

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1961, Blaðsíða 54

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1961, Blaðsíða 54
82 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ sons why I want to include tlie histories of these last two pati- ents, a man of 52 and a woman of 57; the latter obviously severly ill from the age of one and a half, and tlie man very obviously ill from age 20 and no doubt earlier. Both liave had many years of treatment and many therapists. The man’s therapy extends over 30 j'ears and the woman’s over 37. As years of illness and therapy passed, even the most experí- enced and optimistic therapist would not have dared an even cautious favorable prognosis. In the late spring of 1957 an almost sudden change occurred in the man with steady solid improvement to date. An even more dramatic change occurred in tlie woman in January 1958. Since then she has had three periods of improvement, each one more solid than tlie previ- ous one and eacli one followed hy a relapse. In 1928, when 20, while in a theater, Franlc went into a panic. By 25 he 'had been in two mental hospitals, treated by a number of psychitatrists and diagnosed schizoprenia. I first saw him in 1937, after 3 years of analytic therapy. The picture was that of a chronic schizo- phrenic panic. Up to 1946 I saw him three times weekly and once a week thereafter. He married in 1941. His wife died of cancer in 1944 leaving him a small estate. From 1942 through 1945 he held the first job in his life. Ile married again in 1945 and is still married to the same woman. He did not work from 1945 to 1947, when he got a joh as a professional writer, in which field lie made steady advancement. In 1951 he took an even better job in a highly competitive field. Within six months lie went to pieces and had to quit. By the fall of 1952 he said he was as sick as he had ever 'been and should he in a hospital. The picture looked almost identical with that obtained in 1937. That winter I had to be abroad for a month. Because I knew he needed help I referred him to another therapist, who after six months said he could not work with him. In the sumer of 1953 he began and continued work- ing with still another therapist through the fall of 1957. I knew in detail about his progress from a number of sources, through his telephone calls to me, during his therapy with the otlier two analysts and since, and through visits to me about twice yearly since 1957. IJis second therapist told me lliat she began to note a change in him about the fall of 1956. He hecame aware of it by the spring of 1957. As he experi- enced it, a sudden marked
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