this way they were not only able to help in resolv- ing symptoms and sick charac- ter attitudes, but also to help þeir patients live fuller lives, and to help them go on with their own self-searching. And according to the assumption of an urge toward self-realization, self-searching is a life-long task. No one ever completes his self- analysis. We can continue to grow as long as we are alive. There is more that I feel I can offer in support of tliis basic assumption of a human urge toward health. I want now to present some concrete in- stances, some brief sketches of people I liave worked with or have known. But before I do so I want to say a few words about a question that has dis- turbed and intrigued me for many years. Most often people ask how come so many people become mentally ill? Much more important to me is not how come so many people be- comet sick as do, but how come many more do not? Also how come human beings are ahle to evolve these tendencies and com- plicated sick patterns to hang onto reality and some semblan- ce of sanity? I feel the answer to tliis question lies in the direc- tion of fuller understanding of the urge toward self-realization, in a more comprehensive de- lineation of what are human assets and liahilities, in better
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