Læknablaðið - 01.02.1978, Page 23
The study describes resuscitation of 170
patients that suffered cardiopulmonary arrest
at New Britain General Hospital, New Britain,
Connecticut, over a 3 year period ending
January 1974. Of those 142 ( 83,5%) had
coronary artery disease with or without proven
myocardical infarction. Resuscitation was suc-
cessful initially in 75 cases (52,8%) and those
discharged from the hospital were 32 (22,5%).
Success rate was dependent upon time of day of
arrest and location within the hospital. Those
resuscitated during the day or in intensive
care units (C.C.U., E.R.) having a better pro-
gnosis. Shock prior to arrest carried a grave
prognosis. The first aterial pH had predictive
value of the outcome. Of those with pH < 7.30,
13% were discharged but none with pH > 7.50.
The initial ECG had also predictive value. Good
results were obtain in those with ventricular
fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia but
poor in those with standstill or idioventricular
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