

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1978, Qupperneq 49

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1978, Qupperneq 49
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 19 o.s.frv., og er þetta áberandi hjá bræðrum þeim, sem hér um ræðir. Með aldrinum læra sjúkl. að nota aðrar tegundir skynjunar sér til varnar. Er það þá gjarnan túlkað svo að sársaukaskynið hafi komið með aldrinum. Að sjálfsögðu er mjög torvelt að sanna eða afsanna þetta, þar sem um er að ræða huglægt fyrirbæri. Hár arcus pedis var mjög áberandi hjá systkinum, sem skoðuð voru og móður þeirra, og bræðurnir hafa allir byrjandi skalla, sem minnir á þann, sem sést við dystrophia myotonica. SUMMARY Analgesia congenita in an Icelandic family. This syndrome was first described in 1932 by Dearborn and since then about 60 cases have been reported. In some instances more than one case has been found in a family, but the majority are isolated. In this study three brothers were found to be affected. The criteria for diagnosis, clinical, neurological and electrophysiological examinations of the af- fected and examinations of unaffected rela- tives are described. Differential diagnoses and theories of etiology are discussed. HEIMILDIR 1. Aguayo, A.J., Nair CPV, Bray GM: Peri- pheral nerve abnormalities in the Riley- Day syndrome. Arch.Neurol. Vol. 24:106- 116, 1971. 2. Behse, F. and Buchtal F.: Normal sensory conduction in the nerves of the leg in man. J.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psychiat. 34:404-414, 1971. 3. Bleuler, E.: Lehrbuch der . Psychiatrie Umgearbeitet von Manfred Bleuler. Sprin- ger 1966. 4. Buchthal, F. and Rosenfalck, A.: Evoked action potential and conduction velocity in human sensory nerves. Brain Research 3 (special issue) 1-122, 1966. 5. Burke, D., Skuse NF, Lethlean AK: Sen- sory conduction of the sural nerve in poly- neuropathy. J.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psychiat. 37:647-652. 1974. 6. Dearborn GVN: A case of congenital gene- ral pure analgesia. J. Ner\'.Ment.Dis., Vol. 75:612-615, 1932. 7. Denny-Brown, D.: Hereditary sensory radi- cular neuropathy. J.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psy- chiat., 14:237-252, 1951. 8. DiBenedetto, M.: Sensory nerve conduction in lower extremities. Arch.Phys.Med.Rehab. 51:253-285. 1970. 9. Dyck, PJ., Lambert, EH: Dissociated sen- sation in amyloidosis.Arch.Neurol 20:490- 507, 1969. 10. Madonick, M.J.: Insensitiveness to pain. Neurology 4.554-557, 1954. 11. Mayer, D.J. and Liebeskind, J.C.: Pain re- duction by focal electrical stimulation of the brain: An anatomical and behavioral analysis. Brain Research, 68:79-93. 1974. 12. Melzack R. and Wall, PD: Pain mechan- isms: A new theory. Science 150, 971-979, 1965. 13. Murray, TJ: Congenital sensory neuro- pathy. Brain 96:387-394, 1973. 14. Ogden, T.E., Robert, F. and Carmichael, E.A.: Some sensory syndromes in children: Indifference to pain and sensory neuro- pathy.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psychiat., 22:267- 276, 1959. 15. Osuntokun, B.O., Odeku, E.I., Luzzato, E.I.: Congenital pain asymbolia and auditory imperception. J.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psychiaf., 31:291-296. 1968. 16. Pétursson, Ezra: Nýjar hugmyndir um sárs- aukaskynjun og tilfinningasemi. Lbl. 43. árg., bls. 31-42, 1959. 17. Pétursson, E., Tryggvason, G. and MeCully, R.S.: Infantile („Congenital") Indifference to Pain — A Clinical Study of an Icelandic Family in which three brothers showed the Characteristic syndrome. Proc. of the Third World Congress of Psychiatry. Montreal 1961. 495-500. 18. Riley, C.M., Day, R.L., Greeley, D.M. and Langford, W.S.: Central autonomic dys- function with defective lacrimation. Pedia- trics, 3:468-478, 1949. 19. Siogelman, S.S. et al.: Congenital in- difference to pain. Am.J. Roent. 97:242- 247, 1966. 20. Silverman, F.N., Gilden, J.J.: Congenital insensitivity to pain: A neurological syndrome with bizarre skeletal lesions. Radiology, 72:176-190, 1959. 21. Sternbach, RA: Congenital insensitivity to pain. A critique. Psychol., Bull. 60:252-264, 1963. 22. Thrush, DC: Congenital insensitivity to pain. A clinical genetic and neurophysio- logical study of four children from the same family. Brain 96:369-386, 1973.
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