

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1978, Qupperneq 10

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1978, Qupperneq 10
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ THE ICELANDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL English Index 1978 Lælcnablaðið — The IcelancLic Medical Journal — iss published jointly by The Icelandic Mcdical Ay- sociation and the Medical Association of Reykjavík. Tliis years publication consisted of 4 regular issues and 6 supplements. Original articlcs are as a rule summarizcd in English. An annual index of summarized articles is provided for the information of foreign readers. Reprints are obtainable from LÆKNABLAÐIÐ, Domus Medica, Reykjavík. Original articles may be provided in translation for a rcsonable fee. Vol. 61, pp. 3 1978 (No. 1—í) -7: pp. 15-19: pp. 43-51: pp. 55-63: pp. 83- pp. 91- 89: 95: PP í' Jónsson, Á.: A study describing resus- eitation of 170 patients suffering cardiac arrest at New Britain General Hospital, Conn. USA, over a 3 year period ending January 1974. Summary in English. Jóhannesson, G., Guðmundsson, G.: Analgesia congenita in an Icelandic family. Three brothers affected. Summary in Engiish. Bergmann, S., Guðmundsson, K.R.: An epidemiological study of Motor Neu- rone Disease in Iceland 1951—1970: (22 men, 15 women). Summary in English. Thjodleifsson, B.: A study of trends in mortality from ischaemic heart dis- ease (IHD) in Iceland 1951—1976. Summary in English. Gíslason, D.: Aspirin intolerance and aliergic diseases. (86 patients). Summary in English. Guðmundsson, S., Jensson, Ó.: Test- ing for Australian autigen and its antibody in 11.149 blood donors at the Blood Bank, Reykjavík from November 1973 to May 1976 and in 613 hospitalized patients. Summary in English. PP the use of these drugs in Iceland. Five cases of adverse effects are presented. Summary in English. pp. 145-149: Steingrímsson, Ó., Sigvaidadót.tir, E., Jónsdóttir, K.E., Kolbeinsson, A.: Resistance of S. aureus to antibiotics, 50 strains examined at the University Laboratories, Div. of Bacteriology during a six month period in 1977. Summary in English. 173-181: Karlsson, S., Thórarinsson, H., Jens- son, Ó.: The incidence of primary and secondary syphilis in Iceland 1950— 1975 is presentcd, as well as results of tests for syphilis (60.312 sera and 1.373 CSF Specimen). Summary in English. pp. 183-188: Gudbrandsson, F., Steinsen, H.: Sar- coidosis in Iceland. A survey of 39 cases diagnosed since 1946. Summary in English. 189-195: Björnsson, S.: 1067 patients with pept-ic ulcer admitted to the Medical Department, City Hospital, Reykjavík 1966—1975. Summary in Engiish. pp. 197-201: Davies J,N.P.: THE NEWER EPI- DEMIOLOGY OF CANCER WITII SPECIAL REFERENCE TO HODG- KIN’S DISEASE. The Niels Dungai Memorial Lecture, University of Ice- land 1978. SUPPLEMENT No 1 on Mcdical Ethics xvas published in September 1977. SUPPLEMENT No 2 (APRIL 1978) by Guðmundur Björnsson: On the life and work of the first Ice- landic opthalmologist, Björn Ólafsson (1862—1909). (52 pagesj. Text in Icelandic. SUPPLEMENT No 3 (MAY 1978): Proceedings of thc 16th Scandinavian Rheumato- logy Congrcss, Reykjavík June 21st—23rd 1976. (156 pages). Original papers in English. I. PROGNOSIS AND TREATMENT IN RHEV- MATOID DISEASE Thorvaldsson, S.E., Finnbogason, H., Bergroann, S.B.: Thoracic outlet syn- pp. 9-14: Calabro, J.J: PROGNOSIS IN JUVE- NILE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS drome. Experience with 10 first resections through transaxildary rib ap- pp. 15-18: Heinola Study Group*: FOLLOW-UP SURVEY OF ARTHRITIS proach. Summary in English. Helgason, H.: The treatment of 105 pp. 19-20: Heinola Study Group*: FOLLOW-UP STUDY OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PATIENTS TREATED pp. 99-101: pp. 115-123: patients with tubercuiosis admitted to the Vífilsstaðir Sanatorium 1972— 1976. Summary in English. pp. 125-129: Alfreðsson, H.: Carotid endarterec- tomy, 43 patients, performed 1976 and 1976 at the Dept. of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Univ. Hosp., Uppsala, Sweden. Summary in English. pp. 137-144: Sigurðsson, J.Á.: The use and pharma- cology of topical steroids. Review of WITH GOLD, CHLOROQUINE, OR COMBINED GOLD AND STEROID pp. 21-22: Moller Graabæk, P., Moller Pedersen, S.: SERUM GOLD LEVELS IN PATIENTS RECEIVING LONG TERM CHRYSOTHERAPY pp. 23-26: Sigfússon, N., Björnsson, O., Ólafsson, Ó., Allander, E., Thorsteinsson, J.: RHEUMATOID FACTOR AND JOINT PAIN pp. 27-28: Kolbeinsson, A., Allander, E., Björns- son, 0., Ólafsson, Ó., Sigfússon, N.,
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