

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1983, Side 16

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1983, Side 16
72 LÆKNABLADID subject (KupfmCiller 1924, Nyquist 1924, Hart- ley 1928, Gabor 1946). The theory was soon accepted, Elias (1953) and Hopkins (1953) showed its possibilities in optics and Röhler (1957) published the first applications for quantitation of the roentgenologic informa- tion transmission. Later on information theory has been explained in many roentgenologic publications (Schober 1961, Holm 1964, Soila 1966). The basis of the theory. The Model of Shannon’s communication sy- stem consists of the following links: a) the source of information, which chooses a certain message from a group af messages, b) the transmitter, which changes the message for the channel, c) the transmission channel, d) the receiver, which changes the message into a form which can be understood in the next phase, e) the destination. All the parts of the model have their own information transmission capacity, and the most favourable system can be combined only by balancing the links with each other. The information transmission capacity of the who- le chain can be calculated from the informa- tion transmission capacities of the links. When applying this model to the roentgen diagnostic chain, the object can be thought as the source of information, and the effect of the object on the energy of roentgen rays as the transmitter. The fluoroscopic screen or the roentgen image intensifier are the main part of the channel and the receiver, and the eye or a recording device are the destination. Thus it will be seen that a modern roentgen diagno- stic chain often has to be divided into several information transmission channels the one after the other«. Það er athyglisvert, að bæði Lassonen og ýmsir aðrir höfundar, sem unnið hafa að rannsóknum á röntgengreinarkerfinu, hafa lát- ið staðar numið, þegar kerfisferillinn er kom- inn að þeim þætti, er ég hefi merkt d) á ferilmyndinni 4.5.1. Samkvæmt þeim skilgreiningum, sem gefn- ar eru hér að framan, má fræðilega gera ráð fyrir því í upplýsingakerfi, að inntak = úttak, eða að bezta yfirfærslueigind (transfer func- tion) sé=l. Mjög fá kerfi innihalda þó svo fullkomna »transducers« og í raun verður ávallt að gera ráð fyrir því, að yfirfærslueigind sé < 1. Um þetta segir Lassonen ((40), tilvitnun til (56)): »In Shannon’s theory the dimension of the information transmission capacity is binary digit, »bit«. The amount of information in bits is the two-based logarithm of the group of a. Myndataka b. Myndagerð 4.5.1. Kerfisferill röntgengreiningar. (Sbr. lesmál 4.5. og skipurit 4.2.1., 4.2.2.). Nokkuð breytt eftir Rossman (42).



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